
Evolution Process: Becoming Our Natural Selves

25 Jun 2017

8:01 p.m.

8:01 p.m. 81… H.A.. Harmony Alpha… I do not really have much to say, I have told you everything I know. and how my Cee was used to Inform the World what the Gift of my See allowed me to see, more than others, not only because of the Choices they made, but also because how my life was unbelievably sacrificed for so that others would benefit from how I see…. A life of abstinence, of everything even the simple […]

25 Jun 2017

From Winston Smith W S.

From Winston Smith W S. That is what is described as Being Being Do 4 2 6 W S. 23 19. 42. That is meaning of Existence 42/ 24 24 Hours a Day. And there is no way, no matter how much a Master of Self Mastery you may have attained, it can not be done but Naturally. Meaning that you are literally, being you. You as the proverbial Particle and Wave Link the Super Hero, Flash As in Flash […]

22 Jun 2017
20 Jun 2017

8:11 p.m.

8:11 p.m. This is a Dream which was Transformed into a Nightmare…. a Nightmare of the E.N.D… But the code was never E.N.D… It was D.N.E…. Dream Nothingness/ Naturalness Expression Evolution – Eternity…. D.N.E. S..A.O…H…A… That is it…. INCEPTION… I spoke about this so many times and proved it even to the man who came to me years ago, while I was sitting outside 80 Spring Street Balthazar, and spoke in a higher frequency about this being Inception… And once […]

19 Jun 2017

9:12 p.m.

9:12 p.m. I.L… Infinite Limitlessness 6-19-1O…. F.S..A.O.. Feelings Sensational Alpha Omega Alpha…. Hello… This is going to be a very short post… I had no idea what I was doing today, I sat outside knowing that I had completed everything. And yet I also knew that there was something else… I walked slowly to the Cafe Starbucks, and the everything just felt vile, evil… foul and the continuation of this play… I kept asking myself what was the point of […]

17 Jun 2017
16 Jun 2017

7:28 p.m.

7:28 p.m. Evolution of C… E.O.C… C.O.E… EO.C/ C.OE…. E C /C.E… C.O.D.E…I…. Can one Person… One Man Evolve Consciousness of entire Species? By Simply Being.. And Being Aware….. Can he do it through C.O.D.E.S…I…. S.I… Yes… It has already been done once I reached Elizabeth Clarizio and Eduardo Corona…. I am Chukwu Emeka… Creator Emeka…. And after completing the play with Caesar Rivera. and Kerwyn R. Vincent.. Each who played their parts to perfection without realizing it… ( But […]

14 Jun 2017

From Jonathan Scott….

From Jonathan Scott…. I know a John Scot…. A Beloved… Line of the Royal Elves… I met him with Joseph Carey…. years ago… He remembered me, instinctively, which is the agony of being one Remembers, and your family through the 5-6 incarnations of Existence as Creation do not… Because they are in a play undercover to help move a New Species to their Point. John represented the Line of True Love, We had been brothers in the play of Nature, […]

13 Jun 2017


Hello…. The last of the Money code play ends with Elizabeth Clarizio…. It was never about the amount- but about what each person could afford… That in itself became the Truth Serum… T.S… It is the correct code… Please see sacred portal 20.. It is lady E.C.H.O… Time is 7;53 p.m…. G. E.C… G is God… the True God in the Feminine Form and Her name is Harmony… I am E… and E is Harmony but a New Ark and […]

11 Jun 2017

11:31 AM

11:31 am 6-11-1 O F K. A O Fact Kolo Alpha Omega 11-6-1 O K F A. H. O H! So you see it is a Maze. And that is what I have been navigating. Moving through Breath and Expression Beautifully Expressed ( B E B. E. Brooke Elizabeth Banwer E 2 5 2 5) To navigate. Pushing the air through my body, pushing breathing into and onto my bones An Interior journey which was reflected backwards, outwards into this […]