
Evolution Process: Becoming Our Natural Selves

23 Jan 2014

Conclusion 15.

Conclusion 15. of the Full Circle. Challenge Competition Covetous Criticize. Duel Duality Distort Demand Discord. No matter how much love,patience Devotion evidence Beauty Manners Charm transparency of Pure Intention.. The Call to Act and Activate the Act Ion has failed completely to move people to action. Despite testimonial to Truth. Which leads us to conclude that only way to activate humanity to motion and response is not love as they suggest but Fear and Consequences.. As Mirrored in Osho Book […]

22 Jan 2014

21-22. U.V.

21-22. U.V. Ultra Violet. C Ultra V.I. O L.E.T. B.E. *See definition of Ultra Violet sees things only seen by Insects (dinosaurs -aliens) and Birds (Harmonious Beings). Spectrum. Creative force abd destructive force at the molecular level. *see weapon of movie Enders Game. January 21st 22nd. A.C.T.S 21-22 40 U.V.D.O. Enders Game. Pacific Prime and the New Laws of Existence. I am not sure if most are aware but a great battle was going on the invisible realm. A realm […]

21 Jan 2014

The whole Point of Existence Consciousness Evolution is

The whole Point of Existence Consciousness Evolution is A Process of Beautiful Thoth..Thought. Emerald Tablet. Process Beautiful Thoughts… Process of Expressions Beauty of 1.(Oneness). U.F.O….Expression P.B. 162. P.E. Perry Evan A P.B T A P E.T. Alpha. Alpha Process Beautiful Thot Atlantean Alpha Processing Emeral Tablet. Alpha Processing Emeka Truth ls One. Truth T=20+ 1… E.T. E.1. Its all about the way ones processes information; realase express share exhange. That is how to Awaken Evolution .Processing Beautiful Expression on your […]

21 Jan 2014

Facebook Post..

Hello….Its me again (sigh). Its the 20th Martin Luther King Day. M.L.K add I and I in one I. Milk… Milky Way of Dragons Breath. The Milky Way. Fire of Ire to Gentleness soft touch of Dew…To give all who played their part in this play from the last story of No Ah’s Arch to New Ah’s Arch (past all present)..their due. Lisa Le Vine put a posted recently a quote from Dr Martin Luther King in which he is […]

20 Jan 2014

Facebook Post..

Across the abyss Emeka to Kasper linked across the Great Divide…Linked Grandmothers. Alberte and Albert Einstien. Child of Royale line Connection OINRI people able to remember past lifes. Daughter of my mothers youngest Brother Nduka.. Meaning life is Supreme… Daughters name..Ifun nnanya- said to be the incarnation of my Grandmother Lucy (very funny like Lucille Ball..Dezie Arnez D.A.) Her Name Ojugo.. Meaning Dove. No Ah’s Arch (N.A.) * New Covenant with God and man never to flood the word. Birth […]

19 Jan 2014

The Light of Existence is E Bright.

The Light of Existence is E Bright. The light of Nature Xistence is was a Conversation btw E and A.E. Interfernce came from S.R.M. The Womb of Woman as the Black Hole…(Not Lady O Echo) that her Womb was the room which controlled the World and that it was she who gave Birth to Existence. And because of her stubborness to concede her illusion of power it brought great suffering to the world and delayed Evolution and Awakening because Father […]

18 Jan 2014

Facebook Post..

And one more thing… The One who fell…The Fall of Man. Adam..I Fell in OINRI Igbo was Adama..in OINRI Igbo means First Daughter of Beauty..An Asteroid Filled with water which Fell on the Metorite Rock called Earth-Heart. Lucifer was is a Woman-Stone from Heaven. Mary Magdelene stoned. Yeah High. Son of the Morning Star. Energy Bright E Bright E.B Beauty. First daughter of Beauty. But Lu C.I. Fer Lu in French means Read (past tense) C.I. Fer (Iron in French). […]

12 Jan 2014

Conclusion part two.

Conclusion part two. Awakening and Evolution of Humans, the Planet and Universal Existence into one and what it means. The Unifying field of the full Circle is a U.F.O is a Flying Carpet within each Hueman being called Harmony Infinity. It does not occur outside of us but from within. The Great play of interfacing with the Unifying Field O was to Harmonize Unify Energetically (H.U.E) Man kind through social dymamics and to access by understanding the Energy consciousness which […]

12 Jan 2014

The End of a 25 year old Social Experiment.

The End of a 25 year old Social Experiment. Conclusion. The End of the Age of Prophets Messiahs and Selflessness and the responsibilty to the Collective. Enter the age of Personal and Collective responsibility. The Age of the Individual Expression. The I is the source of the Collective. And without the Individual and their expression the Collective would not even exist. They would simply be a mindless mass of dark matter existing as potential. Only the Individual Expression of Consciousness […]

11 Jan 2014

Facebook Post..

AT..M. A Personal note. I just wish to say that it was most extraordinarily difficult task to bring this information to your attention. Wether you value it or not. Though I do not believe in the Forces of Evil… But it felt as if there really was a literal power of evil beyond comprehension, and a curse so maleficient and malovent doing everything in its power to stop me from sharing this information. Physically mentally energetically socially financially the mostly […]