
Christ Consciousness: The Essentials of Getting Clean

03 Dec 2013

Sight and Sound.

Sight and Sound. Seble Mariam Woutishet… See Ble Mari A.M…W. Translation; (*See the wheat {B read..the Body of Christ, The Annointed} marry the Dawn..the Double U..E…Dew..a.k.a.Mist). Hello my 159 Face Book Friend… Lady Sebele M.W. 159 is A.E.I…or O1. Seble meaning in ancient Aramaic ..Autumn Harvest. A.H… Mariam…Means Beloved…or Love It also means of the sea…Star of the sea. It means Uncertain..bitter Mother of the Prophet…Sister of Moses Mother of Jesus and Issa.. Moses Jesus Issa… M.J.I. Woutishet; Ancient Arahmaic. […]

21 Jun 2012

The Ultimate Confession… I Cee…

6/21/12  4:50pm The Ultimate Confession… I Cee other beings, literally the Energetic Beings of man’s highest potential sitting along side and within every man and woman. I see them and access them through frequency and alignment recognition codes. Some call them Gods, the Supreme Selves, the Super self… I simply call them the Family. For me, it is the family of Energy already in existence which resides in each human, waiting for its true name to be called. I literally […]

20 Jun 2012

One last thing…what I find myself proving is that human beings are literally magnets…

6/20/12  4:55pm One last thing…what I find myself proving is that human beings are literally magnets which, when cleansed and purified, can raise the electro magnetic frequency of their hearts to override the pulse and frequency of the systems of man, and even that of nature. They can become magnetic, energized and, using the laws of true mutual attraction, literally drawing forth any and all the resources they require to expand upon the idea of creation…receiving from both the system […]

18 Jun 2012

For the past 3 months on FACEBOOK, I have sought to call attention to everyone…

6/18/12 6:12pm Hello everyone, For the past 3 months on FACEBOOK, I have sought to call attention to everyone I care about, (which eventually ended up including the whole world), that in my own life experience I’ve concluded through 11 years of conscious research and unraveling, that an extraordinary event is about to take place in the world. I have supplied as much information of my findings from a 23 year journey through my mind of linking and mapping and […]

17 Jun 2012

The key to stopping anger rage and terrible acts committed from anger…

6/17/12 11:13pm P.S. The key to stopping anger, rage and terrible acts committed from anger or quick temper is to summon the Jedi will and skill…the feminine principle of pause and reflect before responding. Pause to reflect that all the pain and suffering in the world is caused by violent tempers who do not pause before they react, oft times finding that their anger had no basis, that it was an anger directed at the self. Please stop the pain […]

15 Jun 2012

How Science can create Poetry, common link Art\Technique…

6/15/12 7:11pm   How Science can create Poetry, common link Art\Technique. The Theory of Evolution is no longer a Theory it is now proven a fact. The Greatest Battle–proving the power of energy of the collective and the influence by the illusion of money–past, present and no future. Human beings will not warp or manipulate reality, they can only manipulate the illusion…which is not evolution). Instead, by being in harmony with Infinity, Eternity and Pi they will be able to […]

09 Jun 2012

Beauty has responded!

6/9/12 5:41pm News Flash and Update! Beauty has responded! 123… ABC in Alpha- bet city New York! I received a response today, to my quiet, private plea and prayer to Beauty after I took a walk around New York city. I was almost overwhelmed after the response of me (and my family’s) lifetime efforts to prove Beauty, at how everyone and everywhere there seemed only the drive for money, the rush, rush, hush! hush!… “Get it together, keep it together,” […]

05 Jun 2012

One might wonder why I am continually bombarding people with information…

6/5/12   One might wonder why I am continually bombarding people with information. I recently received an e-mail that my intelligence might be the reason why those who love me also alienate me. To this I replied that I am the one who leaves people who can not live or dwell in a consciousness of Beauty once it has been made clear to them… its benefits made so obvious to them, and the hurt caused by a consciousness of superiority […]

18 Apr 2012

I would like to share two mathematical equations of existence…

4/18/12 Mathematical Equation of Existence. Hello Everyone, I would like to share two mathematical equations of existence that I used–the science of arithmetic and the logic of the numbering system of the western world–to calculate. I did not seek to solve these equations but the circumstances and conditions of where my life led me, brought them about. Before I state these two equations, I wish to reply to some who ask me why I felt it so necessary to answer […]

14 Apr 2012

There is only one truth, there is only one consciousness…

4/12/12 There is only one truth, there is only one consciousness, there is no babble, nor is there any conflict or duality… All these things are illusions, illusions made real only in our individual imaginations and interpretations of reality. These interpretations, assumptions create a force which will not allow you to leave the space of death, the space of living in mind of worry, concern and, no matter how well intentioned, it is still the realm of the lie… non-existence. […]