
Evolution Process: Becoming Our Natural Selves

09 Mar 2017

Facebook Post..

7:38 p.m… Contd. Let us finish the code and the message… I have two other Face Book Friends with the name Carol. Carol Downey C.D Carol Kubai… C.K. Carole Adena Orear… C.A.O… C Alpha Omega… Carol means Feminine form of the Latin Carolus, which is a cognate of Charles (full-grown, a man, freeman), and a short form of Caroline, another feminine form of Carolus. Alternatively, the name is derived from the vocabulary word carol (joyous song, a carol). Var: Carol, […]

07 Mar 2017

7:46 P.M.

7:46 P.M. From Nenad M. Djurdjevic Linked to Dawn Piercy…. N.D… and to Emeka Kolo… E.N.D…. D.N.A… Transformation of the Species Dna.. To D.N.E…. And The End… A-Z… The Person occupying bed 5011… E.O.K… Zachary… Which means God, The Creators Remembers… Isaac .. The One Who Laughs… As well as the One Who Listens… Ishmael… Father Joy.. and Mother Beautiful Sadness Zach told me that he had studied to be A Sommelier But had become a Alcoholic, And that he […]

07 Mar 2017

The K.G…Pounds… Hammering…

The K.G…Pounds… Hammering… What is the Weight I have been Carrying.. Which makes me out so outrageously? Which Makes the Now Cleansed Spirits of the Sum Total of the Dead transformed in the Unified Field OH.. U.FO… The Encircling River which Links the Truth of Everything Expressed now Aligned to the Beautiful Truth of the Origin Plan-E.T That Wave of Ether which Fills all Space Above and Below.. As Dark Mater above in Space but here, in this Earth appears […]

04 Mar 2017

10:18 p.m.

10:18 p.m. J.R. Jay Robert. 930 Face Book Friends I C. O I See Full Circle in Perfect Symmetry Pearl Sanchez P.S. Perfect Symmetry… Hello… Its 31 Degrees today up in the Bronx. I have 23:00 U.S.D. in my wallet.. Not much in this reality -cheapest food in New York is Chinese Food.. At least 8-10 u.s.d. Yet the code 23… Aligned to the sticker labels I recently discovered on my bed at locker 5006. (E.O.F ) And sacred portal […]

27 Feb 2017

921 FB F

921 FB F I.U… C U B E And as if to confirm this today the cellular and musculature release today has been such that I knew and know that I should never have been subjected to all these tests and made me aware just how much it is now imperative that I live Delta Manor…. 5:28 p.m. 528 Hertz… E H.B. Emeka is rep the Human Body… See Anthony Bienke ‘Solfeggio’ post and what 528 Hertz represents.. As well […]

27 Feb 2017

4:15 p.m.

4:15 p.m. D.O….F Louvenia Pandora McMillan L.P.M Dianne Stokes… D.S. Paula Phillips Andrea Butler. Diane Stokes… Pandora’s Box… Louvenia… Pronunciation of Lavinia [lavinia] as a girls’ name is pronounced la-vee-NEE-ah. It is of Latin origin. The name of the legendary mother of the Roman people. Her name may possibly be derived from Lavinium, the name of an Etruscan city more ancient than Rome. Classical name revived in the Renaissance, and again used in the 18th century * C18: from Italian […]

25 Feb 2017

A Living Painting To Make You See

A Living Painting To Make You See New York Times Feb 24th. Arts Section. A Sunday in the Park with George Nenad M. Djurdjevic…name Djurdjevic means ‘George’ George means ‘Farmer…A.B. L.E… By George Seurat… Theater Piece…T.P… 2016. Starring Jake Gyllenhaal… J.G. 10 7 and Annaleigh-t..Ashrord.. A.A… 1-1 See my last production in Istanbul Turkey… 2000… The Story of Colors… 1-7 Stages of Living Paintings… to the 8… A Lady Coming out of the 5th Dimension. UT – 396 Hz – […]

25 Feb 2017

First Contact is with the Infinite Being…

First Contact is with the Infinite Being… And it has been going on right before your very noses… and all the while most of the planet has chosen to Focus on Donald J Trump and their material Comforts…. 3:56 pm.. And that in itself was a Test… Which Wolf would you Feed…? And that in itself was a TDest…o Alert you and Persuade you to the Choose the right focal point of View… I have posted, evidence in every single […]

24 Feb 2017

Before I respond to the Energetic Stimuli from the E.T…

Before I respond to the Energetic Stimuli from the E.T… First Contact scenario.. This time from having risen in the E line through Anthony Bienke… I wish to share the the posts from my New Face Book Friends- Also messages from the E… From Sonya Jones.. S.J… 19…10… B.A..P.H…O.M..E.T…B’EAU..TE. I just used this wrote this new password through the Sacred Portal of 155-156… E N..A.G…I.C.. K.A.N.G.E.N… E.K. Enagic..Emagic.. E Magic… The Magician. 8 Kangen is a Japanese word best translated […]

19 Feb 2017

8;45 p.m.

8;45 p.m. H:D.E…I. I can not explain or post all which transpired today- so for the record the Future.. I am sharing the Text Conversation I had with Nenad M. Djurdjevic today- with his permission of course… This was after the resolution of a mis-understanding of language and expression. And recall we stopped at 907… 97… 906.. 96… Then 909… 99.. See the Sacred Portals 97 Light of the World.. A.H..etc, 96…The True Way the We Play.. The Being and […]