
Evolution Process: Becoming Our Natural Selves

28 May 2015

1O:24 pm

1O:24 pm 5-28-2O15…(T A..E…B O E A.) 2O+15=35…x+ 8 15 86…14-5…48..12 3.. 5-3…Emeka Chukwu Victory to the Consciousness of the line of Nadee Nakandala… Truly this day will eventually be marked as the V Day for Evolution of Humanity. Achieved by a few people here on FaceBook and in the World. But the play to determine Humanities worthiness to evolve took place here on Facebook- A Simulation of the Energetic Realm of Light the Full Circle AO/OA of Higher Consciousness!!!! […]

28 May 2015

8:35 PM

8:35 pm. H:C.E… Welllll…. 39 Months on Facebook almost non stop. Figuring out this play and riddles. We are all here undercover in human form. But within each of us is Secret Identity S I I Spoke about this enough time.. The game of TAG Truth Love… T.L…2O+12=32… Joseph Carey… 3-2=5 is E.. And True Nature … T.N…2O-14..34..7. 57/75… 75-57= 18..R..A.H. It was meant to be Fun.. Love moving you to identify each other undercover… And our Harmonious expression identifying […]

28 May 2015

3:54 p.m.

3:54 p.m. Who A.M…I? I am the Author Of Harmony… A O.H…E Father Of Infinity (Individuality). F.O.I…E Mother Of The E Line. M.O T…E.L. Guardian of Existence Truths G.O.E.T. Illustrator Of The Multi Dimensional Energetic Portals of Beings of Expression; Sixth Sense, Sexual Intercourse and Exchanged from present Existence and Beyond. I O T.M. D.E P O. B O E ..S.S. S I.A .E.F PE. AB I.Am… Alexander Selaxandra Defender of Man and Woman Humanities Truth Harmonious Expression of Being […]

28 May 2015

1:53 P.M.

1:53 P.M. 5-28-8. 28-5-8… A: E.C E-B.H-H B H E-H Alpha E Consciousnes E Being Harmony Harmony Being Harmonies Expression Harmonious.. Nadee Nakandala…..NN 14+14= 28… N=14. 1+4=5.. 5=E. 5:28..the Love Frequency of the planet. Strange that Nadee Nakandala is born on this Day… Which Equates not only with the equation of the world and the planets Evolution to E-B H. But also equates to Nadee as first Siththy Ameena (S.A) then to NN…28..B H.. Being Harmonious.. To now our moving […]

24 May 2015

1:26 A M.

1:26 A M. Oh by the way, the reason my own journey is or was so terribly hard was because so many did not want the whole truth of Everything to come out. Revelations.. You would be surprised. And in this last Story with Nnamdi Nature as God is the rage .. And so God loved the world that he gave the worrld his only begotten son The rage of Nature as God..NRI was that story and the test was […]

23 May 2015


12:13. 23-5-8… 5-23-8… I walked, one more night against my better Judgment Nenad M. Djurdjevic had affirmed not the E whom I had addressed a query through but the N. How do I know this, I walked to The Bean 2nd and 3rd, quietly enraged by even now the line of N still having me walk the streets. Creating an idea of a portal which in the E play should have been made clearly manifest. Logic would dictate that I […]

22 May 2015

Brilliant and Aligned to sacred portal 37.

Brilliant and Aligned to sacred portal 37. The Feminine aspect embodied in the Female form of the 73 converted to 37.. Gaius Cassius to the true Gaia Caixas line. Affirmation follows this postsing. In the posts shared by Nenad is the literal evolution of H.E to S.H E- Supreme H.E. . She… From the X to the of the Atom Eve -AE-15=O ..perfect Symmetry… Of the Two Cees of Consciousness As Man and Woman M.W. (23+13) 36. Represented by Chris […]

19 May 2015


Brilliant… Shared by Nenad at 5:18.. E:A.H. I am so glad I did not have to explain the truth behind all these meaning in the language of this current world Consciousnes or convince people to see the truth. You would be here for eternity and I give kudos to such intellects such as Nenad, it must be exhausting. Just interacting with this current world Consciousness causes my body to lock and spasm in physical pain I just had to link […]

13 May 2015

4.OO pm.

4.OO pm. D.OO 13:5-8 M.E H EEE!!!!! That was the Mermaid like sound which screeched in my ear today after a male Gentle voice said Emeka the E are here I had replied,Yeah whatever., (After 14 yrs and having your body possessed by the Greatest Dibia in Exisrence, Nna Madu…Nnamdi using your body to conduct a cosmic battle without asking your permission or bothering to tell you.. Holding you to the Africa World Story instead of the E Harmony Evolution […]

12 May 2015

2:47 P.M.

2:47 P.M. Thank you for this Nenan. M. Djurdjevic… In perfection of Harmony with the Play Just came back from meeting with Yonathan Yohannes to pick up the gift codes of Ego-Oge and sacred ritual of the past which was more than simply giving to NRI Priests a show of appreciation for thier services but is also the way they communicated with the Espirit world, the messengers who link the E with the T.E Or True Expression. I am at […]