
Evolution Process: Becoming Our Natural Selves

19 Oct 2019

2:33 a.m

2:33 a.m B C C. 10-19-2019. J S. T S. J T. S.S.. Hello. Its very late, and I spent over 8 hours at work and conversing with Liberty C Liscomb. My body as you know, is and has been set to transform, marking the final proof of Manifest Evidence of Universal Evolution through twin portals Evolution and Extinction See sacred portals 104 and 48. I have a response to todays play through a play which took place linled to […]

14 Oct 2019

Via Liberty C Liscomb

Via Liberty C Liscomb There is only one reason I have lived through this play of passing through people’s portals. And that is because of the Blue Print of the Evolution and Awakening of Humanity, And providing them the intel to see the evidence. There is no other reason, despite people seeking to make it any other reason but that. I have provided enough evidence of that and I have seen and witnessed the response. Watch my response to the […]

07 Oct 2019

8:35 p.m

8:35 p.m H. C.E. Harmony C.E. Chukwuemeka Emeka. Fractaling As Emeka Eze Chima Ezejiofor Cynthia Eze Thank you Abby Temple for doing the courtesy and respect, ( Fair Exchange) of personally researching the Origins of my name ( you will be amazed at how few returned the courtesy, I have done this with every new Facebook friend since I began or entered this Play Theater, In 2012. T.L) Yes, my name is an expression of Praise. The Creator, Lord God, […]

18 Sep 2019

The Great Witch and the Hypnotic War Lock.

The Great Witch and the Hypnotic War Lock. 12:12 p.m L.L. 9-17- 2019. I.Q. T S… Code reflected here by Liberty C Liscomb L.L. As well as I.Q. code of her home portal. I am passing through a Embodied Reflection of what I am and orginally represent. Her own alignment is based on if she is aligned to the meaning of her name in E code. L L. 24. E M F * I met Liberty through Esteban Miguel Filgueira […]

14 Sep 2019

Are you bored?

Are you bored? Well can you imagine being awake your entire life, working unconsciously or consciously to the day of the Evolution Awakening of Everything. Imagine, you had no idea that you would be working on that and bringing into Exisrence and being the Original Species, the first to ever walk the earth, so long before Humanity.. I am speaking of those who walked on it and helped create it Its Holodeck, its Universal Simulation. Its blue print. Beings who […]

02 Sep 2019

1:08 p.m

1:08 p.m From Liberty C Liscomb P.S 108 is the code for the Opening and closing of the Flower of Life. Liberty sent me this at 8:44 a.m And another piece of Intelligence at 8:43 p.m Her literal codes are 8- 43. Harmony 43 is her Age Code And is the Door of Life in my sacred poryals creared 9 years ago at Marina Burini loft. 44 is Balance… MA AT.. / T A.. A.M. all linked to her. And […]

27 Aug 2019
26 Aug 2019

1:58… 1:59 p.m.

1:58… 1:59 p.m. 4:33 p.m 8-25-2019. Hello… A Portal has opened up for me after a play took place with Jesse Macias. Was about me standing up, speaking up for the Eternal Actual Truth, of what is really taking place in the world and in each persons life. I have had to do this for 18.5 yrs, 17 of them consciously. And since I said no to Susan Train in Paris, editing my journals. 26.8 years ago. * Yesterday, after […]

24 Aug 2019

From John Mack

From John Mack 1:31 code. My going home naturally and as indicated by this Script is from this current portal and Marks the end of a life long journey and the Evolution Awakening of the world experienced by everyone. I have recieved overwhelming confirmation of this but after the play I have been in, In which this knowing the orginal script, and my suddenly made aware yestetday that the constant set up dissapointmebts and delays and proofs was Humanities expression […]

17 Aug 2019

3:37 p.m right now is

3:37 p.m right now is From Busayo Alonge I have already transmutated mine.. But this Pain given, especially through this Play will never make sense to me. I wake up each day muttering this.. That this play is too.evil. malucious and cruel.. I have spent the last 14 years reflecring on this.. How this journey of Evolution Awakening is founded on Pain…and suffering. I understand it, and that is why perhaps it will never make sense. It was never necessary […]