
Awakening: Through the Fog of Lies

29 Oct 2014


29…99…18..81…99=II…I B.I. I and I A.H.H.A…II..1. More than anything… I desire Justice… Justice for everyone who ever lived. Justice for all who lived the Truth in a lie. Justice for all what these people through the.ages fought for lived for died for… Justice which makes everyone aware that nothing is forgotten. That a period of grace was given to all to make amends, to atone and to attune. To search their hearts, listen to.thier Conscience, listen to thier lifes echoes […]

28 Oct 2014

Fear Bullies..Face Book..F.B.

Fear Bullies..Face Book..F.B. Find your Voice And your Voi..(Way) I am exemplifying the Voice and the way.. The last part of the journey to I.E you must each do on your own… (Thats Why I am.meant to go home and never concern myself with matters of this world….ever never….Never for ever.. I am sure you get my meaning… Because I have exemplified the way. The Evil I can not take in is being held back.from going home by the Truth, […]

23 Oct 2014

It was so tiring living in a Passed Past…

It was so tiring living in a Passed Past… I never want to be dragged back to it ever.. Last year I left Pelham B Park in October descending through 3rd and 2nd, (Sean McBean), then a bench on 1st and 3rd (the Egyptian) then here… Yonathan Yohaness and Seble W… Back to my former host place Al..at 268 4th in October 22, I arrived. What a strange fate to find myself repeating the same cycle, which most witnessed a […]

17 Oct 2014

I, for one have nothing to proove to anyone…

I, for one have nothing to proove to anyone… ….I do not feel there is anyone out there worthy enough that I or anyone need devote our very existences to meet requirements for your approval… What extraordinary audacity and presumptiousness… I recall about 6 yrs ago when I wrote to.my sister telling her what was going.on and how I was being compelled by a force within which she is one of the only persons whom could relate to this truth. […]

17 Oct 2014

October 17….

October 17…. 17-1O…2O 14… Q.A-G…A.O….T.N..C.D…G Oh, I see… The its about the Alignment Gathering and the Q..Queens…The Q as the Goddess.. And the Lords of Love.. The Brightest… Look at my two.posts… The First is about the Q…Omnipotent Beings.. Beyond Time and Space.. The Second post was about Gathering…G.. The Family not just for me but all of you and your familes loves companions since the begining of Time and Space and for some of you even beyond…. A Family […]

14 Oct 2014

Facebook Post..

1:47A.M… October 14… O.N.. 8…Infinity O.N. 1O/14….2O 14… 1=A-O…N..A.D….2=B…O.N..A.D Code…A..B….N.N…A.D. The Elemental Titans A I am not sure if anyone in this current world consciousness will.understand what I am about to write… But I am sure in hindsight it will all make sense.. I Have Been Set Up… Of Course, I had stated this many times in the past 3O months but I am aware that very few if any understood what I was alluding to. Alot of this is […]

13 Oct 2014


Hello… I have a new Face Book Friend… Who arrived the moment I completed the post below… Taneyha McWilliams… T.M…as my 2O6th F.B Friend… Twenty Six…26 Two Full Circles of 6… 26 8 12 3C…66…12 3C. 6X6…36..9…C.F.I…x18.A.H…1+8=9=I.. I checked her D.O.B code 68 Height 66… Taneyha has a middle name Lynn T.L ..M Code 2O 12..13… Code 2O+12+13…45… April 5th…Nnamdi. Passed Age 13… Aligned in perfection to my host Male Female..M.F. Taneyha is a version of Tanya.. Recall David Nnamdi […]

05 Oct 2014

Nature Evil…

Nature Evil… The Dream… The Evil Dream of Nature. Daizy Vivienne code Days Eye Alive. Code D.E.A Devil Ekwensu Ag=kalogheli The Devil is called Ekwensue amongst the Igbo ppl and he is called the green eyes monster, while his son Aka log heli is the Monkey Snake God. Through this book written by Chikodi Annuobi and the a Vision seen by Erike who recounts this vision to his best friend Okoye the Eze Nri of the 11th century ( E.O.. […]

03 Oct 2014

Facebook Post..

1O 3 True Nature…. What was Jesus Christs ( Yes Hues AH…. 1 is Manifestation of the Colors Lightned up to 1 8 by Authoring Harmony) True Nature. What was Nnaemeka Yeshue ah Christs ( The Annointed.. C A) True Nature. I do believe that I have demonstrated it by the past, my past, my collective past rising up in me taking over me to prove it true nature.. which was common sense… And in common sense, we understand why […]

03 Oct 2014

Death is the PAST and the Illusion which had to be conquered.

Death is the PAST and the Illusion which had to be conquered. October 3rd…. 2O 14 O3/1O/14 Code C.J…N. N.J.C… OI NRI Jesus Christ… O1 Nnaemeka Yeshua Christ… O.I..N.Y.C. I have a New Face Book Friend, Daizy Vivienn Daizy means Days Eye Vivienn means, Alive Sentence, The Days Eye is Alive The Days Eye could be seen as the Sun- but to me it really is the All seeing I of Consciousness. D.V…. O.E….. D.O.V.E. D.V= 4 22… Welcome to […]