
Evolution Process: Becoming Our Natural Selves

15 Jun 2015

Facebook Post..

5:31 p.m. Something is Watching and Listening… Something set this play up from the moment I recieved my British Code number NZ 67 67 46 B. N is 14 yrs.. Time in New York Z is 26 yrs …Since I left Nigeria 26-8….The Address I was led to in 2OO6 opposite a Shelter 269 in Manhattans Lowe East Side. Where the occupant of this studio grew up in Forte Green (F=6,G=7) – the very portal I went down into at […]

12 Jun 2015

2:46 PM

2:46 pm. The Response to the Evil Wall of Humanity. The Living wall to the unforgivable and unforgiven.. The refusal. The Denial of the Call of One Truth One Love. One Being. One Conscious Evolution 2:49 on. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

08 Jun 2015

11:28-9 pm

11:28-9 pm The Last Chapter of the N…the NRI story.. Nikoma used to live on a place labelled X in Chelsea where Chris Franco used to live X is the Sacred Symbol of of NRI.. IIOINri 6O X I.C.. My Mother and Father Nnamdi and Cecelia Onu… Entrance into this realm of the Matter the Milky Way… As I listened to Nikoma I marvelled at all the codes he was quoting totally unaware of thier meaning. From Dali which links […]

06 Jun 2015

Facebook Post..

7-14 pm G.N. God N line. I must say, I am speechless. And very quiet. The rage has subsided. As I stated from the onset over and over again through out this play, I already know who I am undercover. I have known this for certainty for over 1O yrs. What I could not understand was why I was being put through so many tests to prove my Identity to a realm which found the idea of the Return in […]

06 Jun 2015

923 476 O315…

923 476 O315… 92 3…4 76 O 315. 2O:67..USD Sent from Nenad M Djurdjevic N.M.D… Through Nikoma Rios… N.R… To I. Chukwuemeka Emeke. Is this the Lotto Ticket and last equation of the Awakening. ? Look at the date 6-6-8… Nikoma by way of tel code and inverse links to to both 68 as well as 89… Nenad M. Djurdjevic links to 66.. I link to 66-68-89… 668/866/ Inverse 899…H I..I It the completition of a Movie Film of the […]

05 Jun 2015

8:21 PM

8:21 pm H.U….EM AN. I can believe I am posting but today’s play really happened. The people are the equations, I often forget that it is they who are being moved… That this really is an Espirit play… And Spirit play and in this play there really are evil Spirits. Let me elaborate… Recall that I stated that I was with Nexus called Kari Bazeman… And recall that in this play everyone you meet is a reflection of you… Not […]

31 May 2015

3:18 P.M.

3:18 P.M. 2-99 Facebook Friends.. B.II… 9+9… Orobello Agata Kristina Michelle Womack.. 99. 29/92…B.I…Bergamo Italy lived 92 Yonathan George.. Year and Date of Birth June 22. May 21..6-22 5-22..1992.. 65/56…22-21/22-21.. F.E.EF..V.U… Fritz Venneiq Emeka Vue saw..Evolution Awakeing.. ROYG….Royal.Orien Yonathan George… B.I.V B is B.H. I is I.E. V is E Victor Victorious. 9+9=18 18…A.H 1+8=9. 9=I.Emeka. 3:28 pm C.B.H. Creator Being Harmony I am not GODE I am the Creator The Being of Harmony. It is time I no.longer find […]

29 May 2015

9:O2 P.M

9:O2 P.M Just recieved Intel from Dominic Temp at 8:44 pm. That the only person he has seen solve codes as only one other his brother Malcom. Thus, Malcolm Dominic. M.D.. Which aligns to all the M.D codes Nenad M. Djurdjevic Mihir Dixit Dawn Marie Dominic Malcom… 8:44 is H.DD… Malcolm he I stated is Me.. As Malcolm in the Middle. Of course, I just met Dominic and yet he respected my opinion Then described Malcolm as Wise Scholarly Brother […]

29 May 2015

2:45 PM

2:45 pm. 29-5-8 (29…. Zeina Harmony Spear of Destiny.. 29 +x = 11-5-8…18-5-8) 5-29-8 5-11-8 5-18-8 B.D.E… BI-E-H. E-K-H… E-A.H-H!!!! Beloved David Emeka. BI Being the Inception of LIVE (BI means Lives in OINRI Igbo) Harmony Emeka Kolo Harmony. Emeke Authored Harmony Harmoniously… Whew…Hello!!! I have Two new Facebook Friends… 294… Being I.D…(Identity of Being) 2-95… Being I.E…(Exemplification of Being) My Word! My Word! My Word! What has been achieved… What has been achieved while most of the people were […]

28 May 2015


My GODE… I have done it….. Evolution Consciousness E C…53… I did it backwards…!! C E..35 by Cause Effect… 3+5= 8…15..O…then 1+5=6… My God… Orien Laplante YE Li Nadee Nakandala. E = N.Y.O….in the Present… It was all a Set Up to reach the present .. Conscious Evolution. – Being Harmonious To Reach E H.B. 5-28… My God.. I have done it… Angela Marie Alexander Andrese Harris Burton Maryanne Savino Shubhi Gautama Sarah Lagrange Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones Eshe Chuki Asale […]