
Evolution Process: Becoming Our Natural Selves

25 Apr 2016

9;45 p.m..

9;45 p.m.. I.D..E.. 25-4-9… Y.D.I…7-4-9… GD..I… 4-25-9… D.Y..I.. D.G..I… Divine Grace I… 54 The Bean Cafe…. 3rd and 2nd Ave Hello… As most are aware, almost 10 years ago, ( August 26, 2006) I found a place which where I had been sent to find the space where They Lived Before Adam.. ADD.AM… By a Woman called S.U.E.. as the condition placed which would Herald the Evolution Awakening…of the Universe Earth… I found this place on the date and year […]

25 Apr 2016

From Mark Bradbury…M.B.

From Mark Bradbury…M.B. And unfortunate Truth… But I find that the Evolution of the Truth, As the Beautiful Truth.. ..Creates a different effect… It brings Light.. And yes, It raises the Frequency…:) Original Facebook Post: Click Here

24 Apr 2016

From Amos Grace… A-G… 1-7…

From Amos Grace… A-G… 1-7… *( Notice Gifty Appau G.A-and right after her, A.G..1-7..is this not Symmetrical Perfection as well Synchronicity with meaning.. 7-1-1-7.. ) Meanwhile, let’s do this equation and riddle called Faith….and see what it really means if we break it down in code… FA!.. The 4th Note, 4th Dimension.. The Heart Chakra, The Square of a Frame which Forms a Full Circle of Perfect Symmetry..7-1 17… I.T…Is-a-bella Treasure ( Its is a Beautiful Treasure) /Ti.. the 7th […]

11 Apr 2016

The Creator is a Man…

The Creator is a Man… This is the response to a 3 year Play in which I simply responded to Impulse Stimuli of a set up I was not aware of at first to prove the Existence of God as Father of Energy, who in turn has been moving through all of you. Responding for over 4 years as I conversed then obliged its Questions and Answers, for the benefit of all the Questions He perceived moving quietly, seemingly unheard […]

09 Apr 2016

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic Brilliant intel moved by the E Consciousness within The Planted Seed in all Humanity. Meaning of Saintirana.. Investigating Consciousness… I.C 14 Functions.. 14=N.. Naturalness 1+4=5..E… I.C.N… I.C.E…Same Thing O.N.E… S.t.o.n.e…R…I.D..G.E (4 75/ 57 4..D Do-nna) Santirana [aka: Santira?a] First definition: Santirana is made up of san which means well and tirana which means appropriately investigating. So santirana citta is a consciousness that looks into the object of sampaticchana to work out what it is. 3 description(s) […]

08 Apr 2016

From Emeka Odiamma….

From Emeka Odiamma…. Was I not speaking about this code a moment ago…? ..:) 1-7 O-H…8 Harmony links you naturally to Infinity…I. And so 1 is Red and White since they are the same thing, and White is 8..Oh! and 7 is Violet and White and thus the same thing… 1-7 form a Full circle when linked, or they return to the beginning which has now expanded so never remains that same point yet it is all the same at […]

05 Apr 2016
05 Apr 2016

This is the most extraordinary thing…

This is the most extraordinary thing… Igbo Creation Story… Let me explain, Nikoma Rios once saw me as a gorillia, a Blue E.T and a 19 year old Golden youth. But first here is a Quote from this interview.. …He however gave a brief, revealing that Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution was almost right, in the sense that God made man from monkeys and Himself. He stated: Even though I may not say much now, I will explain some things […]

01 Apr 2016

7:21 p.m..

7:21 p.m.. G.U.. R.U.E.. Devotee… Iris and the Pupil… 565 Face Book Friends… A Full Circle and Agnya as the 6th in the Center… E.F.E… Means Elder Brother in both Turkish and Nordic as well as Fair Beautiful… And Einsteins Field Equations… Which most older face books will align to the name I dubbed and equated to my former Host at 268 East 4th Street.. A.S.. Albert Santana.. which links to U.F.O.. Unified Field O.. of the Full Circle.. * […]

25 Mar 2016

5:39 p.m.

5:39 p.m. E..C.I. /I.C..E… 25-3-9…Y. C. I…Yeshuah Christo I.. B.E.. C.I… 3-25-9…(7-3-9)…C.Y.I. Consciousness Yi.. Cee Yi… Meaning of the word Yi… From Chinese ? (yí) meaning suitable, proper, ? (yì) meaning resolute, decisive, firm, ? (yì) meaning justice, righteousness, ? (yì) meaning profit, benefit, ? (yí) meaning joy, harmony (which is usually only feminine) or ? (yí) meaning ceremony, rites (also usually feminine). Other characters can also form this name… 7-3-9..G.C.I…Grace Consciousness Individuality…. We have now moved two steps forwards, […]