
Evolution Process: Becoming Our Natural Selves

30 Dec 2020

3:02 PM

3:02 pm. 12-30-2020. Hello. Something strange is happening, I had another dream vision last night. But it wasn’t a vision, it was a visitation. It involved Esteban Miguel Filgueria, Durrek Verrett, and Myself. And something which Durrek did to me 20 years ago while I was sleeping in a space where Krzystof Solek, and his then-fiance Lisa, in abid to cure his then condition. But in the Flash or projection, it was Esteban who was in my position but he […]

30 Dec 2020

Facebook Post..

9:51 pm Contd. In the dream, I went to a place, where I saw Brad Pitt. Yes… It was as if he were Joe Black where he played Death. He was my guide but then I was in a room and there was a Woman there. And there were rows of people lying down. I had been in this place before and it was the sort of place I would not really call home but a resting place. But this […]

28 Dec 2020

Facebook Post..

3:14 pm. C.N. Pi 12-28-2020. LB H… TT. Hello, As you can see from the movement of a Facebook friend moving from 1530 to 1529 ( after yesterdays the post from which confirmed 8:29 pm- meaning again harmony at 8 @ code 29 meaning J S Jeron Satya. Jerone Serenity. Stephan Johnson. J S= 10 19 = 29. B I or 26 + 3 = C.) To 1529, O 29 ( Full Circle of 29) And now to 15 31. […]

27 Dec 2020
25 Dec 2020

7:21 PM

7:21 pm. A Post which began at 3:07 pm Then again at 3:31 pm 12-25-2020. Just Vanished a moment ago- probably the internet … and yes something else. It contained vital knowledge as well as the knowledge of the portal via the 1st color being the 5th Color as Sound out of the Matrix of nature. The knowledge is already known to me, nor am interested in being compelled to take in these interruptions on that which is so ridiculously […]

19 Dec 2020

9:31 PM

9:31 pm I 31 Sacred Portal 31 19-12-2020. L S T T Hidden Figures Meddling. I have tried to post twice today. knowing already that it was a waste of my time. And that this linked to a play moving still with Kim long after it should have been completed. I gave Kim a Code of 31 though I had intended to give him 41 code. L S = 31 Slum Lord. * No BullSitters Beyond This Point. Sabrina… Not […]

13 Dec 2020

8:25 PM

8:25 pm. 12-13-2020. Hello. It is easy to read the code above. So there is no need that I translate. It is obvious that we have been in an Enders Game. Highlander play of Immortality. Jet Li ( J L) The One A Childrens game, but E T Childen and they of the Rainbow Spectrum- the bridge to cross over was being able to read thier play. Which in truth like musical chairs and all the games played here, they […]

06 Dec 2020

As you may be aware, the actual sacred portal of my going home has always sacred portal 58.

As you may be aware, the actual sacred portal of my going home has always sacred portal 58. But before I left I had to also access the sacred portals 55. EE Evolution Extinction via Expression… I realize now that i feel less Occupied by those who lie in wait, like disease and all those things which get under ones skin- impossible to reach to scratch, unless you light a match and burn the body with a blue flame… you […]

06 Dec 2020

5:08 PM

5:08 pm Now at 1522 Facebook Friend. I have removed Esteban Stephen from my Facebook Friends. And this is where it ends for me. Yes, he gave me last time 22 O usd when I left his portal but he and most of you were not aware of the significance of the codes. I brought it to each person’s awareness, thus you can not take credit for that which you did not know. My proving each person’s Harmony 5:11 pm […]

03 Dec 2020

6:19 PM

6:19 pm. F S… F A I- R 12-3-2020. L C 2020 Lyrical Conversation. Lyrical Conversation is the Science which I invented as a man. I wrote 5 Papers, in which all were confirmed as A Fact except the Lyrical Conversation: based on Light’s Conscious expression which when one attains that frequency- you can literally effect all physical reality, matter, people with illness or problems which required solving. I could not publish the papers, which I completed in 2010-2011 because […]