
Awakening: Through the Fog of Lies

29 Sep 2014

Hello Sept 29…

Hello Sept 29… 9 29… I am The Way… The way is through a Consciousness and the greatest acheivement greater than Nature greater than the greatest Civilizations is the retention of the greatest Treasure in all Existence and this treasure is the True Consciousness which formed Creation Existence and to which each person bron into this world was meant to guard…. That was IS, the point of Existence ( 1 47) to know that which is of value and that […]

17 Sep 2014

Sept 9th 2O 14…

Sept 9th 2O 14… I got up asking a beautiful dark brown girl besides me to pls look out for my phone will I visited the bathroom.. Once again, I noticed the inscription on the wall You are not Forgotten but someone had added.. Pointing to the World… Don’t worry about the world thinks, worry about the World It was signed Mr W.. Code 78 on my former hosts micro wave.. MW87/78W. Double U.. N.D I (9=I).. I am N.D.I.E. […]

16 Sep 2014

From Ritz Montes

From Ritz Montes Lovin it!!! Lovin these posts… See ya at the Ritz!!! Room with a Beautiful View of the Evolution Awakening I and others saw but they forgot we have to make it manifest ourselves.. So I weavin using energy Vibrations colors sounds Ultra Violet waves sine from 1 23456789 O A-Z Z-EF…and F.E…Z..ABC..E.. Ha… Love it by Livin it! E.K Original Facebook Post: Click Here

15 Sep 2014

Sept 15th.

Sept 15th. 09/15/14.. Code 9 15 14. I.O.N. I am sitting at the Cafe Bean 2nd and 3rd… Yeah still in the Matrix Holgrame.. A guy is sitting two seats away from me wearing a T -Shirt… The Spark of Life I just finished the Equation of N..N is fourteen.. After leaving my former Host and A…. And recieved the code of Alien Father affirmed. I knew that David Philipe Gil had been linked to A, my former Host. By […]

24 Jul 2014
20 Jul 2014
16 Jul 2014


H.I….V.I.E. The Beautiful Present. B.P. Beautiful Pride is Investigation E. Cee for yourself. That is the way of the Individual I..who comes before the O.H. Is not swayed by others opinions. It has the common sense to find the truth out for itself. I know why the Mocking Bird Sings… C.E. And today David Philipe Gil and I met…in the Garden Generation X of my Hosts Community. E.V I Know why the Mocking Bird Sings… It Sings at those who […]

16 Jul 2014

Hi we are at 17 2 F.B.Friends.

Hi we are at 17 2 F.B.Friends. Q.B. 17 is the code of the Transformer which we know as Beautiful Death is Truth. Everyone dies and, or Transforns. Death is not the end has been proven in this play. Humanity is in a coded play, a Matrix….proven. We are Evolution Awakening. And All the truths about Energy can not be understood through physical science or Consciousness. The Seed of Humanity and human Existence… Just as the Asteroid which fertlized this […]

14 Jul 2014
10 Jul 2014

From Fred Delshad…

From Fred Delshad… July 1O. 1 56…. Humm was that not the play we witnessed thru my experience which was meant to be the End of this play. But instead at May 6…codes 56 56 have Dawn Marie…spirit me away in perfect Harmony leading me to the Bean and eventually back here. Where we have moved up 11 F.B.F friends since then… To the current 1-67..76. 56/65 was this not proven as Emeka Fritz at Pelham Park in 2010 and […]