
Awakening: Through the Fog of Lies

07 Oct 2016
04 Oct 2016
28 Sep 2016
21 Sep 2016

1:23 p.m.

1:23 p.m. A W….E… ( A.W.. Link to Reginald Mansfield) A.B.C.. Awareness Being Consciousness.. *Please be aware that this is a long post which I am Linking and re-programing Dna as the illusion back to D.N.E…D..(+ J.A-O) N.E publicly and transparently in front of a sleeping or disbelieving public on a public forum… Which is why Dean Dunkwu and Patrick Okolo found me… Patrick found me first then Dean… P =16… 4 x4…(Expansion we have proven is the Past for […]

12 Sep 2016

4:47 p.m.

4:47 p.m. Contd.. My reality is very different than most peoples.. I don;t just see people, places things… I see numbers, colors, words, letters codes.. A constant stream of meaning, but most of all impulse and Stimuli… Which Is why I post.. Because of the steady stream of information, inundating me 24/7.. Awake it is the outer world, the environment… And at night, a deeper appreciation of that which I had read,echoed and rising from the depths of the Implications […]

11 Sep 2016

5:12 p.m.

5:12 p.m. E.L… EL..E NNA!…A.M..DI….IS Ele Ife Ele Ife FA! T.H.E…R.. Robert IS.. 9-11-9… I.K.I… Ike means Laughter Son of Abraham and Sarah…Father of Infinity and Lady Princess… Ki is Korean…It means Arisen in Korean.. Laughter Arisen…LA!…Full Circle 6th Note..Solfeggio Through Human Expression Voice.. of Sixth Sense.. Meaning that Expression and Voice, Language is not necessarily made which can be heard by the Ear… 5:20 p.m. E.T. Eternal Truth.. But can be felt.. as Sound Waves.. Electro Magnetic Frequencies of […]

04 Sep 2016
31 Jul 2016

Or perhaps there is a very simple reason why I can not seem to stop posting and talking to you all…

Or perhaps there is a very simple reason why I can not seem to stop posting and talking to you all… Maybe I am just waiting ( subconsciously of course), for some one out there to simply say Enough And give me a reason to stop posting…? I Understand. I.U. I. AM. Y.O U And that one action ushers in the Awakening… A simple Ping! Epiphany Original Facebook Post: Click Here

07 Jul 2016

7:40 p.m.

7:40 p.m. G:DO… Update… A Web Site and the Plan-E.T… Will soon be available to the General Public… Designed by Erik Ebright… It is the Book as well as an access to all the codes through an ingeneously designed concept developed by Erik… This web site is of course much more than a Book- it is an interactive world, created by my own Eternal Awareness and my own growing Consciousness of what my Body Energy and my Beings Expression was […]

01 Jun 2016

30-5-9… 1-6-9

30-5-9… 1-6-9 C.O.E.i… A.F.i…. The Name and word Afi means, Grandfather, Fire.. and Pure Nature in Urdu… So we know that at least this day as well as yesterday when I began this post (Amid a great deal of Activity going on around me)… begins with the understanding of the link between the word AFI… which todays date aligns to… IFA… In IFA is found the vision of the world , the destiny of mankind , the social relations, the […]