
Awakening: Through the Fog of Lies

13 Dec 2019

11:13 a.m

11:13 a.m K.M .A-A-A C. 12-13-2019. L.M. T S. A B. A C The Script. A.B.C’S of Nature. Entering The Circle. E.T C.. Hello. I thought about the Dream Arden had last the night before, as I stood on Liberty C Liscomb terrace. I could see the two blobs, he had spoken about , one blob pouring into the other, I knew what it was. Ying Yang .. 96 69… He said that it was his job, to keep pouring […]

13 Dec 2019

Bowing Out From The Play of Truth.

Bowing Out From The Play of Truth. Its way, way to Evil for, and to me. 5:22 p.m E.V. 12-12-2019. L-L- T.S. E.V.L L T S.. E V I. L. L T S. E V I E L L T S Full Moon at 12 12 There was a Halo around it and Intel from Stephen Johnson a composition completed by his daughter Erica at 12:12 a.m Yesterday I did what I have decided is my last play or scene […]

10 Dec 2019

11:22 p.m

11:22 p.m … I wanted to share with you such an amazing experience, an adventure.. a marvelous amazing story… breathtaking, universe shattering. And keep myself from shattering into billions of fractuals, exploding by having to replace such a story unraveling of evolution awakening. By instead it being replaced with teaching you codes. To prove to you I am telling the Truth. So you can read it yourself. 11:28 p.m Its true, that I am a being of Light. And when […]

20 Nov 2019

11:16 p.m

11:16 p.m A-A A F. K.P. A-A P. 11-20-2019. K.T. T S. A-A B F T S. A-AT S. Emeka Liberty C Liscomb on ground floor quiet Arden second floor. Music.Singing. Auriela 3rd Floor E L A-A. Code wriiten on Sacred Portal 110 We are Here. We are present The First and Last One Family of Existence E 11:20 p.m right now is The Music Arden was playing and singing to was by Nahko the singer. It was about Awakening […]

14 Nov 2019

9:19 p.m

9:19 p.m I.S. Hello.. I just wished to make a comment.. Don’t you think it fishy in this play of how few are loyal to me or the Truths they witnessed. Or to a set up, which limits finds ways to limit my expression by placing me in homes and portals I have to pass through, people I have to live with, and post from their homes and correct and clean from Impuse Stimuli of situations which I have to […]

12 Nov 2019

5:46 p.m

5:46 p.m 11-12-2019. E= Sacred Portal 46. D.F. K- A-A L T. S. Hello I am no longer at 1479 Facebook Friends, after days of expression to move it to completion, which instead of going up, it went down to 1478. This is in Harmony of M.W 87 as M.W 78/87. Please see Aki Thunderpaw ( A.T) post. I shared of the interconnectedness of the most far flung universes and galaxies which is mystifying Scientists. See Liberty C Liscomb Kitchen […]

07 Nov 2019
06 Nov 2019

6:52 p.m

6:52 p.m F.E.B. 11-6-2019. K F. T S. Hi.. I am not sure, how much more surreal things could get. Liberty C Liscomb has guests for Dinner to celebrate her daughter’s 14th Birthday. Its a charming Family Affair. Each have their friends, from Bun, to Aureila to Arden and Farell… Liberty with friends J.M. I feel extraordinarily out of place, not able or willing to join them, to explain my condition or have some responde unexpectedly from me. Its a […]

06 Nov 2019

12:59 p.m

12:59 p.m L E. I 11-6-2019. A-A-F. T S. We Don’t necessarily get what we want. But in this play and The Source Script, I have ensured that all get what they deserve. I have made sure of that. Programmed it all myself. To be Equitable and Fair. 1:02 p.m That all get what they really asked for… 123 A.H 123 The Element of Surprise But on Hindsight and True Reflection, Ones discovers that there is no surprise, and that […]

25 Oct 2019

12:06 a.m

12:06 a.m Quick up date 58 and 85 completed to Magus code The Sorcerer’s apprentice link The Sword of Truth confirmed with Thomas Lang,.and Malelificent code link to Liberty C Liscomb The correct version . 58 13 85 13. 13 year proof since 268 Generation X Gardens 268 East 4th Street l Albert Santana Martiza Ritz Montez. A.M. 13 13 M M 26 Z. Z ION. Zoroaster. Highest Point. Eternal Heros of the Golden Dawn. Harmony Perfection. Poverty Hollow B.F […]