
Evolution Process: Becoming Our Natural Selves

07 Jun 2012

I hope that there is nothing left for me to say…

6/7/12 9:38pm I hope that there is nothing left for me to say, no message, or further “channeling.” I also hope that others might be inspired by my coming out into the open to reveal my most sacred and treasured truth… that we all have these truths and knowledge… and as Johnny stated, “We’re all in this together and here, there is no King of the world…just US, as A…”   Original Facebook post here Edited word count 1/15/24: 76

07 Jun 2012

Thanks to Nikoma and Rachel and the all seeing I…

6/7/12 9:35pm Thanks to Nikoma and Rachel and the all seeing I… the collective and all who encouraged rather than discouraged this mission impossible. Even I didn’t know the meaning of this game, gamble and Alpha bet at what could be the originating and governing principle which brought forth truth, love, light. The principle which expanded the one seed of existence, turning it into the one beautiful planet whose governing principle and consciousness is the understanding and appreciation of the […]

07 Jun 2012

The Consciousness of Beauty… And the Energy of Beauty…

6/7/12 The Consciousness of Beauty… And the Energy of Beauty… My Mother C, was the first person who helped defined what was the Consciousness of Beauty. In my understanding of her speaking about Beauty being her guiding principle, I found myself investigating what Beauty was, until it became the guiding principle of my own life. I lived by that principle which I can now define as a state of our collective and Individual naturalness… Who and what we naturally are. […]

06 Jun 2012

Fulfilling ones life’s purpose…

6/6/12   Fulfilling ones life’s purpose. UL… Universal language… I read a story once, the first time I came to New York, when I visited my friend Ekayani. She recommended that I go to Barnes and Nobles, when I told her I wished for a good book for my flight back to Istanbul Turkey. This is where I had been living for three years to create an International Festival of Sharing Called the “Festival of Paylasmask” to expose what I […]

27 May 2012

Understanding the Nature of Pure Evil…. it never stops unless cut out 4 good…

5/27/12   Understanding the Nature of Pure Evil…. it never stops unless cut out 4 good It thinks it can go on forever, while its fear and intelligence tells it that eventually…it will be destroyed. The greatest act of mercy for Evil itself is to cut it out and end the reign of terror caused by it waiting for its own bitter end. The true source of evil is ingratitude, greed, jealousy and refusing to help sustain the light of […]

19 May 2012

Professor Catherine Acholonu’s findings on the link above.. the Igbo, NRI, and Egpyt…

5/19/12 https://www.academia.edu/33417363/Egypian_Sacred_and_Religious_Lexicon_Its_Ancient_Igbo_Foundations_and_Implications_for_Egyptology Professor Catherine Acholonu’s findings on the link above.. the Igbo, NRI, and Egpyt and about before Adam walked the earth. She is currently short-listed for the noble prize in literature… perhaps you will read her. I had never heard of her or anyone else out there coming to the same conclusion historically. My findings go to memory of existence before matter and even vibration (motion) but I think this will do. I would rather wish to outline out […]

01 May 2012

P.S. to yesterday’s question of whether mankind is moved more by fear or by love…

May 1, 2012 P.S. (POST SCRIPT) to yesterday’s question of whether mankind is moved more by fear or by love… Response… Based on the research and my experiences documenting and writing human stories and watching humanity deal with great upheavals… I would say that man kind is not moved by fear as a force, but that they are moved by Love. I have discerned that the greatest fear of humanity and their biggest question, is whether they are loved… I […]

30 Apr 2012

Question: is humanity moved more by love or by fear?

4/30/12 Question: Is humanity moved more by love or by fear? What if that was the great test that all human beings alive today were asked. And that everyone was being set up by an unseen hand (the patterns and links of our possible future as the highest potential we can reach, but held back by the ancestors… all those who came before us, right to the very beginning of time).. And what if the key to breaking out of […]

18 Apr 2012

Mathematical equation for existence is Love\Truth or Truth=love LT OR TL…

4/18/12  7:49pm Mathematical equation for existence is Love\truth or Truth=love LT OR TL. L is the 12th letter in the most current universal alphabet and T= 20th letter. 12 10 OR 2012 (This year) meaning that human beings were created as beings of love and truth… and being anything other than that is a lie. In my research I have proven that human beings are made out of the frequency of love and that they were created to vibrate with […]

18 Apr 2012

I would like to share two mathematical equations of existence…

4/18/12 Mathematical Equation of Existence. Hello Everyone, I would like to share two mathematical equations of existence that I used–the science of arithmetic and the logic of the numbering system of the western world–to calculate. I did not seek to solve these equations but the circumstances and conditions of where my life led me, brought them about. Before I state these two equations, I wish to reply to some who ask me why I felt it so necessary to answer […]