
Evolution Process: Becoming Our Natural Selves

20 Mar 2018

From Peter Nyarko.

From Peter Nyarko. Peter took this photo after we sat together at Starbucks today. It was after he recorded my doing the Work with him ( as well as the Energy I have identifed that he represents) I asked him to share it… despiet the great effort it took to solve the equation which he represents… I say the word represents, because this is what I have had confirmed over and over again over the last 17 years as to […]

20 Mar 2018

I have tried as much as I can to fulfill my duty to this Script and to the Truth of Humanity that you are in a Numeric Matrix.

I have tried as much as I can to fulfill my duty to this Script and to the Truth of Humanity that you are in a Numeric Matrix. Where People are being moved by a sinister force which has nothing to do with the True Script of the Evolution of the Species… ..And yet has everything to do with it. Peter Nyarkô P.N.. P=16, N=14. Peter, as I have stated is part of an equation as have all the people […]

18 Mar 2018

Rajiya Talib R T…

Rajiya Talib R T… Excellent Healer ( Maduabuchi Henry Excellent) Nicola Robinson.. R.T. E.H.. N.R… R E N… EE…. T H R… E E… Rebirth of the 3… Sacred Portal 76 The 123 CockSure of The First Dawn Awakening… Dear lord… I am still solving… ! Hello… I am tagging each of you because you represent the end of an equation which I have been solving 25 years consciously. I began working on it in 1989, but it was not […]

11 Mar 2018

6:12 p.m.

6:12 p.m. F.L. I am nursing a Coffee from Kyle at Starbucks ( Brown- Black Kyle) age 19, The time is now 6:13 p.m, the number on my Coffee is 6 13 the Time this post started is 6:12 p.m. I saw the time as I started, and saw that it was nearing the time of the my Coffee number. I could have cheated and waited for the time to reach 6:13 p.m but then I would only be cheating […]

09 Mar 2018
09 Mar 2018

8:59 a.m…

8:59 a.m… 9:00 a.m. 3-9-20 18… * I noticed that Aiden Bartok my latest Facebook friend has 59 facebook friends. It was a number which kept appearing yesterday as I made my way to Starbucks. It represents Sacred Portal 59 which represents the End of the Story, the Last and Final book of life which is the Book of Filth and Self Hatred- and the departure of the Last guardians and protectors from this realm, leaving it at last to […]

04 Mar 2018

9:55 a.m.

9:55 a.m. 3-4-20 18. Universal Simulation Awareness. I had been stating publicly while navigating through it, that this reality is not real. That it is a Universal Simulation… a Test of Humanities right to Evolve by Meriting it and Earning it Themselves through a testing… Of Awareness. A non stop test of Awareness-running through a guantlet of Ilusions, projections, fractuals and moving through the correct portals while gathering the fractals and pieces, then weaving and linking them together to form […]

23 Feb 2018

From Gail Degrasse

From Gail Degrasse G.D. 7 4… 11 28..B H.. 39..C I….12..L. 3..C Cleveland C…The play last night… computer terminal…Jeane…Yale.. Race Car..R.C… Royal Child Meaning of the name Anubis. Dee and Blair….sitting together at the Table. Dee the Female is back… that is where I stood and Blair and Thermo appeared in line behind me People equation formed.. E….D..B. R….O.E… The Blair joined with Dee (Male) D. B equation formed .. I am in room 4 B. D.B..bed 4-018…D.O R… Raheem..who […]

22 Feb 2018

From Anna Hines… A.H.

From Anna Hines… A.H. Ah there is nothing like an Alluring Attractive Woman.. ( or man) Seduction…. I had 22 usd in my wallet plus 33 usd from Dawn Piercy though Allen Murray was ready to go and collect it, I could not get up, or move… my body was so exhausted from the stretching and aligning, and though not shocked I was truly incredulous and so so sad by yesterdays play and set up. But when I saw sacred […]

13 Feb 2018

From Mazi Agbafor Toochukwu M.A.T.

From Mazi Agbafor Toochukwu M.A.T. Now, this is what I might describe as a Handsome Devil.. Literally… 🙂 M…A.T… M. @ T…AM…. T… A.M…E T A M E… ? WILD and Free. T rue A.M…is the Evolution. of the Species… T A M E S… THE B-EAST. 4:25 p.m. S H E B A… With Praise… Mohammed Praise Worthy… L-ION Of Judah… The Dark Spark…. is to Praise… the Truth Original Facebook Post: Click Here