
Awakening: Through the Fog of Lies

05 May 2018

3;48 p.m…

3;48 p.m… 5-5-2018… C D H… Consciousness =Exploration of the Height and Depth of Being… 10…In Balance as An Elegant Nomad…A E N E-E- T.R… U E… Expression Energy … ( Explained) Transparently Radiantly which creates Understanding Experience .. is Expression.. The DAY OF THE DEAD… Awakening… With the Arrival of Billy Hung B.H… Will I am ..Hung… We mark the end of the Script. I have solved my Father Sons ‘ Lines Riddle of the Universal Mind -Manifest Body… […]

16 Apr 2018

The Universe of Liars and Deniars…

The Universe of Liars and Deniars… Existence of Fear of Facts… The Truth manifest… Solid Facts… It exists even here, in this Universe, Nation World- Species who exist as Liars…. 1114…. Face Book Friends 12:01 p.m. Robert Vlaun age 22 has left the play after fullfilling his role. It did not surprise me… I saw his Energy today when he came to fulfill his last role. I was aware of his expression based on the work I did with him, […]

06 Apr 2018
29 Mar 2018

9:06 p.m

9:06 p.m 96… 69… Dark Energy Dark Matter Ying Yang. Dark Energy 96% 4.6%, 5%.. 101… 11.. 1.. ( 2) a theoretical repulsive force that counteracts gravity and causes the universe to expand at an accelerating rate. Einstein’s theories So what is dark energy? Well, the simple answer is that we don’t know. It seems to contradict many of our understandings about the way the universe works. We all know that light waves, also called radiation, carry energy. You feel […]

20 Mar 2018

I have tried as much as I can to fulfill my duty to this Script and to the Truth of Humanity that you are in a Numeric Matrix.

I have tried as much as I can to fulfill my duty to this Script and to the Truth of Humanity that you are in a Numeric Matrix. Where People are being moved by a sinister force which has nothing to do with the True Script of the Evolution of the Species… ..And yet has everything to do with it. Peter Nyarkô P.N.. P=16, N=14. Peter, as I have stated is part of an equation as have all the people […]

18 Mar 2018

12:17 p.m.

12:17 p.m. Check Mate. C M. Cosmic Chess C.C. Crossing Death C D. God is Death Infinite Harmony is Life. C.M 3 13 E =C Me 4/3 C C 3 3 2 usd from Nicola Robinson C.D 3 4 Time which Leland Johnson sent me the image of the 100 usd he found LB 144..V * My Govt Phone is back on Tel No: 13 47 313 (Symetrical ) 67 78 (Flip…87 76…M W87 MW 69..S.P. 76.. On the Ground […]

18 Mar 2018

Rajiya Talib R T…

Rajiya Talib R T… Excellent Healer ( Maduabuchi Henry Excellent) Nicola Robinson.. R.T. E.H.. N.R… R E N… EE…. T H R… E E… Rebirth of the 3… Sacred Portal 76 The 123 CockSure of The First Dawn Awakening… Dear lord… I am still solving… ! Hello… I am tagging each of you because you represent the end of an equation which I have been solving 25 years consciously. I began working on it in 1989, but it was not […]

09 Mar 2018
09 Mar 2018

8:59 a.m…

8:59 a.m… 9:00 a.m. 3-9-20 18… * I noticed that Aiden Bartok my latest Facebook friend has 59 facebook friends. It was a number which kept appearing yesterday as I made my way to Starbucks. It represents Sacred Portal 59 which represents the End of the Story, the Last and Final book of life which is the Book of Filth and Self Hatred- and the departure of the Last guardians and protectors from this realm, leaving it at last to […]

28 Feb 2018