
Evolution Process: Becoming Our Natural Selves

31 Aug 2017

The Forgotten One…. Or The Neglected One’

The Forgotten One…. Or The Neglected One’ T.F.O…20 60…O.E… T N.O…. 20 14…O.E. My older Face Book friends will remember that The Forgotten One is the Name I posted as my Title…. I have been seeing the code BEAR for weeks.. I ascribed it to the American Indian Mythology of the Bear… As well as the Scandinavian Bear Cult of the Beserkers… B..E.A.R…. In 2006 I passed through the portal of Edwin Albert Rodriquez Santana… E.A.R.S… I spent for years […]

31 Aug 2017

From Bandara Rma… B.R….O.

From Bandara Rma… B.R….O. I noticed that this was shared by Bandara on May 11, 2016. 5-11….2016…. E.K…T.P…. Emeka Kolo…. 20 16….36….9…I. I was at 18 Mountain View at that time, chez John Blackwell – John Delguidce ( J.B…J.D..) And Donna O Sullivan… D.O.S…D.S… Where I spent 9 months exactly, to the day with them. Jon and Donna… J.D. It is also where I became Face Book Friends with Jean Ann Dortch really Fey Mirach… F.M… *FM broadcasting is a […]

28 Aug 2017

7:37 p.m.

7:37 p.m. 8-28…1O… Hello.. Last night just before I left Star Bucks I received some intel via Brenda G Booth who was with her friends,Robert, Barbara and Will…( B.R.B.W….) They were sitting on the Woods Side. But as she left she called out that Starbucks would be closed at until 7 p.m. As She said this she left leaving myself and one or two others as the only ones left. I verified to the one she calls Penelope, actually Yoskary […]

27 Aug 2017

8:41 p.m.

8:41 p.m. H..DA… Da Enlightens… A MAN IS THE SOURCE. This was the unfortunate play which I found myself tricked into. In the Universal Simulation Awareness… U.S.A.. Set in New York. The 11th State. Yes 11… 11 2 1… A K.B…./ .B.K…A Happy Birthday Bilal Khan… B.K… It is is his birth day today… Do you know what his name means…? Wet Moisten… Desire… King Where one plants a Seed… Instead of being a play of Universal Splendor in Being… […]

23 Aug 2017

8:23 p.m.

8:23 p.m. Date 8-23… Ha! Will you look at that…? The Time and Date of this post are aligned. T.D…. E Trump Donald…. Correct Code not Donald Trump. H.W…. H Double U… H Double V… H.W…5… H.W.E…. Harmony WE… The H.O.W…Has Been Answered. H…A.W.E… Linked to Willow Amaru El Bey… W.A…E.B… E W A..E B. W A V E. B … EWA is an O.I.Nri expression Exclamation of Surprise Ewa, E Be!.. / E.B…A.W.E…. And H ..Harmonious AWE have not […]

22 Aug 2017

From Ozonanamalu Ozonnamalu Godwin Nkemakonam

From Ozonanamalu Ozonnamalu Godwin Nkemakonam See what happened to me while I was posting a respond to Michael A. Smith On his post Reflections It is written under comments of the original post below I saw this post after the play with Dennis took place See the meaning of his name Ozo. Compete Nam. My Father Alu is The Great Taboo Namalu. Knows how to compete Ozo also means Sir a Titled Man My Code DE S I R. Has […]

05 Aug 2017

From Mick Turner…. M.T.

From Mick Turner…. M.T. The Earth Story is not real to me personally, since all Matters Source is Energy. Just as this Earth Mother ( E.M/ M.E) is not real to me And while I wait for Dawn Piercy Line of Tiffany Dawn Haynie, Dawn Marie) to complete the final equation in this set up by the Universal Matrix Mind University which people call Earth Planets Universe… ( E.P.U../ U.P..E..) but which is really Understanding Perfect Expression.. O.E Symmetry Synchroncity… […]

23 Jul 2017
08 Jul 2017

The Post I was writing and just posted disappeared.

The Post I was writing and just posted disappeared. 7;23 p.m. Just to make you aware it began at 6:09 p.m.. 69… April 5th, 1969… Which is when Nnamdi was Born. 7;23 is G.W… Really G.Double V… VV.. Which now links to the yesterday, which was 7-7… And the release date of Spiderman, the Homecomming… 7 7 V V…. Deborah Valerie… Valerie Freeman… Friend of Lisa Natalie Johnson and the one who is the Mother who came back and stayed […]

01 Jul 2017

2:33-4 pm

2:33-4 pm B C C – B C D 7-1- 1 O Hello, I am not very surprised that the moment, I have finally decided to take the action necessary forwards, and out of this place that it would fall on American Independence Day. ( A I D… Yes.) But then yesterday, I illustrated the reality I have been aware of, and living in for the past 25 yrs.. And the 16 in New York in which I described how […]