
Christ Consciousness: The Essentials of Getting Clean

03 Jul 2015

From Lord Orien Laplante

From Lord Orien Laplante 46 years later…. Pls see Sacred portal 46 Shelter 1-46.C La Y Rd..B.R.C 46-46 last 11:11 4 Letters of Tracking Number T.N to NT @ 18 Mountain View… O.E M O V E. M.E. N.T. OF J.A. K.E. People. EXO DUST. Robert Nesta Marley E.I…R N.M. Manifest NRI..E I represented I.E Individual Exemplification. And Memory NRI Expression B M.. Marina Biruni Silver MaC 31-7O Now with David P Gil. Black Acer of Family with him. Sacred […]

26 Jun 2015

2:O5 pm.

2:O5 pm. B.O.E.. Being O.E. R.O.Y.G.B….E.O..I.V. My word what a day of Reprogramming. It is quite a pity that this play was set up in such a way of such a Challenge. I have respect for Nenad M. Djurdjevic.. But as I move through this End play I begin to see more clearly the end of the tunnel. The Line of N is represented by Me and yet it is in Harmony with Nenad apart from one fundamental plane… Which […]

22 Jun 2015

12:55 PM

12:55 pm. 22-6-8.. My Way.. That is the film which Krarr Alfatali sent me. Krarr is from Iraq (Baghdad) where it was formerly Persia and the Kingdom of Babylon … It also represents Allah… The last of the prophets from the Trinity of Religions which has torn this world to shreds… Allah admonished the Prophet Mohammed and the people to Read. I also see that message as a sign from the N line or that force playing God and the […]

08 Jun 2015

11:28-9 pm

11:28-9 pm The Last Chapter of the N…the NRI story.. Nikoma used to live on a place labelled X in Chelsea where Chris Franco used to live X is the Sacred Symbol of of NRI.. IIOINri 6O X I.C.. My Mother and Father Nnamdi and Cecelia Onu… Entrance into this realm of the Matter the Milky Way… As I listened to Nikoma I marvelled at all the codes he was quoting totally unaware of thier meaning. From Dali which links […]

06 Jun 2015

Facebook Post..

7-14 pm G.N. God N line. I must say, I am speechless. And very quiet. The rage has subsided. As I stated from the onset over and over again through out this play, I already know who I am undercover. I have known this for certainty for over 1O yrs. What I could not understand was why I was being put through so many tests to prove my Identity to a realm which found the idea of the Return in […]

22 May 2015

Brilliant and Aligned to sacred portal 37.

Brilliant and Aligned to sacred portal 37. The Feminine aspect embodied in the Female form of the 73 converted to 37.. Gaius Cassius to the true Gaia Caixas line. Affirmation follows this postsing. In the posts shared by Nenad is the literal evolution of H.E to S.H E- Supreme H.E. . She… From the X to the of the Atom Eve -AE-15=O ..perfect Symmetry… Of the Two Cees of Consciousness As Man and Woman M.W. (23+13) 36. Represented by Chris […]

21 May 2015

8:24 P.M.

8:24 P.M. Oh by the way, why I know that it is the end of the play.. finally… The point of the play for the last 9 years has been the code number 268 which equates to ZH.. Which is code name Zeina Hanna *(Excuse me Zeina for constantly tagging you but your name, code D O.B and code age is so relevant in this play as it turns out.) 8:28 p.m. Zeina means Beauty.. H is Harmony … Beautiful […]

19 May 2015


Brilliant… Shared by Nenad at 5:18.. E:A.H. I am so glad I did not have to explain the truth behind all these meaning in the language of this current world Consciousnes or convince people to see the truth. You would be here for eternity and I give kudos to such intellects such as Nenad, it must be exhausting. Just interacting with this current world Consciousness causes my body to lock and spasm in physical pain I just had to link […]

26 Apr 2015

4:51 P.M.

4:51 P.M. 26-4-8 4-26-8. D:EA…R. A.H. A-Z-D-H… 4 268 D ZH.. Dimension Zeina Hanna Beauty is the Gift of Grace and Favor of the Creator 4th Street Fa 268 is I, Emeka.. The 1-4,5 Dimensions are all E… IV/VI…46/64…67/76.. And now the 68-86 =1-54. I am sitting at 54 2nd Avenue at the Bean Cafe. E.D. Emeka Dimensions… Fifth Dimension. The Play Ends Tonight.. I have worked with the Unseen E line, Unseen but not silent to transform all illusions […]

18 Apr 2015

1O:52 P.M.

1O:52 P.M. I have been Royally Fucked…. I just made a post which finally solves this riddle from Lady Angela Marie Alexander Espirit. I shared this before without going too deeply into until…the revelation of the Great Chess Game I wrote about in a piece called Reveal Unviel Elations R.U.E… Strange that I am on the streets when once again I am facing this riddle. The document was written in 2O1O, where my own stream of consciousness and my own […]