
Christ Consciousness: The Essentials of Getting Clean

08 Jul 2020

I found myself watching Mission Impossible I.V. last night.

I found myself watching Mission Impossible I.V. last night. Ghost Protocol. G.P. And as I watched it without watching it, I realized, that that was the confirmation of the play I was always aware that I was in. I.V is the 4th Dimension the Green Zone in the Rainbow and yes the 4th Dimension, note of FA! I was aware of this since 2006 January. The Mission impossible was to prove that not only that this World is a Universal […]

29 Jun 2020

22:05 hours

22:05 hours V O E .. Tree Sage Benjamin C. Krajewski Stephen Johnson Etc… There are no words to describe the Fury and Hatred which rose in me, from the Hells Kitchen to the Deck today. Jason Williams share A Gathering of Dragons ( G O D.. ) made it understandable I had noted to metal containers left outside But still it has been with with me but today I found myself being compelled- pulled to tender these two vessels. […]

18 Jun 2020

Good Lord,

Good Lord, 12:12 p.m L.L. A.L L. = 24 6-18-2020.. F R. TT. Dishes Left in The Sink. The Curse one. The One who left me the dishes in the Sink is The Cursed one. Yes, this believe it or not is part of the End Script. Love Conquers All. And those who do not respond to Love but take advantage or use it, or see it as their right and entitlement, who thus enslave others. Justify enslavement. Slavery. Black […]

18 Dec 2019

Breanna Carlota

Breanna Carlota B.C.. 2 3.. = 5 B.C E. 5:58- 5:59 p.m Breana means Bright, Noble Honorable, Strong…. Virtuous Its also links to Edmund Spencer’s The Faerie Queen Carlota: means Manly. Water is Memory. Orlov… Frozen. Air is Intelligence Circulation A. The Body is Energy E.B/ B E. Building Blocks. Everything is Energy and before there was Energy there is Expression. Energy is the Expression of Everything. E A W E B. 5 1. W E B 6 A W […]

14 Dec 2019

I can not stay in a play which is not concerned with the Truth.

I can not stay in a play which is not concerned with the Truth. 11:58 a.m. But only in reducing the Truth to a Story which equates to Disrespect and Hate and to constant non existence. 12:00 a.m L.. Liberty C Liscomb had no idea of what she was getting into when I was sent to activate her to Awareness and Awakening. She has become The Witness. And she has witnessed the truth of my experience of simply delivering a […]

13 Dec 2019

11:13 a.m

11:13 a.m K.M .A-A-A C. 12-13-2019. L.M. T S. A B. A C The Script. A.B.C’S of Nature. Entering The Circle. E.T C.. Hello. I thought about the Dream Arden had last the night before, as I stood on Liberty C Liscomb terrace. I could see the two blobs, he had spoken about , one blob pouring into the other, I knew what it was. Ying Yang .. 96 69… He said that it was his job, to keep pouring […]

14 Nov 2019

9:19 p.m

9:19 p.m I.S. Hello.. I just wished to make a comment.. Don’t you think it fishy in this play of how few are loyal to me or the Truths they witnessed. Or to a set up, which limits finds ways to limit my expression by placing me in homes and portals I have to pass through, people I have to live with, and post from their homes and correct and clean from Impuse Stimuli of situations which I have to […]

15 Oct 2019

4:52 p.m

4:52 p.m D E B. 10-15-2019. J O. T S A O A E.T S A-F-A T S.. Alien Father @ S. Alien Father Alpha The Script. * Alien Father is the Head of the A-Lien Council Representatives in this world is the Consciousness of Babies. Please link 7 Month old son of Liberty C Liscomb and Thomas Lang. Others call Him/Her The Full Circle’ Big Bang.. Really the First Orgasm. O.H His Feninine aspect is A.H. 158 1- 8. […]

18 Sep 2019

The Great Witch and the Hypnotic War Lock.

The Great Witch and the Hypnotic War Lock. 12:12 p.m L.L. 9-17- 2019. I.Q. T S… Code reflected here by Liberty C Liscomb L.L. As well as I.Q. code of her home portal. I am passing through a Embodied Reflection of what I am and orginally represent. Her own alignment is based on if she is aligned to the meaning of her name in E code. L L. 24. E M F * I met Liberty through Esteban Miguel Filgueira […]

08 Sep 2019

Andrew Bartiz

Andrew Bartiz A.B Mike E.. M.E. A.H These are three people whom Liberty C Liscomb has been reading and quoting as we have conversed today. The one constant has been Andrew Bartiz. A B Mike E. And his Theorey of Everything.. M.E she brought up today and even brought a file and photocopied his intel and the time and date was 9-8-19… 9:17 a.m. M.E. all these are here codes right to 9:17 ( I Q ) the code of […]