
Christ Consciousness: The Essentials of Getting Clean

08 Nov 2014

Money Part 3..

Money Part 3.. There is no doubt that New Yorkers Helped in this Journey. In my True Story, I was led to each one of them…I was a messenger in a play script in which I was used (to my incredulity) Prophet And Messenger P.A.M…of God. A God ppl..prayed to, and yet whom they no longer believe in. Or perhaps, I am not what they expected of a Prophet and Messenger of the Lord. Which, I do not.give a damn. […]

06 Nov 2014

Facebook Post..

Hello as you might have observed, I have a new Facebook Friend… 214 if I am.correct. Welcome Princess Sunshine Rae.. Friends with Chris Franco and Stephen Filgueira one can easily read the code.. C.F..S.F…S.R… The Bearer of Christ is a Free man who.is Circle Filled is crowned with laurels Feeling Sensational, the thread of war of and for the.ascension of the Sunshine Ra E Line. It is great to welcome Sunshine Rae not only for who she is and the […]

30 Oct 2014

Facebook Post..

Abraham and Lot…A.L Transformed into A Bra H.A.M. and A L.O.T… 42 years ago…almost to the day my family migrated from England to Canada on Halloween’s day… We the kids were only three of us then and very young. We moved into 8 Ham Shire Bay, Windsor Park, Winnipeg, St Boni Face Canada… Most of you are aware of whom Ham is in the Bible. Let.me refresh your memory, his Father was Noah in the Bible, *See the Nikoma Rios […]

24 Oct 2014


3:38… Just watched Left Behind…L.B My Beautiful Behind… About the last Bible story, which came out Oct 3…10-3…J.C… All on a Jet Plane… 747… Realized I was aligning to common sense the last of those Christian Bible Stories… Nicholas Cage E.. N.C…E Nnaemeka Chinwuba Eze-U.F.O.Nna N.C.E… Landing of the consciousness… The Original story had the disease contracted by.those left behind. The True version is not physical it is a Energetic and those who get left behind actually means that the […]

23 Oct 2014

It was so tiring living in a Passed Past…

It was so tiring living in a Passed Past… I never want to be dragged back to it ever.. Last year I left Pelham B Park in October descending through 3rd and 2nd, (Sean McBean), then a bench on 1st and 3rd (the Egyptian) then here… Yonathan Yohaness and Seble W… Back to my former host place Al..at 268 4th in October 22, I arrived. What a strange fate to find myself repeating the same cycle, which most witnessed a […]

17 Oct 2014

I, for one have nothing to proove to anyone…

I, for one have nothing to proove to anyone… ….I do not feel there is anyone out there worthy enough that I or anyone need devote our very existences to meet requirements for your approval… What extraordinary audacity and presumptiousness… I recall about 6 yrs ago when I wrote to.my sister telling her what was going.on and how I was being compelled by a force within which she is one of the only persons whom could relate to this truth. […]

17 Oct 2014

Friday 17th October 2O 14

Friday 17th October 2O 14 17/1O….2O14… Q.A.O….T.N…C.D…G..O.D E. Last Equation of Time and Space And The Gathering… The O.I.Nri Market Days 4-7..28…13 month.year Dedicated to.the Goddess The Roman Germanic Astrological Calender The Mayan Calender… Hello… I awoke to the code 1 message 8 likes on my F.B messages Before I went to bed it was 6 likes Both represented by Angela Marie Alexander 6 And then Dina Singh… The code was 1 68… Just before that I heard a conversation […]

14 Oct 2014


October 14 1O/N….A.D.. A-O…Nnamdi..After Death… (There is no such A Venue as After Life A.L) Augusto…. Rome. Could not sleep…the impulses, the urgency from within and somewhere else did not let.me rest. I knew what I was being asked to link. I could see all the pieces of the next phase of the puzzle all coming together as I fought to find forgetfulness in slumber. No dice. The codes and all the stimuli…Nnamdi in me forcing me to weave even […]

14 Oct 2014

Facebook Post..

1:47A.M… October 14… O.N.. 8…Infinity O.N. 1O/14….2O 14… 1=A-O…N..A.D….2=B…O.N..A.D Code…A..B….N.N…A.D. The Elemental Titans A I am not sure if anyone in this current world consciousness will.understand what I am about to write… But I am sure in hindsight it will all make sense.. I Have Been Set Up… Of Course, I had stated this many times in the past 3O months but I am aware that very few if any understood what I was alluding to. Alot of this is […]

12 Oct 2014

P.S…Further Alignment…

P.S…Further Alignment… October is Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere but is Spring April in the Southern Hemisphere. Thus, Spring Street Alignment of.my.waiting at 😯 Balthazar for 13 years (M) -meaning I was waiting for not my own alignment but the planetary polarization and shift and thus aligns to the Northern Lights Alaska the 5Oth state E.O and this October to Norh South Hemisphere to Spring Street Spring..S.S..8 October April…Omega (8) Alpha…E.O.A North South aligned to One and East West East […]