
Awakening: Through the Fog of Lies

24 Nov 2020

2:16 p.m.

2:16 p.m. B P.. Beautiful Pride. Black Panther. 11-24-2020. K X- 2020. A-A B D TT. A-A E M F… Perfect Vision. Hello, I am not surprised at all by the arrival of Miguel Figueroa as my 1500 Facebook friend. E line links to M F. E A connects to M F. MF Masculine Feminine, Male Female M F= 19 add E=5, which I represent and it becomes 24. And yes link Aiyoyorwoth Natasha A N 1 14 which is […]

19 Nov 2020

1:10 p.m.

1:10 p.m. * Yes, the time I received the intel from Tree Sage.. Kim Arthur Hinds. It is also sacred portal 110 which was linked to Arden. 110 u.s.d. 11-19-2020. K S TT. This Kim and Serenity as TT. K S.T..Ti! Hello.. Jea made a comment when she heard that Kamora Herrington was also having problems with her batteries and connecting- she said it is about draining energy… I stared at her… That was what this play was all about- […]

14 Nov 2020

From Liberty C Liscomb

From Liberty C Liscomb Of course I will share the Representatives and stars of the play of Evolution Awakening play of E Beautiful Youth Jeron: Big Shoes to fill. But he is not worried about such little details P.S Liberty C Liscomb sent me these photos at 4:33 p.m 33 yes. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

07 Nov 2020

15:22 Hundred Hours

15:22 Hundred Hours 15 Days V. O V- 2:20 USD. A E V. L E A V E S. P. in Perfection Harmony ? I Kept Memory Alive. From the Birth .. Forwards and Backwards Hindsight Foresight while seated anchored in the rock solid True Self. My Middle name is I. I.V. 9 22 Yes, birthdays of Royal Mayan Rodriguez Santana And Jesse Macias Orejuela R J. – J R Joseph Robinnette Biden B I. 29. D. 4 E 5 […]

07 Nov 2020


0:9:22. O I V 11-7-2020 K G. A-A G. Hello. At last, the long prolonged play is over.. There is no where else to go to, no portal left after 64 moves and a chess game.. And the literal Queens Gambit, one last stance. Q is Quantum. Confirmed by the play which took place with Tree Sage confirmed as the last portal of a truly taxing play of endurance. Yesterday it was about the Hi Point and the Harmony established […]

30 Oct 2020


P.S. This War. Is not ..or no longer Ghosts Ancestors of the past. It is right here and now Present. In your homes, offices, jobs, personal lives, private lifes, public lifes… Hence G-Ode’s Army .. Harmonies Army I Amy. Me on Facebook Those who joined in with Full Awareness And those about to Esacape This Night Mare On a 747 Jet Plane. Last Call Boarding Pass B P Beautiful Pride…Core Family Door Closed. Now boarding Flight Light A.M. 5 11 […]

27 Oct 2020

From Anirbas Lem. A L. / S L

From Anirbas Lem. A L. / S L she sent me 3 images made by her daughter Erabella whom I met here at South Whitney And a series created by her. S E. E S. She sent me Erabella’s images first E S. C A P. E This is Mother Matter Supreme and Ultimate you can see here in Sacred Portal 45. Bottom of thr image. 9 ( her hips) and in 65.. Mass. Sacre Massacre I.spoke of her as […]

24 Oct 2020

3:56 p.m

3:56 p.m What was interesting is that not one person exceopt Eztabon Miguel Filgueira spoke up for me. I suppose it was a fitting end as I listened to the verbal abuse. I was nothing but a homeless man who had taken advantage, was doing spells which made there child, perfectly lucuid, rational but full of yoo much passion and drama ..and hurt at not being seen. But loved as people say and call love here. I was calm, because […]

22 Oct 2020

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice…T S A.

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice…T S A. A.k.a The Sword of Truth. Kolo Journals .. K J.. V . Kolo Albums… K A… Scared Portals in my Albums. La Première Leçon du sorcier (titre original : Wizard’s First Rule) est le premier tome du cycle L’Épée de vérité, sorti en 1994. Il a été écrit par Terry Goodkind. Il s’est vendu à plus de vingt millions d’exemplaires en quelques Terry Good -Kind. T G K / K G T.. Truth God K=11 […]

20 Oct 2020

10:43 p.m

10:43 p.m I know it is hard to not take things personally when you are an Actor in Play Script you do not fully understand and which is confusing especially when your reality is this experience of every day. But this is not my play of Script I have been transforming. Its that of what some call Devil Satan in rage as terrible death and despite my being his Source, I was placed in the role of a script of […]