
Awakening: Through the Fog of Lies

03 Sep 2017
02 Sep 2017

2:55 p.m.

2:55 p.m. B.E.E. Code Peace Bee…. 9-2-….1 O… I link this to 1992…. 25 years ago… Y. Last night I completed a code of DIABETES…. Which was the intel I received through the Avatar Doctor Udin. I knew it was not coming from the E, but rather the Africa World.. UWA…Worlds Forest People. I also received a message from the E, after I signed a contract of a Rite of Passage with the E.T…Extra Terrestrials -Terracotta They Lived Before Adam… […]

31 Aug 2017

The Forgotten One…. Or The Neglected One’

The Forgotten One…. Or The Neglected One’ T.F.O…20 60…O.E… T N.O…. 20 14…O.E. My older Face Book friends will remember that The Forgotten One is the Name I posted as my Title…. I have been seeing the code BEAR for weeks.. I ascribed it to the American Indian Mythology of the Bear… As well as the Scandinavian Bear Cult of the Beserkers… B..E.A.R…. In 2006 I passed through the portal of Edwin Albert Rodriquez Santana… E.A.R.S… I spent for years […]

31 Aug 2017

From Bandara Rma… B.R….O.

From Bandara Rma… B.R….O. I noticed that this was shared by Bandara on May 11, 2016. 5-11….2016…. E.K…T.P…. Emeka Kolo…. 20 16….36….9…I. I was at 18 Mountain View at that time, chez John Blackwell – John Delguidce ( J.B…J.D..) And Donna O Sullivan… D.O.S…D.S… Where I spent 9 months exactly, to the day with them. Jon and Donna… J.D. It is also where I became Face Book Friends with Jean Ann Dortch really Fey Mirach… F.M… *FM broadcasting is a […]

23 Aug 2017

8:23 p.m.

8:23 p.m. Date 8-23… Ha! Will you look at that…? The Time and Date of this post are aligned. T.D…. E Trump Donald…. Correct Code not Donald Trump. H.W…. H Double U… H Double V… H.W…5… H.W.E…. Harmony WE… The H.O.W…Has Been Answered. H…A.W.E… Linked to Willow Amaru El Bey… W.A…E.B… E W A..E B. W A V E. B … EWA is an O.I.Nri expression Exclamation of Surprise Ewa, E Be!.. / E.B…A.W.E…. And H ..Harmonious AWE have not […]

21 Aug 2017

5:47 p.m.

5:47 p.m. E-D.G…11 28…. K..A-A B.H… 8-21-37…10..1 O.. H-U-C.G… H.U.J… H.U.A.O… 21-8-1 O…. U.H.A.O. THIS IS FOR THE FUTURE. I write this post, as I have written most of my post during the last 5.5 years, to the Future Present in you. Todays Date is the Code… H.U… And we have experienced the Total Eclipse… And I have already received the private response acknowledging that it was the Challenge of the Elementals- Titans Elves Fairies… E.F…5 6… Expression of Sixth […]

19 Aug 2017

This riddle was already solved

This riddle was already solved Over and over again but Lisa Natalie Johnson brought it to my attention again. She recently asked me about the number 76 ( 26 and 50. B F and E O Best Friend Eternal O P E N Seven Eleven. S E. Supreme E Bed 5-19 I was First Assigned) I told her that it is the Sacred Portal of the Awakening- Then she told me that she had two friends both Michelles who lived […]

10 Aug 2017

5:11 p.m.

5:11 p.m. E.K. Emeka Kolo Victor Chukwu- Emeka O Kolo.. 5:12 E.L. Emeka L.I.S.A… Emeka Brenda… E.B. LES TWINS WON! L.T…T.L…True Love… 12 20/ 20 12… * 5 years ago.. 32 32… ( 64/ 46) 5 5… It means I am the Victor and my Sister Line L.B…Lisa Brenda Lucy Joy… Ojugo Noni… are the Double W…Double V reflection of My Self.. I.E.. Examples in their own right, now. What this really means, is that out of what is the […]

27 Jul 2017

NZ 67 67 46 B

NZ 67 67 46 B Yes, My British Social Security Number is a Code. And it linked from England to America.. E.A.. 51.. Area 51 of the Universal Matrix.. Thus, here is corrects to B 64 76 76 ZN… Drew Reyn D.R sent me his video where there are 80 views and 14 likes.. 14 is N. Brenda is here when I arrived with Ms Lilian code 56 and 74… Erek Eclass Mateo was born 76… He is Me. Emeka […]

25 Jul 2017

This is sacred Portal 52.

This is sacred Portal 52. E.B… Which ended with myself and Brenda, which creates the code E.B. The E Be. Linking it to the date,the 25th and the play which ended with Brenda Boothe and I… And her 5 USD proving true, but it would appear I have been contained in a Controlled Environment- it which the Delta Manor which I perhaps too confidently to go to, has been a containment field, a testing ground of the Truth of my […]