
Awakening: Through the Fog of Lies

26 Apr 2015
4:51 P.M.

4:51 P.M.

4:51 P.M. 26-4-8 4-26-8. D:EA…R. A.H. A-Z-D-H… 4 268 D ZH.. Dimension Zeina Hanna Beauty is the Gift of Grace and Favor of the Creator 4th Street Fa 268 is I, Emeka.. The 1-4,5 Dimensions are all E… IV/VI…46/64…67/76.. And now the 68-86 =1-54. I am sitting at 54 2nd Avenue at the Bean Cafe. E.D. Emeka Dimensions… Fifth Dimension. The Play Ends Tonight.. I have worked with the Unseen E line, Unseen but not silent to transform all illusions […]

19 Apr 2015
4:51 P.M.

9:37 P.M.

9:37 P.M. I.C.G… I was just in a play at Star Bucks… With a lady and her son which just mirrored the play of God as Mother not seeing a blind spot Anger Hurt blame in which she reflected my own state. But I know why I am in this circumstances.. It was to get her and her son and whose intials make J.R. have a conversation about the two men, her ex and his friend also J R.. One […]

17 Apr 2015
4:51 P.M.


1O:24…P.M. J: B.A. A.O.B.A… Muthi Reed M.R.. Mister The name Muthi comes from.a Tree but is also a Healer or what have been called Witch Doctors, Shamans, but in Truth the real meaning to my truth are Spiritual Healers of the Physical body through Sound. Princess Muthi is an Artists of Sound Reed means A Red or red headed persons or ruddy complexioned person Reed is also A plant which is Hollow inside and can be used for an instrument…. […]

17 Apr 2015
Facebook Post..

Facebook Post..

From Muthi Reed.. Serena LA Shawn. 7:17 P.M. G.Q. G.A-G. Grace Awareness Grace ROYGBIV. As all my FaceBook friends are aware, it is exactly this which I have been demonstrating publicly on face book. That for each post, thier has been a response Where I have been speaking to what I call my twin…who exists outside of this Milky Way and beyong Galaxy 1101 60X I.C. I have demonstrated how this consciousness some call Gods but I call Grace 1-7-8 […]

02 Apr 2015
4:51 P.M.

9:O7 pm

9:O7 pm Kine Hannah… Sacred Portal 97. light of the World How strange, When the young Black attractive model photographer told me her name was Kine. What whispered in my being, literally was Kinetic. So, I knew I would check the meaning of her name. It means White Night Kinetic Energy…E K. It also means cows which would be Hathor but we are really not in those human stories and characters. And White Night aligns perfectly to where we are […]

25 Mar 2015
24 Mar 2015
4:51 P.M.

2:48 P.M.

2:48 P.M. 24-3-8. 3-24-8… Code… B:D H.. Being Death Harmonious (Being of Sacred Portal 48) X-C -H. B D-C-H C-X-H.. C-B D-H.. X is the Consciousness Harmony Consciousness of the Beautiful Devil (Death) is Harmony (Every one and Everything dies..except E) And who is X? X is the Circle the II who create the Caixas.. And show the way to the Center.. The Point. I was meant to meet Sidney Davis at The Bean at 1O:15 PM today…3rd and 2nd. […]

10 Mar 2015
4:51 P.M.

11:O3 p.m

11:O3 p.m K.O C… 11-3-8… C.O.K . K.O.C.. Le Gallos.. That is actually the name of the film which was shot here today in this apartment Which means the Cock… As in Cock a Do le Do.. In Spanis Gallos…Gall of the O as stating that it is Supreme.. Gall Bladder… G.B. God Bring Pi SS… … The code is P.EE. P=16= 28…88 EE is 55.. 85-58-8585.. 85+58…26-8. Time 12:28. I am the KOC and the Cock of the Evolution […]

02 Mar 2015
4:51 P.M.


11:26..p.m. Hmmm I wonder how many people know who I really am undercover I have proven all of yours… Your identities undercover Hmm…you do know you can not come into the House and Dimension of E without having publicly and transparently proven you know him.. His I.D.. Especially after he was forced to identify that he knows all of yours.. 11:28 pm is the time right now. Just sayin… Those who stay behind help rebuild a world but will first […]

21 Feb 2015
4:51 P.M.

2:33 PM

2:33 pm. 22-2-8 Woke up to 1 message and 28 likes so I knew what my day would be linking about. But so tired of this play that the desire to walk away is so great. I am so disgusted by it.. I loathe Pain Misery and Suffering as a Consciousness But I came back to and saw the message from Birgit Stein… And did the weave, solved the riddle and linked the equation.. When at 2:O8 pm, I received […]