
Awakening: Through the Fog of Lies

19 Oct 2020

3:29 a.m.

3:29 a.m. C 29 Lincolon. How It Ends… H I..E… E I..Harmony 59 H. Has been confirmed via Kamora Herrington and Estabon Miquel Filgueria.. E K.. E K. – K E… Destruction Hatred Poison. D H P.. There was no Harmony on this day with either, and so this is no longer a play or a Universal Simulation as in Enders Game… Its is now real. On the other side Ready Player One, P R O… Victory.. the 3 Stages […]

04 Oct 2020

17:54 Hundred Hours

17:54 Hundred Hours H H. Army Time. AT. 1…H H I just went out.. All the cars codes 2 56 and 8 56 parked right in front I went to buy Chinese Take Out 8 :50 . H E.O H .E F 8 56.. Time now 17:56 Hundred Hours Q E F 5:56 p.m E E F Then to the C V S.. Curriculum Vitae Satya = 10…10 +9= 19. 3-22..20 20 Liberty C Liscomb Fahad Hassen John Mack Jon […]

03 Oct 2020
02 Oct 2020
21 Sep 2020

4:33 p.m.

4:33 p.m. 9-21-2020. Hi.. At this point the Time and Date codes are easy for you to read. 4 33 would be we are still completing the code of the Universal Body. U B.. C..U B… E.. Sacred portal 4 and 33.. 43 @ 3 A T 3 16 33.. 9 21 is simply I.U.. I.. is the Universe…Whole Complete 9 is planets in this Solar System. and that this post is meant to be the confirmation of my awareness […]

13 Sep 2020

5:11 p.m.

5:11 p.m. E K. E A-A. 9-13-2020. I M TT. I Manifest the Portal and Gate Way Sacred Portal 39/ 93. Hello… Evolution Awakening is about to manifest Any Moment…right now. 5:56 p.m 5:58 p.m. I am doing it Alone in Human form but with the Aid of my Family who were rising through you, and has been whittled down from the perhaps thousands, of people I was led to meet and interact over the course of this life of […]

07 Sep 2020

31… yes… 6 31 33 Golden state… AU Golden Past.. Golden Age.. Golden Dawn… First Awakening in this world… before adam and eve stories…

31… yes… 6 31 33 Golden state… AU Golden Past.. Golden Age.. Golden Dawn… First Awakening in this world… before adam and eve stories… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

05 Sep 2020
22 Jul 2020

22:49 p.m

22:49 p.m No.. I do not like having to transparently weave you into Existence. Pausing in your homes- and coding every thing in view to proove your worthiness of rising. Its was your Home Work.. not mine. I did not even wish to share my knowledge of the Matrix and the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze after the reception I recieved. I lived for over 10 months at 900 South Road There was no one I wished to see but […]

22 Jul 2020