
Evolution Process: Becoming Our Natural Selves

05 Sep 2020
14 Aug 2020

2:04 p.m

2:04 p.m 24…E M F 20 4 T D.. 2O 4… B O D… Y 2 64 8-14-2020 H.N TT Harmony Nature Pi. Hello… First I wish to make something Clear to you all .. again. This is a Video Game. Second of all- the entire point of my Life Journey from Birth at St Mary’s Hospital in London, to Alexander Grove where my sister and I were both born, to Arden Geminio and the 4 in one lines he […]

12 Aug 2020

6:29 p.m.

6:29 p.m. Okay.. I literally felt the heard what I can call the Universal Body, literally just speak through me. The Universal Body, by the way is the Universal Truth O.. Full Circle. It said, Can’t you understand that I am Evolving Alone Can you not Pause for just a moment to imagine what that must be like, after all I endured to bring you the Truth. To understand my feelings.. to have that moment of Empathy, to simply put.. […]

11 Aug 2020

22:24 Hundred Hours

22:24 Hundred Hours As witnesessed ( By those paying attention) I have witnessed myself move Energy Everything to move via Expression Feelings Silence and Sound 22:25 Hundred Hours Even through this self serving script to reach 25 Victorious A forced to play characters and have interactions not as myself, but one scripted conscripted to fill a Need which of course diminshes the Respect people naturally felt and saw for me. In my Being and Doing. As most are aware I […]

29 Jul 2020

7:12 a.m

7:12 a.m 7-29-2020. Nothing But The Truth I have been watching that movie.. I miss Jeron… But in the Eternal Realm he is of the E The family I came to find. But in this world he is not my son. I was made very aware of that. And I had steeled myself to the possibility of a separation. And 3 months ago I began preparing both him and myself for that possibility. I came all the way from the […]

25 Jul 2020

14:30 Hundred Hours

14:30 Hundred Hours 2:30 p.m Integrity Transparency I.T 920. 92 29 Full Circle O. Pi. C.N 3.14 = 17 ARDEN JERON. A.J. – J A 1992- 2991 . Arden Alexa Athena. Arden Autumn Smol Tess Arden Alexa Tree Sarah Sophia Turner. S T. Dark Phoenix D P. Da V ID. POWERS David Powers Pierre David D P 4-16= 20 16 4= 20 2020 Vision. Independence Day Impossible Drean I.D. E. This please remember is Eternal Arden Fred Knox Gemino’s Script […]

22 Jul 2020

22:49 p.m

22:49 p.m No.. I do not like having to transparently weave you into Existence. Pausing in your homes- and coding every thing in view to proove your worthiness of rising. Its was your Home Work.. not mine. I did not even wish to share my knowledge of the Matrix and the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze after the reception I recieved. I lived for over 10 months at 900 South Road There was no one I wished to see but […]

20 Jul 2020

11:04 a.m

11:04 a.m 7-20-20-20. Hello. Its Immaculate Symbiosis birthday today. I.S. He just turned 24. And Esteban Miguel Filgueira E M F is on his way. Arden and Morgan are here. I would like to say that there was is an immaculate symbiosis between Arden and I. And that the riddle I have been solving which led to my meeting with him. Lucifer was one of his names. And since he is his own version of My Self I am Lucifer […]

19 Jul 2020

From Renell Platero.

From Renell Platero. Via Laura WalshLaura R P. Ready Player One? River Phoenix / O. P..R … Full Circle of Public Relations completed of the Energy Family Rising in Humanity At 8:20 .. H T. H B O. 20:20 military time 20th is that not tomorrow. 20 20 20 20 20 5-20 E.T 100 100 % Yes, please link code on my page. I= 9. 99. 9/9= 1. 99+× 18 81 Last 4 digits of Ferrill Geminos Number 1 +18 […]

17 Jul 2020