
Awakening: Through the Fog of Lies

10 Jul 2014


Hello… Update…. TODAY WAS A SET UP TESTING THE E. The line of ET SUPERNATURAL ARE HERE!a Have landed Here my proof… Yesterday some one I have not seen in 15 years, whose initials form the code U.S.A. acknowledges me publicly with another friend liking it called Banu (Ban U). 15 makes O a Full Circle. I get 24 messages today on my phone which is how I see the days play, my phone is at 69 e mail, 136 […]

10 Jul 2014


Hello, A Movement to Escape… Aylin Sendemir Urkemez…A.S.U…U.S.A. and Banu B. Something is really off about this… are people going to simply watch me go through this, having no where to go, or even place my bags, even after proving the codes and humanities still having the inner vision planted in them along with the Harmony. Is this the play… since the code U.S.A proves we are still in a play.. not real life. Is this the play even after […]

07 Jul 2014

Just got on my lap top…

Just got on my lap top… So just saw that F.B.F at 166… So strange, that is of course me, and have not been able to get on my Black or Silver Lap top for a some days… Using my Gala XY phone… Just got on the Silver G4..74. All Gifts. Wanted to simply let people know, that there is nothing personal in this play, its all been an evolution of an Arithmetical Mathematical Equation… Using Experience Individual Memory, Collective […]

07 Jul 2014

July 7th

July 7th Still workin my ass off. O.K. E Chukwu… And so with my Bag and stuff here with no place to leave them, and.my Host still offering Time and Space… I can not get up.and leave as I intended today, this sick and twisted unatural play. My Host is the Ultimate Channel. This place is the ultimate portal Igbo Nri the last exixt from Brooklyn…Yeah the Movie..Yeah the County of Kings. Yeah the gate way to Mainland U.S.Alpha. Yes, […]

06 Jul 2014


Hello.. July 6. 76 Conversations with Espirits. We were the vessels, pawns who some ( few) became Aware that as a species were being spied upon, set up. And because they rebelled while at the same time investigsted, rose fr being mere pawns on a literal chess board… To become Rookies, Bishops (Guides) Knights in shinning Armour, Queens as Q, and Finally Kings…Fathers and Guardians of a species and of a Truth Beyond. They did not accept the roles given […]

23 Feb 2014

Facebook Post..

So here we are… At yet another conclusion.. That God is really a Code.. A Living Code and A Sacred Cord..Link…Umbiblical Chord…3th-4th the 5th. Which is the Beautiful Book A Living Book of Nature Space Air Breath the Interconnecting Weave Cinena Cine Music of livr. Written with the Ink of living loving breath of the Creator and its manifest Creation…The Everything…and more. There is only one Book of life and you must, live it experience it, move around the world…with […]

09 Feb 2014

Well, Dear Face Book Friends… and the World at Large, this is ( I feel) the end of Revelations.

Well, Dear Face Book Friends… and the World at Large, this is ( I feel) the end of Revelations. And the sharing of my own personal Revelation.. 18 Photos and 160 F.B.F.. A.H.. A.F.O. R.P…R.I.P? R,P,OP.R The Full Circle- the source (Reemeber that Movie with George Burns playing God,,, Oh God) Contagion Abraham Lincoln.. C.A.L EKWE Means Calll in OINRI… N Su- of the ones Who know to speak up and not be afraid to speak out the truth of […]

08 Feb 2014

Facebook Post..

The Gift. The Day Time stood still 1984. THERE Is Something Sum- Thing in the Air.. Moving Backwards ( Through Creations Stories and Migrational pathways Out of Africa and Back Into Afraica and Beyond) from Ney York,Rome Greece, Celts Vikings, Persia Syria, Arabia, Middle East Ethiopia, Eggypt, Kemet… Yesterdyay we were In Igbo Land and Nri… Then we went beyond Ekwensue and Onwu Death.. the two, where I met Set H at Cafe Bean. C.B.. Consciousness In Being, who spoke […]

04 Feb 2014
02 Feb 2014


161… 1 is A 6 is F A.F.A…. 16 is P. 1 is A. P.A. Afa in OINRI Igbo means Name… P.A is short Public Announcement… And in Code; Praise and Appreciation A.F.A. In Youruba Shango Santeria..Orishas, which influenced the Puerto Rico cultures amongst others means Bridge. Oracle divination btw the Spirit World Gods and Man directing the Will to purpose. Translation of Transmission and code of where are at… Name… Public Announcement; My Name is Praise and Appreciation. I […]