
Evolution Process: Becoming Our Natural Selves

30 May 2018

7:22 p.m.

7:22 p.m. G.V. There were a series of Cars in front of me as I sat in front of Taylor Ave. one.. 7:27 p.m. ( yes code of the Giants and Titans whom you call Elementals or the First Primary Principles of Physical matter which make up the Equation and dynamics of Physical Reality… Universe Creation.. such as Gravity, Matter, and the Chemicals…) Today I just noted them, why… I did not know or seek to know why. but I […]

28 May 2018

6:32 pm,

6:32 pm, From Elaine Benedic. E.B… Yes the Billy Hung play yesterday… Popes Benedict… John Paul ..Benedict Francis… She has 131 Facebook.. I noted that I was at 131 text messages with Billy yesterday and now at 153…. ZTE Phone… ETZ Phone Home… ETZ is a Chinese Company and was on the News Paper on the 26th th with Donald Trump… Meanwhile I was on the computer day before yesterday and yesterday 26th and 27th in a play where with […]

27 May 2018

1 13 is the number on my page.

1 13 is the number on my page. Billy Hung hesistated to meet Kyle Murphy and I took note of that, having informed Billy that I was reading the script and that he had a choice. Today, I came back from Starbucks with the number 6 21… I had the Q… Taken back from Jacqui Quanma’e Lewis as well as the K as the 11 from Kyle Murphy. Repant Murphy.. I asked Kyle what he was meant to repent of, […]

25 May 2018

11:06 PM

11:06 pm. A Three year old boy called Messiah was killed today beaten to death in the Bronx-Sound View No one stood up for Messiah the reporter announced. 11:01 p.m was the time. 11:10 p.m right now.. What is the relevance of this..? Messiah means Messenger Billy Hung.. Sent me a message today.. After a conversation in which he allowed me to speak through my point of view. -The point of view I could never really share about my point […]

22 May 2018

From Billy Hung

From Billy Hung 2:01-2 pm 21 22.. Universal Victory over Death Wall of Forgetting. Wall EE. Now that is what I am talking about. Individualized representation and expression of Facts ..Naturally… Linking not Thinking.. 2:04..5 pm 24 25 GA LA XY 1O 11 C I.. This begins FINALLY The Wave of Expression which Heralds Evolution of Consciousnes E O C… Ha..AB..And now C.. 2:08 pm 2 O 8… Well Done.. Beautiful Expression in the Conscious Expression of Energy.. Cee.. I […]

22 May 2018

9:29 p.m.

9:29 p.m. 5-22-2018 I B I.. E V T R… / R.. T V… E Hello… This will be quick, The non stop posting of images, words and equations you might have realizied by now is more like a lock of a safe, or a spinning posting until all align on the door opens… All Align. This was not to be this way… But I have spoken up enough about this to the Unseen through you who are being moved […]

21 May 2018

2:56 p.m.

2:56 p.m. 5-21-2018.. Being Evolution -a Fact. E U T R … E Understanding Transarent Robert-Famous Bright Shinng Of Light (Omar L is a person here I noted and who always appeared around me, as if waiting to be acknowledged. Jacquo Quanma’e Lewis told me his name yesterday.. They were room mates He is always doing Math Equations says Q) /R ..T U E R Robet Tue To Kill…Tuesday. so that is the O L . Of Light… Of Love. […]

13 May 2018

Back to 1141..

Back to 1141.. I am seeing Jace Horsford one more time tomorrow at 11 a.m. I came back and saw Randall Michael at the Entrance, he had been on my mind… And there was standing across from the entrance as I entered… 11 was on the Micro Wave… I figured yes there is one more day with the line of J.A.H.. and of course it is about Sacred Portal 41… Elu.. The Chosen… The Elected Representative of you… Since I […]

12 May 2018

8:17 p.m.

8:17 p.m. H.Q. 5-12… E L… 20 18… T R…. U E… H Q… E L T… R U E…. So you now can see how this Play Script… It is Numeric and we move numerically through the Universal Simulation Awakening Manifesting Expression Truth… Tonne was here, I was sitting besides him as he spun spirals out of copper strands. Recall Eton.. and his copper wires.. and what wires do? Conduct Electricity. The Copper wires Eton/ Note gave me, are […]

10 May 2018

2:15 p.m.

2:15 p.m. B O… 5-1O- 20 18..(38 11) U E..21 5 (26 8) E A O… T R U E… C H I ( 38 11 2 11 =1 ) K B K A… C E…. H I… Evolution Awakening Full Circle in Perfect Symmtery of Perfect Timing… is True. Transparent Refletions Understanding Existence Consciousness Harmony is Infinite Beautiful Awareness… C.E.. Cain Eden Harmony.. Billy came after Cain Eden who represents me as C.E, as my second 1133 Face Book […]