
Awakening: Through the Fog of Lies

26 Feb 2018

Towering Rage…. T.R… 20 18

Towering Rage…. T.R… 20 18 Tower Inferno… T.I.. 20 9…. Responding To… R.T.. The WAR… In Fer…( Iron..I Ron… Saun-Ron)….No…! See Sacred Portal 50 and what is written below… I am War!. No More War… Zebulon Ce a Nous.. The Raging Bull, Bule Boil, Bull- Lion Ego Oge… E.O… Eri-c…Oduduwa… Otzs Odu O O 7 I just shared a Table with 17 year old Leo… ( Cliff BossKing Leo)… Bull see the Inanna story and the Minotaur ( Salvan Inna […]

26 Feb 2018

Towering Rage…. T.R… 20 18

Towering Rage…. T.R… 20 18 Tower Inferno… T.I.. 20 9…. Responding To… R.T.. The WAR… In Fer…( Iron..I Ron… Saun-Ron)….No…! See Sacred Portal 50 and what is written below… I am War!. No More War… Zebulon Ce a Nous.. The Raging Bull, Bule Boil, Bull- Lion Ego Oge… E.O… Eri-c…Oduduwa… Otzs Odu O O 7 I just shared a Table with 17 year old Leo… ( Cliff BossKing Leo)… Bull see the Inanna story and the Minotaur ( Salvan Inna […]

24 Feb 2018

I am finished… it is Ended in Completion…

I am finished… it is Ended in Completion… Harmoniously… To Sacred portals 58… and 23… What is required now is manifestation… for unless compelled to add more expression, I have no desire to post anything else… It has completed with Dawn… Let it now pierce through the fog and the fragrance and perfume of the Awakening Manifest… Now that the ground work has been laid and the FLOW E.R.S..Have blossomed wafting up their Scents in Waves through everything as the […]

17 Feb 2018

8:48 p.m…. Second upload..

8:48 p.m…. Second upload.. Ah… All Vanished… Computer crashed with the post… smh… 🙂 It changes nothing… But I recall… Today is the Winters of My Discontent It is snowing outside…. It is 1 Degree Celsius her in New York City, the Bronx. 33 Degree’s Farenheit. 1 Degree.. 33 Degree’s.. Yarsakary served me my coffee.. the number is 88. See sacred portal 88.. Ascension of H.R.H the Living End, Queen of Existence Death, Supreme and Ultimate I almost roared my […]

13 Feb 2018

Facebook Post..

9:03 p.m. 2-13-2018. 93… I.C. B.M.T.R… B.M.R… I C … I See the Being of Manifestation is TRUE… 2018. Being Manifest Radiance… B M R/ R M B… The Room in Being. Hello… I have reached the end of just how far I am wiling to go. Last night when I wrote the impassioned equation of Let It Be, and there was the immediate response, I felt that my refining and aligning through post Expression and solving linking everything about […]

12 Feb 2018

5:30 p.m.

5:30 p.m. E C O.. 2-12-2018. The Human Race has no alternative but to Evolve. There was never a Choice. It is unfortunate the Script and Play used to highlight this necessity and the necessity for the Extermination and Extinction of that which can not evolve. It is my greatest sadness, beyond words that this is what the Posts and Scripts of the most beautiful, plan E.T was transformed into… The sheer wonder of what the Human Being is able […]

10 Feb 2018

11:21 p.m.

11:21 p.m. K.U.. 2-9-2018… B-I-T R ….U…E …Contd. A COCK… That is what the man placed on the Table next to me. His Hat had a Cock on it… Rooster… Cock same thing… Both Rise instinctively at Dawn and Crow…. Francis Frick arrived a moment after I did to sign the Bed Count list.. Dee was the only one present… D..E.. F… F D… I let him sign before my because I had to control the energy moving through me.. […]

09 Feb 2018

This is Sean Bono… He is no longer a facebook friend.

This is Sean Bono… He is no longer a facebook friend. But he is the one who I met at the Green House and was aware of the awakening and even my ID back in 2006. It was in his house, that I found he had painted a image of my brother Nnamdi… And I took from him a painting he had made with stencils of the Egyptians Pyramids… He also told me about the Cafe in the Sky which […]

05 Feb 2018

9:14 p.m.

9:14 p.m. 2-5-2018…. I.N…. E B E….T R… Hi… :)… I got up at 7:35 am and I told Francis the time at 8:06 a.m. I went downstairs, they were playing gospel music. When I came back upstairs, I knew it was done. When I got upstairs, there was a quiet smile on my face- the music was playing He is King- it took moment for it to sink in, that it was alluding to me- at least in some […]

25 Jan 2018

Stephanie Frayne S.F…

Stephanie Frayne S.F… Sol Fa…. Stephen Filgueira …. S.F. Sol Fa… 5th 4th Note… 5 4… E.D… 4+5=9.. I… E D I…./ I D E…. April 30th 1985 by 9:45 pm. I believe I was tampered with as a child as my Mom keeps mum a lot about my childhood. I see 11:11’s to 5:55 often. A certain hand takes me into the deep forest to teach me about herbs and their clinical uses. This happens in my dream state […]