
Evolution Process: Becoming Our Natural Selves

02 Jan 2017

8:39 PM

8:39 pm H C.I. 2-1-2017 2-1- 37 Hello…. A Brief comment. Remember the movie 6th Sense? I see the Energy…. Literally.e And Energy is Expression which is Consciousness Aware, set in motion which is called the Spirit World or Mind Thoughts realm which manifests the physical realm. 8:43 pm This is a blessing, or better still a sign of Human Evolution but in this world reality it has been made into the ultimate curse… But it is not. Many people […]

29 Dec 2016

11:31 PM

11:31 pm K C A. Its is quite extraordinary to be in my shoes… Not my position in this play of providing non stop evidence of Human Evolution from undercover…. Once more confirmed the Money Code Game of using money to send messages because it is this realities concept of Energy and Medium of Exchange.. While proving that Human Beings Are actually Mediums.. Living Energy meant to be of Infinity Harmony the Beautiful loop which form the base of the […]

24 Dec 2016

6:29 p.m

6:29 p.m F.B.I…. 6:39 p.m. F:C.I… Dear Lords… I was just set up… There is no secret that, I am ascending… I have known this for a while, but the process was changed, degenerated into the semblance of Ticks, and long flowing movements- which mimicked beautiful ethereal beings… This is of course, not how I usually rise. Yes, I have risen before, perhaps not to this height.. but I have… and it is with Ease…. E.A.S.E…E… Because everything in Existence […]

23 Dec 2016

6:03 p.m.

6:03 p.m. 63… F.C….3333333 First Contact…. At 829 Face Book Friends… H..B.I.. 28 Years to the Day arrived in London England Queens.. I left Nigeria from Enugu Airport on the 22nd of Dec accompanied by my Mother and young Aunt Julie… C.J… And the way my Mother Waved, which I never forgot… 28 Years. 22 years old.. 23 in the illusion age time and age code…. 28 Years, and you truly believe that it is a coincidence that Doctor Ikem […]

17 Dec 2016

11:10 p.m.

11:10 p.m. Humanities Greatest sin Of Mind and Imagination Was The Transformation of something as simple as The Question of Existence, It something so Hard, Difficult and, Impossible to understand, That it became the Theme Song of This Worlds Current Existence… ..Lurher Vandross’s ‘ The Unreachable Star.. When the Understanding , through Natural Evidence of the Existence of a Dimension of Being called; Eternity and Infinity , was right next door in the Wheel of Evolution. And that it would […]

17 Dec 2016

1.59 pm.

1.59 pm. 15 9 O I 1 5 9… A E.I… Awakening Evolution Infinity -Harmony-Individually. 15 years 9 Months in New York and in the U.S.A. Equation Conclusion Completion Confirmed N E P. Natural Expression = Power. / P E N. Pure Expression -Naturalness Generates Infinite Energy I.E. Powers Energy Nature Not Natural Energy Petroleum Or Proton Electron Neutron -Atom. O. P E N = ATOM .E. 816 Face Book Friends H.P. Harmony Powers… Existence Ends the Equation of I.E […]

16 Dec 2016

Just For The Record…

Just For The Record… L.P. Harmony 2:35 pm B.C.E. 16- 12- 36..9 P. L… C.F. I 12-16-2016. 36. 9 L.P C.F I L.P is an Record old Vinyl. LP. Circle Filled… I. E. And so is this post today, Is just for the Record… Addressed not to you the General Public at present… Who I owe no further explanations, But to the Future Present, represented by those in the future who will read this Equation Play after the Evolution Awakening […]

15 Dec 2016

2:28 PM

2:28 pm Hi… I did not come to face book to fight a system. To be honest, I did not even know why I came until I began to post. I realized that I came to Explain. Words poured out from me of understandings which I recognized only afterwards. To deliver a message- a message to the World, which grew from a gentle breeze, to a storm, then thundered through me. But more than anything, I came to prove a […]

15 Dec 2016
13 Dec 2016

3:38 p.m

3:38 p.m 3:55 p.m C.C.H. C.E.E. 815 Face Book Friends… H.O.! O.H… An Orgasm…OH!.. H.A.O… O.A.H. Hello. SILENCE IS MORE POWERFUL THAN SOUND. Yesterday, I did not make a plea for Face Book Friends and the Public to help me personally get out of the Country… Nor did I make a Demand or seek to manipulate any person into sending any contribution… I made a suggestion based on the Evidence that this Play of Evolution has been an a offering […]