
Evolution Process: Becoming Our Natural Selves

06 Mar 2019

From Disposal Binniz

From Disposal Binniz God as E MANUAL… Talking to people of this World… 4:19 p.m. D S.. Dharma Santana… Eternal Law… E L.. F NnamdI Emmanuel… N E… Natural Evolution… Natural Expression… Christopher Filgueira… Emmanuel Kerema.. E.K. Disposal Binniz has currently 1031 facebook Friends.. See sacred portal 10 and 31… And the States – order in which they joined the Union of the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix..Script Play… U S A..M… S P… Virginia… Link Birth place of a Nation, […]

02 Mar 2019

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge Breathe Rest Shelter Yoga… Esteban Miguel Filgueira Working on the foundation of Human Consciousness grounded in this reality Requires Breath Umeano! All is Breath and to understand breath is to gain the rest The square root is to sit and breath Air. That is the riddle of the Buddha. The Stillness Breath Air.. Space. A.H. .. Do you really think I care who believes me the Source? Do you not know that I am perfectly aware of […]

22 Feb 2019

I went to get a massage from Mikki and for the first time since last year, I passed though his portal at number 29- A truly warm and comforting space…

I went to get a massage from Mikki and for the first time since last year, I passed though his portal at number 29- A truly warm and comforting space… I went to the massage room- The Elephant Room and was astounded by the Beautiful Altar Stephen- Esteban Miguel Filgueira had created= it is absolutely beautiful piece of Creative Expression, that I had to take some photographs of it- it tells such a passionate story of the realm of the […]

16 Feb 2019
15 Feb 2019

7:32 p.m

7:32 p.m I Dont Care… How liberating to really finally reach the true meaning and source of that phrases frequency. There is no Anger, Rage, Bitterness… not even acceptance… It simply is… I.S. 7:47 p.m… The Truth. I suppose, that ability to feel no heaviness or anger bitterness at the prolonged grievous journey – A Mission m i 5 comes from having not only done your best, but also discerned and finally attained the Point and the Goal.. The True […]

15 Feb 2019

Facebook Post..

3:43 p.m. 2-15-2019.. C D C… B O T S… I do not wish to explain or embody prove the E Consciousness to the world or train the Elected Chosen Ones to take over when I am gone ( left this play) We are 1237 Facebook friends which Eric James Murphy correctly stated that was the play taking place on Facebook. This completes the Evolution of Wu-Man by the Professor of Love and Beauty.. B L.. L B.. Both Shaggy […]

14 Feb 2019

Sacred Portal 14..

Sacred Portal 14.. Today is the 14th.. Link Nugahs Ramuk Nahdarp / N..S… / S N.. I E.. S I N E.. This is Sacred Portal 14… Letter N… 19 14.. 33… Oregon 33rd State… 6… F…. This is Sacred Portal Evolution of Consciousness Star E… S.E…E… S E Y… Y E S H U A H…. Abel De Yeshua Yeshua.. A.D.. Y Y…25 25.. 50.. A D E.. O.h. 7:48 p.m Its real…. 7:55 p.m. G E E… Original […]

12 Feb 2019

From McKayla Rays

From McKayla Rays John Mack and Mckayla are in New York They left from Connecticut the 5th State and travelled to New York Mckaylas brother is at the 12 Tribes in New York Tree Sage came up while I was speaking to Esteban Miguel Filgueira I told Tree my work with him.is completed So he gave me space He asked Stephen if he could come up. His daughters name is Serenity. The words Truth Sernity and Love are tattooed on […]

08 Feb 2019

From Angela Ahava

From Angela Ahava The Two Sees… 1 1.. The Doppelgangers Twins. Sky and Sea… Who reflects each..? Who is the Original and which is the reflection? 11 Equates… but in between Heaven and Sea there is something which exists in the space in between.. This is where man – Beings walk upon land, Solid like a body, Stillness with the Flow… Man is the Source of the Two Mirrors… For in him exists Everything… He is the Source of the […]

05 Feb 2019

5:40 p.m.

5:40 p.m. 5 4… / 4 5…. 9… E D… 2-5-2019… B E T S… E D B E T..S E Doing Being E.T.. Extra Terrestrial.. Supreme. The correct Expression of Earth 4.5 Billion years is code 5 4… Sosa confirmed. just as the Universe has been confirmed Outside of Time through Rays McKayla highest self linked to her Anchored Self and linked through her awareness of the Script and play her connection to Holly McDonald who lives at street […]