
Christ Consciousness: The Essentials of Getting Clean

05 May 2018

3;48 p.m…

3;48 p.m… 5-5-2018… C D H… Consciousness =Exploration of the Height and Depth of Being… 10…In Balance as An Elegant Nomad…A E N E-E- T.R… U E… Expression Energy … ( Explained) Transparently Radiantly which creates Understanding Experience .. is Expression.. The DAY OF THE DEAD… Awakening… With the Arrival of Billy Hung B.H… Will I am ..Hung… We mark the end of the Script. I have solved my Father Sons ‘ Lines Riddle of the Universal Mind -Manifest Body… […]

23 Apr 2018

10:51-52 am

10:51-52 am Ah! I See.. I get the equation I was figuring out and decoding on the last post from Lady EC H O. S P 20…Letter T 2O B She is saying Yes U Are C H R I S T Christ Consciousness. C C.. Ah The C C on Jace Horsfords Shoes Coco Channel.. I am not your Yeshua. I am Christ Waves Music SUM Of the Infinite Cee C V S C Speed of Light Consciousness Victorious […]

23 Apr 2018

9:07 a.m.

9:07 a.m. 97 4-23-2018. D. W. R…. D W T.R.U E. Hello… I had the confirmation of my work sustaining the beautiful truth of the World. I am fully aware of the Amazing people doing amazing things quietly, most not being complelled as I was to come here, to this viscous script to prove our truth. These are the Naturals and they are the notes on the Wave which I have been aware that I have been powering life time […]

28 Mar 2018

Facebook Post..

9:01 p.m 91… Sacred Portal Ms Manners.. Madame Hell Fire… Aligned to 1091 Facebook Friends… In the Name of the Rose… Those who Rose up and Did Action … Did something rather than speak and indulge in masturbation of Expression. The Do is the first Note… When you see something… Do something… Those who rose to the occasion through out time, who moved as The Elegant Nomads.. These Naturals – True Humans who rose up to stop injustice, risking life, […]

16 Mar 2018

11:22 p.m.

11:22 p.m. Yes, My Mother and David Nnamdi’s birthdays… The 11… 47 68….4 76 8… There that is the correct equation… my last coffee was 706.. Seventy Six.. 7O6… 76… S S.. 19 19 = 38… 38/83…. 383…. Full Circle.. Flipped The Script ( F T S… with Facts.. F- 6..T.S.. 20 19 39.. CI… Linked to both Dawn Piercy and her son, to Flip J Hendrixs post March 9.. 39 C.I… Consciousness I.. See my Line of E) Erik […]

07 Feb 2018

6:55 p.m.

6:55 p.m. From Angela Dawn…. I am going to have to ask you to BLOCK me from seeing your posts. Your mind play is such a REALITY to me and it makes me feel uneasy…nervous… in some way that IDONOTENJOY. Please spare my feelings for your word play is so addictive that even since unfollowing… I find myself on your page to c. I am forever grateful….???? Sent from Messenger… The Answer Angela Dawn is No. I do not block […]

03 Feb 2018

8:27 p.m.

8:27 p.m. 2-3-2018…. H.B G… B-C-T.R…. Harmony Blair G… AN-D.R..E.VV.S. Before Consciousness Creation Christ-Followers of the WAVE.. TR..E? T R U E…? Hello, As you are well aware, I am rather bored and disgusted with translating and transcribing this Script from the sum total of Book and Mind, expressed through out Time by Humans and all other Unseen Beings who have existed in Earth. That I can read it, is obviously apparent by the efficiency of the response. But the […]

12 Jan 2018

6:53 p.m.

6:53 p.m. 7Hello… Joseph Carey J.C. Allen Murray.. Obumneme… my youngest brother. First letters of their names forms an code and informs. J.A…O. C. M.K. J.C… A.M… O.K. My Brother was born…. 5-20-1973. E.T…S.G.C…. Extra Terrestrial South Georgia Cee… Eternal Truth Supreme G-ode of Creation This alludes to South Caro J.A.O… J=10…1=A. 0 is O.. 10=1 O. I have solved this riddle, proven that the Zero 0 does not exist. and that 0 is really the Full Circle. I also […]

28 Dec 2017

This from Lisa Glendenning…

This from Lisa Glendenning… She made a comment on the 1 usd Bill with the number 23 on it… You are a Fraud… I wasn’t sure whether she was talking about me, or about the One dollar usd bill… ( though how she had come to the conclusion that any of us were frauds were beyond me…) …So I decided to Investigate this Lisa Glendenning… L.G… L.G phone… 19 17…569…6455… I.Q….E.F.I…F..D.EE… ( DEE told me yesterday that her 8 year […]

14 Dec 2017

8:12 p.m.

8:12 p.m. 12-14-10..1O H.L.. L.N..A.O. Hello… A very quick post.. I just wished to demonstrate the alignment of the World now to the E codes. So at least now, you the People as Individuals ( Snow Flakes.. It is snowing here in New York) can at least witness the true Alignment of the Universe and the Plan-E.T at the very end. Recall that I had 71 and 107 then 17 on the tops of the Starbucks coffee cups… 71… Do […]