
Christ Consciousness: The Essentials of Getting Clean

13 Dec 2017

At 998 Face Book Friends..

At 998 Face Book Friends.. I am Done!!!!! Proving the My Source Codes and Evolution Awakening… I am Done!!!! Tamika Rivera… Tamika means People and Rivera means River…. The Full Circle is a River… A river runs through us… Linking is conection us in a Unified Field O.. of the Full Circle… That Stream of Consciousness and Knowing is what I was coerced into proving here infront of you after I knew my mission was complted in 2012-2013… Instead I […]

26 Nov 2017

… Yes.. The Translation of the code

… Yes.. The Translation of the code Jason Williams.. At 997 Facebook Friends… J.W… 10 13… 23…. Aligned to the 23rd of November.. Referencing Thanks Giving Day… T.G.D… Thank G.D… ref. 11 usd minus 4 ( given a Nickel Bag instead.. Nickel means Perfect.. A Nickle is 5. 11 4-7. 11- 5-7…) = 7. 11- 4 7… T=20… Sacred portal 20… T.. Lady Echo’s Truth. Echo Bravo… E.B. Code M.H.M.D..M.H.M.D..Wealth…. Manifest Harmony Manifest Destiny Wealth…. *Mhmd Mhmd Tharowt- portal I […]

25 Nov 2017
24 Nov 2017

Chukky Ijioma…

Chukky Ijioma… C.I. I am sitting at the Delta Manor S 24 E 450 Computer Jamel is sitting a 10 feet from me, we are the Two left in a play which began in the B.R.C Shelter with scores of people, who were trapped in the system. All of them have been sent home, through Divine Intervention D.I ( Bed 49 B.R.C) where my Son Father sent me here into the Black hole of the Shelter system where Society punishes […]

18 Nov 2017

989…. I.H.I… Full Circle…. OE….

989…. I.H.I… Full Circle…. OE…. 1:13 A.M… A.M/ A.M… H.R.C… Hueman Race Conscious… M.S.Y. H.M. H.O.M.E…. R.S…..R.I.S.E…. C.Y….Consciousness-Youth…. M.H… Manifest Harmony…. M A H A R.S….Reflection Supreme… R O S E…. Y.C… Yeshua Christ…. Y.A. C.E….. Lisa Levine Luke Simon portal Maha Rose 97 Green Street, Green Point Avenue. I sang the song publicly for the first time the Question the True Riddle of Existence..Can you tell me why you are Beautiful? M.R.Y….MR Y .M…Y.. ROOM is Y chromosome Male […]

02 Nov 2017

10:55 p.m.

10:55 p.m. J.E.E. A O E E… Good Lord… I truly have nothing to say…. The Computer here at Delta Manor was suddenly made available, so I thought perhaps there was something…. Nada… My body and my spinal chord is aligning and stretching, ( once again), despite my desire to say Ho Hum…again.. the experience is still alarming… Made more so by the fact that it is something which I have been proving into existence and it aligns to sacred […]

13 Sep 2017


Contd. 7:32 p.m. 7:33 p.m. I am back at Starbucks Parckchester… Any desire to play Hookey was interrupted by a summons by Robert Vlaun at 5-24….E,X…E T.E.N… But back to the Fire Wall… Joseph Carey pointed out that a Crane in orange stood behind us in front of the New School which you recall was where Georges-Philippe Roc went to ( yes the play of 5-8…And Dawn Marie…) he was born 5-21-92. Able something Boom… Oboom Boom linked to himself […]

07 Sep 2017

1011 Face Book Friends,,,

1011 Face Book Friends,,, 6:45 p.m. Galaxy 1011 I.C…. E Galaxy 1011….C.I…E.. Code Jennifer Kaufmann Hartmann… J.K…H… 10 11 8… 8 is the Code for Infinity Harmony…. In the Universal Simulation Awareness Script Of My Father-Son Harmony-Brother-Lover Unity Erie Chukwu… Franco Ik, Emi Nnamdi…..( U.S.A..S. O.M.F.S.H.B.L.U.E..C.F I.E..N…….) .. the Two in One.. my past now with his Own I.D..and Self Embodied. Life And Death.. L.A.N.D.D… L.A.N.D….E….I….I..R.M…A.H… Called the Every Thing.. E.T… Code Oboom! Boom Micheal Richard.. M.R… 5-20-73… *Just saw […]

31 Aug 2017

The Forgotten One…. Or The Neglected One’

The Forgotten One…. Or The Neglected One’ T.F.O…20 60…O.E… T N.O…. 20 14…O.E. My older Face Book friends will remember that The Forgotten One is the Name I posted as my Title…. I have been seeing the code BEAR for weeks.. I ascribed it to the American Indian Mythology of the Bear… As well as the Scandinavian Bear Cult of the Beserkers… B..E.A.R…. In 2006 I passed through the portal of Edwin Albert Rodriquez Santana… E.A.R.S… I spent for years […]

24 Aug 2017

7:15 p.m.

7:15 p.m. Truly it was because of the Short Film Clip which appeared today of Father.. My Brother who Played me.. and Literally played me- this morning, which combined with so Excess Libido Stimulation of Virility… ( Yes Lets Put some Hair on His Chest) that I managed to get up from Bed today. The exhaustion, tiredness in my limbs- Good Grief, -it is not really mine, but I have been forced to focus, stretch and align my body 24/7 […]