
Evolution Process: Becoming Our Natural Selves

24 May 2019

10:53 p.m

10:53 p.m J ( A.F) E C .. 5-24-2019. E X T S. Add I, X I. ( 11) E X I T. S.. Exits. E Exists the Body as Time: 1-7 Chakra now at 8 out Side the Body. Crown Chakra 33 confirmed by Arinze Umeano I had a Scene in the Script with Sarah KaizerS Earlier it was with John Mack before they McKayla RaysRays. M J S Today it was Tree SageTree. Kim Arthur Hines. It’s repeated […]

18 May 2019
16 May 2019

2:18 p.m

2:18 p.m B R. O 5-16- 2019. E P. T. S Energy versus Money Energy = Money… New Money New Men Epression Energy = Money= My All Seeing Eye.. Money Energy Manifestation Expression M.E F M.E / E M F. Hello 5:28 is the number which began appearing everywhere last night and today 5 :28 Hrtz – The Love Frequency. I am sitting here at the apartment, no one has been here apart from McKayla Rays dropping in for brief […]

15 May 2019

From Krzysztof Solek

From Krzysztof Solek K.S Legacy of Lies L.O.L. Krzysztof is an old friend of mine who moved from professional Dancer ( D V.8) To Director, and this is his and his team’s latest film. Our connection began with Shaman Durrek Verret and Lisa in Istanbul. In 1999- 2000. 19 years ago… S I am not surprised that my completion of the Script on my page coincides with Kris’s film Legacy of Lies is what I have been wading through for […]

09 May 2019
07 May 2019

From Laura Walsh.

From Laura Walsh. Visit her page… See the True state of America and the world. Love is a Warrior It goes out on the Field. It proves its Truth. I am so sick of dealing with Cowards Speaking of Peace Love and Forgiveness when they have not been out in the World. And those words they utter have no meaning except to allow them to justify and existence in which they as the ultimate hypocrites make claims when in deed […]

06 May 2019
05 May 2019

3:42 a.m.

3:42 a.m. 5-5-2019. Hello. I have endeavoured to complete this Script of this Micro Macro play. There is no doubt in my mind heart and being that we are at the cusp of a quabtum leap of the Species. Nor is there any doubt, that this Script is evil, And from my research and investigation of the Species called Humanity were created as Perfect Beings and with free will and choice chose which Wolf to feed. In my years walking […]

28 Apr 2019

3.41 p.m

3.41 p.m C D.A. 4-28-2019. D B H. T.S Hello… I have a new Facebook Friend who was meant to be the 1250, Facebook Friend, but instead transformed to 1248 my 1248 Facebook Friend. As most of you are aware, I have only disgust and contempt for This Script and this 7.4 Facebook Play. It has been unfair to me personally, that even 29 years later, that I am still forced by The Script to live with others, and depend […]

27 Apr 2019

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge 4:08 p.m right now 48 And so you see that this play has been about completion of Evolution of Every thing back to One. Which completes at the 5th Dimensional Woman- her journey through Creation complete. And so you see, this last battle was about completing the Story of Two Men and the Supreme Harmony E now embodied in SHE 4:11 p.m right now See my face book memory today. Lady ECHO JOY Dawn SHE Sacred Portal […]