
Evolution Process: Becoming Our Natural Selves

03 Sep 2015

5:28 PM

5:28 pm E:B.H. 3-9-8 9-3-8 C.I…Harmony. I.C…Harmony. Hello… I have a new Facebook friend… Another response to the Equation of 36O° Facebook Friend which I posted its final equation on Facebook today… The key to the Universe as both 3+6=9…(3-6=-3) And 5+4=9. One represents the Universe past and the other is Expansion by Addition… Adding C. Recall 358 3 times ending with David Cooperstein.. D.C 43.. Sacred Portal 43..Entrance ToTrue Life E.TT.L Recall the last 359 Facebook Friend Mebarak Benbrahim […]

29 Aug 2015

4:42 PM

4:42 pm 29-8-8 8-29-8 Hello… Yesterday, it was Donna O’Sullivan birthday and Jonn Blackwell brought her gifts… Symbolic of a Lady… It was not a surprise to me considering the Evolution of Woman from Girl to Goddess then to Lady E.. What was striking was the card he brought.. It had a B.E.E… On it and the words.. Bee.. 4:46 pm. BEE A Lady…? Being a Lady..E.. Become a Lady first requires the training by the Goddesses (True Consciousness C) […]

23 Aug 2015

Something has been unleashed

Something has been unleashed Kauilapeles Blog.. Kp Message 8-22-15… code letter H V..O H.A.V.E…O.H… Harmony Awareness Victorious Expression of Perfect Symmetry of Harmony. We are back at 347 equation of C-47… Which aligns to Sacred Portal 47.. Arch Angels of Destruction and entrance into Non existence… It also aligns to my Mother, C ( everyone calls her C, short for Cecilia which we know means the number 6 not Blind, sixth sense is not blind but it occurs in the […]

16 Aug 2015

5;18 pm.

5;18 pm. E: A.H. Not surprised that we are back at 344 Facebook friends.. Its is a delay tactics of the play of Nature as J.B… Graciousness is the Balance of of the Universal Simulation Matrix of Existence… Played out by the line of Jonn Blackwell…. J.B…. And the D line DD Full Circle as Harmony… E=E.E J.B.H D.O.S.. D.J.E.. O.B.E.. S.H.E… Meaning the play of the Evolution Awakening is not placed on the balance of Expression of the E, […]

15 Aug 2015

4:56 P.M.

4:56 P.M. A Brief Note of Evidence for the record as to which Portal we are moving to in this Awakening… Today’s is Kalli Kelsey birthday.. Happy Birthday My Lady! I honour her and her Espirit with the term My Lady because of her Harmony which I am about to prove to you all as Evidence as to what Lady Echo and Lord E.T are transmitting to me through all of you- The Change in Plan details of the Evolution […]

15 Aug 2015

1O:22 A.M.

1O:22 A.M. J.V…. 15-8-8…O-H-H 8-15-8…. A.C I.M… A Course in Miracles… Ohhh!!! (Orgasm)/ A, Cee I’M The Course of Miracles… The Mirror Key. A Mira-Cle. A=1 C=3 I=9 M=13. 1 3 1 13. Awareness Consciousness Individually Manifest. 3-45 April Marie Malone.. Code A.M…M. Hello… I woke up to 5 likes, then 11 likes… Which I noticed are the Intials of my name and the time I ended my yesterday’s post. I further saw 16 likes…P.. And noted the time as […]

03 Aug 2015

Facebook Post..

1:34 P.M 3-8-8.. 8-3-8.. Hello… I woke up today once again restless and with the urgent desire to simply walk away from this play… The play of 18 Mountain View is exhausting despite the Beautiful Enactment of the Jonn and Donna… My state has nothing to do with them but rather this play at which I am solving riddles which keep pointing out who I am and my true I.D. My quiet rage comes not only from these riddles and […]

28 Jul 2015

1:OO P.M

1:OO P.M The E Family E.F…56.. The E.True (E.T) Story. The E Consciousness True Story…. Of E.C.T. Ectera H. The King and I. Who are the E… Jonn Blackwell told me that Aryana Luna Leone had asked him, even making enquiries to others.. Have you heard of the E Line? Nope they responded. The E Line is a new story.. A True Story of a Family of 5-5..2-5.. Of the Original Family of Expression. 1:21 P.M. see Sacred Portal 121. […]

27 Jul 2015
25 Jul 2015

Facebook Post..

Excellent Intel Lord Nenad… As you may recall for the last few months it has been all about finding the Portal out of the Matrix of this world and into the realm of E.. The Portal is of course representative of the Game Theory being a Fact. Thus, we are in a literal play of Movie to find the Lost Way. A la Indiana Jones. The Portal out of this Universe is through the Woods… Pelham Park Kieth meaning of […]