
Christ Consciousness: The Essentials of Getting Clean

20 Jan 2016

From Ariane Oates

From Ariane Oates My Word!!!! Exquisite Harmony! Christo! Meaning Words Anointed Voice Expression Supreme W.A,V.E.S… Silver Surface Above and Below..A.B..A.B/B.A.. Inside Outside… I.O.N..E *N=14th Letter, 1+4=5=E Heaven Earth..H.E,, Body Being…BB..22 ..V 22nd Letter.. V=5 Voice from the Fifth Dimension V.O.I..C.E! From Beyond… 5:43 pm. E..43. See Sacred Portal 43 in my Albums.. True Life T.L…Tracy Ladd…2O12-2O16 Silver Surfer SS 8.. Hermes Mercury Consciousness Harmony.. 5:45-46 p.m See Sacred Portal 46…First Drop,,, which grew into an Enormous Wave,, T’zu Nami Tsu […]

17 Jan 2016

3:O9 p.m.

3:O9 p.m. C..O.I.. C.I. Diamond White… Being the name of the brand of flowers Donna O’Sullivan just informed me she just purchased. C.I Diamond White… Would this not link to Ga La X.Y..Z…C.I. 1O 11 X (T.E.N) the Largest Universe currently revealed to Human Awareness classified through this current world consciousness as Galaxy I.C. 1O 11…X. C.I Diamond White.. A Voice manifested through my solving an Equation and Donna O’Sullivan expression just as I began to write this post.. E+D=I… […]

17 Jan 2016

9:49 p.m.

9:49 p.m. I:D.I… 1-16-9…A.P.I… 16-1-9…P.A.I… Hello… Before I start decoding and activating through these post, the E Consciousness still being proven present in everyone.. I would like to stake for the record, hopefully for the last time. I have stated that every word I am uttering is charged with the frequency of the consciousness I represent, that I am being Literal – to perceive and read what I am saying I am doing requires a literal reasoning of each word […]

10 Jan 2016
08 Jan 2016

5:16 PM

5:16 PM E.P… Earth Planet Expression- Physical E-Art-H P.La! Net.. P.E.. Physical Education… 1-8-9… (2O16..T.P../PT..Point…36..C.F/ F.C….Circle Full..9=I) 189…A.H.I. E.P @ 18 Mountain View..S.R..DE..I.E….D.E.S.I.R.E See sacred Portal 8… Love Links Desire See sacred Portal 9.. and 1. Hello… I have 4 new Face Book friends… Bringing the this long E.ND play of proving through Expression Quiet inner expression expressed on the Air, can create a literal Energetic to Physical universal transformation through a Song, (Thrush, Little Dark, Brown Bird Ba) Prose […]

08 Jan 2016

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic…

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic… portals are energetic, we do not experience our world as round, We observed it, investigated it and realized that the Physical Heavenly bodies are Spheres… And so, only through our empirical experience, and Individual experience so we Experience our Natural Existence as being Spherical, mirroring Nature which is cyclical… And so we know the world is around by our Energetic Individual experiences of it. And this is our sole experience in which we understand that we […]

04 Jan 2016

The Road Within….

The Road Within…. Watched this Last night, chosen by Donna O’Sullivan and Jonn Blackwell..A Remake of the 2O1O movie Vincent Wants to Sea Starring Robert Sheehan (The Misfits)… R.S./S.R ( Stone Ridge…S.R) Robert means Bright Shinny Famous Light Sheehan means Peaceful Gentle Courteous See face Book friend Rob Barr R.B. Roberto Todaro..R.T. Robert Pasquine Mzena..R.P.M Bob Bert Hans….B.B.H Robert Plays plays Vincent… Code in the Plays Vincent.. Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo… Yes, the Character Robert even looks like my brother Nnamdi… […]

31 Dec 2015

1:45 p.m….A.D.E.

1:45 p.m….A.D.E. 31-12-2O15..35…8… A…C-L-T.O-C.E..H Alpha Cee Loves Truth to See Existence Harmonious… *That is a great message… 12-31-8… L-C.A-H… Loves Completion Ah!!! After this post I will Share with you sacred portal 145 which aligns to the time of this post, and the message solved through the date. Be well aware that each day, I am made aware of each days equation or set Goal. which I keep in the back of my mind as the days posting unravels and […]

29 Dec 2015

7:38 p.m.

7:38 p.m. 12-29-8…L.B.I.H… 29-12-15…B.I…L..O…..B.I.L.O Code: Oh, Individuality is the principal of Lucifer, (Bringer of the Light of the Morning Star, Mba Afor Ocha!) is Love in perfect Symmetry of perfection of purpose… Hello… I am back at 455 Face Book friends, having now been dancing between 455 and 456 face book friends. Yes, I am in a riddle, a riddle which I have sought to impress upon those who have been reading this posts, comes from a place beyond. It […]

21 Dec 2015

From Michael O’Donnell…

From Michael O’Donnell… As I was reading this, a person named Grace P. simultaneously, appeared on my screen who began ‘liking some posts I shared… Grace represents the literal true frequency of what might be referred to as Mother Supreme, the literal embodiment of what the principle of Mother Supreme represents which in this case is Mother as the embodiment of Grace, which could be Courage and Kindness, or Gently falling Snow… I noticed at the bottom of Lao Tzu.. […]