
Christ Consciousness: The Essentials of Getting Clean

03 Sep 2018

11:53 p.m.

11:53 p.m. 9-2-2018…. @ 1153 Facebook Friends… From Susan Otelia Nelson @ 10:31 a.m. The chess board was 3 levels high That he built Blue see thru boards and some kind of silver metal that held them stacked but not one of top of other in a straight line they were spread apart over top each other. It was groovy… HH.. 16..P… 7…G… H P.G.. See the Reflection in the Human Childrens World- The Naturals ( not yet tainited by […]

31 Aug 2018
26 Aug 2018
22 Jul 2018

From Awawa Kalu Agwu

From Awawa Kalu Agwu A.K.A. I wish to make a bried coment about the Money Play and How People and the Satan’ Character who was really Alien Father- ( Dark Matter as a Conscious Intelligence) set things up to create an illusion of Lack – Material Lack to demonstrate and reveal the Truth of People. In the Novel by Daniel Brown- The Lost Symbol- in Noetics- the Science there was a moment in the Novel when Katherine Solomon ( Link […]

17 Jul 2018

I am the Beautiful Devil… B D…

I am the Beautiful Devil… B D… D.B… I came undercover in my Father’s Story The Yeshua Christ Story to manifest the End of the Human Species by solving my Fathers Brothers Riddle and CODES to bring the End of this Lie. And to do so,I had to pass through his Maze Riddle Of the Sphinx.. R O T S… To Activate that which Rots and decomposes. I am a greater Actor than any of you could ever Imagine, because […]

01 Jul 2018

5:21 p.m.

5:21 p.m. E.U… E B A. 5:22 p.m. E.V.. E .B. 7-1-2018. Temp 92 Degrees. For the past 12 years since I realized that I was in a Game and that I was based on Numbers, to make sure I was really in a play ( despite all my knowing this) -to satisfy Cartesian Mind, and sense of Logic I noted that no matter the situation, certain basic amenities were always provided. Provided to continue the work- meaning the solving […]

25 Jun 2018

8:09 p.m.

8:09 p.m. Mission Complete was what the child sitting in front of me to reveal what was in his computer Screen. Underneath it is his book bag with the words Blaze- as a Fire. He is a second son. His older brother sits besides him. His father to his right and his mother, dressed in Blue and she in Black. I knew this was about Family… Just before I came here I sat at Taylor Avenue posting. There was no […]

24 Jun 2018

4:49 p.m.

4:49 p.m. I read my post and no matter how low in the Pit at Delta Manner illusion created for me as 0 in the Matrix. ( Self Worth Value Truth sucked from you by the shadow expressions of ppl all around you pretending or not to care.. Hypocrisy Deception Betrayers Thieves Jealousy Etc… Toxic Waste) I Rise. I am fully aware of the power of my Posts. And recall many people have publicly testified about what the posts have […]

28 May 2018

6:32 pm,

6:32 pm, From Elaine Benedic. E.B… Yes the Billy Hung play yesterday… Popes Benedict… John Paul ..Benedict Francis… She has 131 Facebook.. I noted that I was at 131 text messages with Billy yesterday and now at 153…. ZTE Phone… ETZ Phone Home… ETZ is a Chinese Company and was on the News Paper on the 26th th with Donald Trump… Meanwhile I was on the computer day before yesterday and yesterday 26th and 27th in a play where with […]

12 May 2018

8:17 p.m.

8:17 p.m. H.Q. 5-12… E L… 20 18… T R…. U E… H Q… E L T… R U E…. So you now can see how this Play Script… It is Numeric and we move numerically through the Universal Simulation Awakening Manifesting Expression Truth… Tonne was here, I was sitting besides him as he spun spirals out of copper strands. Recall Eton.. and his copper wires.. and what wires do? Conduct Electricity. The Copper wires Eton/ Note gave me, are […]