
Christ Consciousness: The Essentials of Getting Clean

31 Aug 2016
28 Jul 2016

This is a long post…

This is a long post… It moves the Story of the West and East traditions and Creation stories backwards in conclusion of this play back to NRI-ERI…Creation Story of the OI,Nri Igbo peoples of South East Nigeria..(Biafra)…And to the Awaka Amawbia people who are next door neighbors to the O.INRI… And to the Oracle of Amawbia Awka.. and The Legend of the Beautiful Ones contained within the O.INRI version of Creation who recall coming down from another Dimension through the […]

07 Jul 2016

7:40 p.m.

7:40 p.m. G:DO… Update… A Web Site and the Plan-E.T… Will soon be available to the General Public… Designed by Erik Ebright… It is the Book as well as an access to all the codes through an ingeneously designed concept developed by Erik… This web site is of course much more than a Book- it is an interactive world, created by my own Eternal Awareness and my own growing Consciousness of what my Body Energy and my Beings Expression was […]

01 Jun 2016

30-5-9… 1-6-9

30-5-9… 1-6-9 C.O.E.i… A.F.i…. The Name and word Afi means, Grandfather, Fire.. and Pure Nature in Urdu… So we know that at least this day as well as yesterday when I began this post (Amid a great deal of Activity going on around me)… begins with the understanding of the link between the word AFI… which todays date aligns to… IFA… In IFA is found the vision of the world , the destiny of mankind , the social relations, the […]

28 May 2016


Hello…. I would Like to tell you a story or Play going in here in Case De Bodhi between a Dog and myself. … ( Yes. the code D.O.G/ G.O.D…4O7/ 7O4… 47/ 74… 11 28… which is my Birthday, hence a code with meaning And yes, most of my older Face book friends will recall how I came here, to the Case De Bodhi in Miami through the ‘Portal’ of the person whom I had met, after I left the […]

16 May 2016

8:07 p.m.

8:07 p.m. 87… H.G…Sacred Portal 87… West Virgina… W.V…A.V. I took a walk on a road called the walk of Champions ( not my idea, it was the nearest road where I could be alone, Morph -stretch- and catch a smoke.) As I walked out I saw the sign A.V with a Ram Bowing…I could read… My brother- Father Nnamdi is a Ram- Aries. I knew who he was bowing too.. My sister lives in Washington- I could hear her […]

07 May 2016

6;26 p,m…

6;26 p,m… 6-26-8… Contd… Solving the Riddle of Arch Angel Samuel…. Abrantepa Deadline… Samuel Crow… 614-612…. Code meaning: A.S…C.D… Alberto Santana … A.S Lotus Santana Dharma… L.S.D.. Zeina Hanna-H. Zorror Harmony… Sunshine State.. * There is no doubt, that this 15 year play, and especially the last 4 years is deeply disturbing to me personal, as a Hue-man Being as well as a fully Aware Eternal Energy Expression of Truth… I have no allowed myself to express, what I am […]

04 May 2016
09 Apr 2016

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic Brilliant intel moved by the E Consciousness within The Planted Seed in all Humanity. Meaning of Saintirana.. Investigating Consciousness… I.C 14 Functions.. 14=N.. Naturalness 1+4=5..E… I.C.N… I.C.E…Same Thing O.N.E… S.t.o.n.e…R…I.D..G.E (4 75/ 57 4..D Do-nna) Santirana [aka: Santira?a] First definition: Santirana is made up of san which means well and tirana which means appropriately investigating. So santirana citta is a consciousness that looks into the object of sampaticchana to work out what it is. 3 description(s) […]

05 Apr 2016

This is the most extraordinary thing…

This is the most extraordinary thing… Igbo Creation Story… Let me explain, Nikoma Rios once saw me as a gorillia, a Blue E.T and a 19 year old Golden youth. But first here is a Quote from this interview.. …He however gave a brief, revealing that Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution was almost right, in the sense that God made man from monkeys and Himself. He stated: Even though I may not say much now, I will explain some things […]