
Evolution Process: Becoming Our Natural Selves

05 May 2018

3;48 p.m…

3;48 p.m… 5-5-2018… C D H… Consciousness =Exploration of the Height and Depth of Being… 10…In Balance as An Elegant Nomad…A E N E-E- T.R… U E… Expression Energy … ( Explained) Transparently Radiantly which creates Understanding Experience .. is Expression.. The DAY OF THE DEAD… Awakening… With the Arrival of Billy Hung B.H… Will I am ..Hung… We mark the end of the Script. I have solved my Father Sons ‘ Lines Riddle of the Universal Mind -Manifest Body… […]

04 May 2018

This is Billy Hung

This is Billy Hung He is the one who sponsored me for a year, who investigated me, by coming with me to Fort Lauderdale… And he is American Chinese Taiwanese… A C T… add F… F A C T… Yes Kew Gardens… Who saw my equations and my truth and invested in my work for a year… Kew Gardens… K E W… Kanye West… Cain Eden… Eden Gardens… E G… He who had no religion and was, is a brilliant […]

02 May 2018

Dawn Piercy

Dawn Piercy Anthony Bienke Susanta Nayak Rakibul Islam Rakib Ventus Blackstone 5 people, liked my post of 5:46 p.m Yesterday.. Code E D F… Emeka David Francis…/ Fifth Dimension Emeka… This is the code currently on my page… 4 6 42…. That is the code on my page. 4 Friends requests.. 6 messages and 42 likes on my World Icon. The Time is now 7:06 p.m. 76. See sacred portal 76… Now take the names of the 5 people who […]

26 Apr 2018

9:02 AM

9:02 am. 92.. I O B.. 4-26-18… 2018.. D B F R … D B F T R.m. Room 4 B FR .. Code links to FR E E.. add 55.. E E. Lelo John Jim Mowat Muruga Velan. 3 Face book Friends A B C from 1126.. 1 person came yesterday and 2 persons today. The Sacred Portal 14 Evolution of Consciousness C is the Facebook memory which popped up today. Yesterday was sacred portal 55 after the play […]

16 Apr 2018
16 Apr 2018

The Universe of Liars and Deniars…

The Universe of Liars and Deniars… Existence of Fear of Facts… The Truth manifest… Solid Facts… It exists even here, in this Universe, Nation World- Species who exist as Liars…. 1114…. Face Book Friends 12:01 p.m. Robert Vlaun age 22 has left the play after fullfilling his role. It did not surprise me… I saw his Energy today when he came to fulfill his last role. I was aware of his expression based on the work I did with him, […]

15 Apr 2018


Phew! I never ever claimed to be God… I stated clearly that I am Evolved Hue-Man, The First of my kind in Existence, who Rose from the Nothingness Somethingness Alone. And Created Naturally, Expressing Ecstasy Bliss… and Desire. And that through that process, Twin Rose as my Reflection Embodied and Personifed ( R E P…B R O/ O R B) as the Sum Total of Every thing I created MU SI C… And then my Cee.. Consciousness and Awareness Rose […]

11 Apr 2018

6:39 p.m.

6:39 p.m. F.C.I.. 4-11-18… 2018 D-K-R…. Delta Kolo R.M. Divine Kolo Randall.. See the play of Randall Michael arriving as my 110 facebook friend followed by Kate Renee. Now according the Rules of the is Script which I have become familiar with, when the person representing the Reflection of a meaning which I have reached is not present, it means that the meaning aligns only one way to myself. If the person stays and I can tag them when their […]

06 Apr 2018
21 Mar 2018

8:53 a.m.

8:53 a.m. 3-21-2018. H-E.C. C-U-R… E C-U-T….R…U.E… Its the 33 degree’s outside in New York. Code Esther Uzoma Rue means street and The Way In French. Esther Uzoma who I facebook alogorithm anounced that I had become Face book five years ago to the day yesterday, the 17th anniversary of my arriving in New York. Esther Uzoma means Star of the Beautiful Way” Please see sacred portal 14… Ëvolution of Consciousness, Star of the Beautiful Way. The Codes of Time […]