
Evolution Process: Becoming Our Natural Selves

11 Dec 2016

9;00 p.m.

9;00 p.m. I. OO. Evening the Score… The Music Score of Existence Manifest World.. M.W.. Metropolitan Woods… M.W… Linked and Aligned to Milky Way M.W 69… 99 66… M.W Nasa Classification M.W. 87…. M.W 78/87 Ashfak Ukkli Joelle Holly Hardin Inger Chase McWilliams . And on the 11th Yesterday… Louise Barbara Smith Jean Ann Dortch Bess Ray Dillon… Jack Baxter Suzi Sue Never Got to complete these codes… 10- 11-12 They were 8 and are now 7 who remain in […]

11 Dec 2016

8:03 p.m.

8:03 p.m. 83…. 11-12- 2016… 36… 9… K..L. T.P…. K.L…C.F. K.L…I. G.H.T….. 9 7 8 20…. See end of Part One…. 8 0 2..82… Double 00…OO… K.O.LO….. I.. Individuality.. is Pi.. Individuals always surprise us because they never repeat themselves… they say the same thig in an Infinite variety of Ways… Kolo means O Kolo.. Prince Manly Warrior Round Symmetrical Being (not body) Torus Sreenivasa Rao Boppana… S.R.B…. 12-11-2016… L.K..T.P… L.K…C.F… LO.O.K….I…. Infinity…. 8:10 p.m. Face Book Equation Play Complete […]

06 Dec 2016

Back From Death….

Back From Death…. A Dramatic Expression…? Well, lets look at the Evidence.. and what the Universal Simulation of Life- of which I appear to be its Prime Specimen and Guinea Pig… P.S. Before I could complete this post, I found myself responding to a test sent to me by Olisa Chukwuka… O.C.. Which took me back to what I did not wish to go back to… I have loathed this play of Talking through people, who are are not aware […]

06 Dec 2016

From Olisa Chukwuka…

From Olisa Chukwuka… I saw this text sent to me in my mail… I really do not have much interest in addressing the ‘Veiled meaning of why this post was sent to me, right after my response to Olisa’s comment on my page, and my response to his=her Expression that ‘My Work is Not Done… Despite 48 years, and 27 Years of Phenomenal Effort of being forced to sacrifice Everything, to live in Non Existence to bring forth Evidence and […]

05 Dec 2016

7:26 p.m.

7:26 p.m. Hi… So let get back to the Story of the End of the World as most of you knew it.. And one which never existed Ever, for people of my Ilk… This Story can only be fully understood in Hindsight.. Because it is still unraveling, but PLEASE my friends, lets make no mistake about it, it is a Story… A Romance, an Adventure, Thriller, Spy, Animation, Horror, Psychological, tale of Deception…. Perhaps, but you will not know until […]

22 Nov 2016
21 Nov 2016


Contd.. Welcome Kathleen Gonzalez Tiffany SD.. Welcome Shari Sissoko (Bella Fonte…) And English South Q Rapper… Kathleen Purity.. and or means From the Greek name ???ate???? (Aikaterine). The etymology is debated: it could derive from the earlier Greek name ‘??ate???? (Hekaterine), which came from ‘e?ate??? (hekateros) each of the two; it could derive from the name of the goddess HECATE; it could be related to Greek a???a (aikia) torture; or it could be from a Coptic name meaning my consecration […]

13 Nov 2016

7:04 p.m.

7:04 p.m. G.O.D..p.m. 13-11-2016…. M.K..P.T… Mecca Kolo…T.P…G.I Joseph. I.G . (Code link to Isla Grant)… 10..Balance Justice. I Golden Dawn… Eternal Hero… H.E.R.T.Z…5;28… Zorro. Mecca means Paradise… Kolo means Prince Round Circle…Orb…the Planet… Globe…Global.. Earth.. The Full Circle… E Art H…Harmony Earth. Full Moon…F.M. Frequency from the Moon on the Water.. Wave Sine…. M.K..P.T…G..I… 7:43 p.m. Means That the Global Evolution and Awakening transforms the Earth back into Paradise, 7:47 p.m. By the Prince, the Eternal Hero of the Golden […]

12 Nov 2016

799 Face Book Friends…

799 Face Book Friends… G.I.I… M.W 69… Inverse.. M.W.66… 7 66…. 7:56 p.m. Code 79 Sacred Portal Blue Print of Existence… 9..=I. 7…(43-7) ..Sacred Portal 99…II=I… G.I..I.. How can there be forgiveness if there is not Contrition, none taking personal responsibility, Atonement or A-Tunning…? Just constant Challenge.. Con-Trite…. To Con the Source is Trite… Twisting the Intestines.. Jordan Colon..J.C…Large Intestines… Jose Clara For Adding Clarity to Existence… I am still in Delta Manor bed and it is a Full Moon… […]

11 Nov 2016

From Emeka Kolo Albums…

From Emeka Kolo Albums… Ah! See the Date I shared it… I was at K.E.W Gardens..Queens.. Near the office of Go Antiques Daniel Maman.. D.M…Delta Manor… Go means 5 in Japanese… April 29th…2013… And it was liked by Lord Ye (Li) and Joe Fisher…Link to Jade Ford.. J.F…J.F… 106…106… 16 16.. Prince Panther.. 16=Letter P.. 32 Bed 3002.. 32…5 Go..JA Pan..ESE.. E.. M. E.. K., A.. KOLO…KALO… And By One other… Today is 11-11-9…. Code on Prince Panther arm was […]