
Evolution Process: Becoming Our Natural Selves

22 Mar 2012

How come there is a series of evidence that certain human beings are…

March 22, 2012   How come there is a series of evidence that certain human beings are able to channel or access certain frequencies of human collective consciousness, which bring forth information (perhaps from the source of light that we use to see, which arrives years later) which is relevant to our species development. Do we not listen to such people, who say that another consciousness is expressing through them (often against their will), because we are jaded, suspicious, been […]

22 Mar 2012

I am coming out of the closet on FACEBOOK!

March 22, 2012 I am coming out of the closet on FACEBOOK! Something rare and really crazy has been happening to my body and my consciousness for 11 years. I have tried to be brave about it, stoic but I could not escape the fact that no matter how much I tried to down play it, another consciousness has been literally taking over my body, my consciousness, even my life because it is channeling a message through me, with evidence. […]

12 Feb 2012

Imagine the discovery of how human beings can…

  Imagine the discovery of how human beings can access their sun consciousness or unconsciousness mind and bring it over to their conscious mind by accessing the original vibration of the heart which mirrors itself onto your environment. Would that discovery not mean that human beings (going within) is the real source of the universe that we observe around us. And by empirically proving this truth by use of techniques of science mean that we have now reached the ability […]

14 Sep 2011
9/14/2011 11:04 – Facebook Post

The Story of Atom and Energy E…

9/14/2011 11:04 The Story of Atom and Energy E Hello Everyone, just finished writing a book called the story of Atom and Energy E. Which is basically a story of how I perceive creation to have begun, instead of a big bang as the scientist claim, it began according to my own research as a hum of conversation between the two, Atom and Energy which created a magnetized vibration, link and hum… of pleasure at the conversation which brought the […]

24 Jul 2011
7/24/2011 14:45 – Facebook Post

Zack G Covell

July 24, 2011 at 14:45 “As servant of Mind, electricity gives moving form to the idea by performing the work necessary to produce it.”The Secret of Light” by Walter Russell, page 114 “Electricity is forever winding light up into hot spheres, surrounded by cold cube wave-fields of space, and likewise sequentially unwinding them for rewinding. While winding them into compressed light masses, they are simultaneously unwinding to a lesser extent. Conversely, while unwinding they are simultaneously rewinding to a lesser […]

19 Jun 2011

Whenever I hear from you I think of your voice and its great warmth…

6/19/12  5:16pm Original Comment by E to a reply by Krzysztof Solek: Hello brother man, so nice to hear from you. Whenever I hear from you I think of your voice and its great warmth…and the power of hurt that you rose above. I know that you understand hurt, its true meaning, but I also know that, like the sun, you knew you would always rise to bring light, as I have witnessed by following your work. But you went […]

29 Nov 2010

It is not in the control of man but rather…

It is not in the control of man but rather in the collective memory or blue print of man..indented into his her sub conscious since the very truth of the beginning waiting for it to brought into consciousness then awareness in perfect clarity of understanding and proof..live it and it will be. Original Facebook Post here

28 Jul 2010

What would you do… if everybody woke up from the same dream

July 28, 2010   What would you do, if lets say tomorrow in a blink of an eye and seemingly out of the blue…everybody woke up from the same dream, only to realize that they are now walking in that same dream but it is not a dream but a reality so beautiful that they realize that they had been living in a dream turned into a nightmare… to which they have now awakened-arisen from?     Original Facebook Post: […]