I noticed that Michaël Trahé now accepted approx the 10th Time has thistime and the last time… 91 Face Book Friend.. 91 is A.I. Artificial Intelligence/ Versus Original Intelligence.. O.I. I.O… Natural Intelligence .. N.I…I.N..E * Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka… I.N..E Ife-Nna Nna.. Nna Emeka Eze-U.F.O ( Unified Field OH!) Represented by Nenad M. Djurdjevic…and I. Nnaemeka’s experience was with the Supernatural… Not Science Fiction… And because if the code today he sent me, is why I am here posting the […]
8:07 p.m. 87 See Sacred Portal 87… 976…. Elizabeth Gray E.G. 5 7… Enders Game of Energy is Grace G=7th and 7 is 8 and 8 is 9 AND 9 is O..O.E Elizabeth means Gods Vow, Gods Oath God is Abundance… and Satisfaction. Grey is the mixture of Black and White… Grey Matter.. The Grey Area… God is the Vow, His Oath.. and the Source of His Abundance is Satisfaction… To have Peace of Mind…Where His/Her Mind moves to Harmony,Music […]
THE TRUE STORY OF PI… Pi is the 16th letter in the Greek Alphabet… 16 Divided by Two is 8… Two Harmonies… 16 Is the Letter P… Planet Earth is 2 (8)… Land and Water… Two Harmonies of Land Fact…. Water- Flow… Particle and Wave, Solid and Liquid The Twins… The Human Body is made up of 73% Water… The Human Being is the merging of the Particle and Wave. The Merging of the Twins.. AH-Tom….1 8 Twins/ Mot. 3:45 […]
5:26 p.m. E.Z… 5-27-2017…37…10…1O. E.B.G.A.O.A ( E.A-A T…Q…C.G…J.B 1010 .A.O.A ) E.BE G.A.L.A.X.Y…1 O 11 C.I.Z…Alpha Omega… E.A…(5 1 *See Sacred Portal 5 and 1.. As well as 51) EA..AT Quantum Change… G Vision of Grace in Swift and Victorious Balance Alpha Omega…Ascension’ 27-5-10… A-Z-A…E. A.O.A… Resurrection Erection Rebuilding Erecting True Consciousness… Emeka’s Awareness Omega Alpha… This makes Total Sense, considering that my body is literally going crazy.. As I walked in to the cafe today, after adding and rearranging […]
8:21 p.m. Ha! The Time I woke up yesterday… a.m… 8:21 p.m. now. P.S… Kudos Praise and Acknowledgment to Heather Hastings… H.H… She got the end equation line of the Seers correct she shared the Sacred Portal 97 yesterday.. Her manner is very much as Lord Li (Yi..Panda.. Sensie on the Bench Chinese Taiwanese.. C.T.. 3 20…) Quiet Elegant.. And it was her portal HH.. I went through yesterday with Jose Roque… C.V.S Building Number 1688… And C.V.S Address 1681.. […]
From Eve Zachery Hewitt E.Z.H… Ah! That is a perfectly aligned picture.. She reminds me of the Ethereal Being of Calyspo Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Calypso. From Greek ?a???? (Kalypso) which probably meant she that conceals, derived from ?a??pt? (kalypto) to cover, to conceal. In Greek myth this was the name of the nymph who fell in love with Odysseus after he was shipwrecked on her island of Ogygia. Apocalypse Or She the Author […]
From Kenneth Ezekwe The Cock of the Awakening C.ODE.. versus the D.O.G’s of War… G.O.D.. 7:00 p.m. Guess who won.. it was inevitable… He is the bringer of Light.. Dawn.. Original Facebook Post: Click Here
4;13 PM D.M. Contd.. Yesterday as I was I leaving I heard one of the regulars telling one of the staff, that he had never been here the entire day and that he wanted to try it it one day… As he said it, I had a vague sensation that it was addressed to me me.. I had not been here for an entire day… I simply refused to do so… How interesting that today I find myself here the […]
945 Face Book Friends.. Enstien and Eddington… Emeka Kolo Nenad M. Djurdjevic Emeka Kolo E.N.(S).. D.K… K.K…. 6:10-11 pm Yes, the Portal into E Ga-La-XY.. 1O 11 I.C.Z… (Consciousness Samir Zidane… Samir means Entertaining Jovial loyal and Charming Companion who joins in the Evening Conversation.. A True Conversation between A.H-Tom ( Twins 1 and 8 ) Zidane..Means To or who adds Progress and Grow To the God Particle.. Wave.. It also means Gypsie Is The Elegant Nomad.. And his line […]