
Awakening: Through the Fog of Lies

17 Jun 2018

This is What Kyle Murphy showed me yesterday.

This is What Kyle Murphy showed me yesterday. It is the episode is where Goktu of Dragon Ball Z achieved Infinite Limitlessness… Infinite Instinct… meaning he already knows through Instinct the move his opponent is going to make. Goktu: The Divine Angel Above All the Gods of Destruction I watched it, parts of it, linking it to the play upstairs in the T,V room. And that the second part of my Journey began with Goktu, a person I have known […]

15 Jun 2018
06 Jun 2018


1168 50 and 18… 68… 5-02 p.m. 52.. E.B. It woud appear that there is one force who wished to frustrate my efforts by the tediousnes of this play, and another which wished me to complete it… G L. L.G… i Slept on and off today for almost 9 hours… 3 to 1:42 a.m.. Fitful, no rest. Just riddles passing through my head and awakening to pounding heading and looking around dazed as to what I am doing in a […]

05 Jun 2018

11 65 Facebook Friends

11 65 Facebook Friends Meaning from what I have understood is that the 65 code was still being contested. And was won when Brittany Bertin became my 11 65 Face Book Friend. B B Code as B O D Y AND BEING Linked by I.Emeka… The post that crashed had the detail expressio and break down of the true reason why numbers were allowed to come into Existence and Zero as he Counting System ( AB AC US) Came into […]

21 May 2018

2:56 p.m.

2:56 p.m. 5-21-2018.. Being Evolution -a Fact. E U T R … E Understanding Transarent Robert-Famous Bright Shinng Of Light (Omar L is a person here I noted and who always appeared around me, as if waiting to be acknowledged. Jacquo Quanma’e Lewis told me his name yesterday.. They were room mates He is always doing Math Equations says Q) /R ..T U E R Robet Tue To Kill…Tuesday. so that is the O L . Of Light… Of Love. […]

20 May 2018

11:55-56 p.m.

11:55-56 p.m. 5-19-2018 K E E … K E F. E S T R…. E.E.T E S T R E E T…. E S T R E E F. * E- Street in Alpha Bwt City, now known as the Lower East Side, is where I found the Dark Green Plaqe with the word Grace…How Sweet The Song…. (H S T S ….8…Infinity 1910…29…11…2 1010 Jay Balance 44…8… Billy Hung 44…8 Jacqui Q L Bed 4-004…44…8 Blair Andrews 44…8… 3 […]

12 May 2018

8:17 p.m.

8:17 p.m. H.Q. 5-12… E L… 20 18… T R…. U E… H Q… E L T… R U E…. So you now can see how this Play Script… It is Numeric and we move numerically through the Universal Simulation Awakening Manifesting Expression Truth… Tonne was here, I was sitting besides him as he spun spirals out of copper strands. Recall Eton.. and his copper wires.. and what wires do? Conduct Electricity. The Copper wires Eton/ Note gave me, are […]

12 May 2018

11:45 p.m.

11:45 p.m. 5-11- 2018…. @ 1139 Face Book Friends The Day began with the Play of the arrival of Kyle Murphy ( the view of two face book friends rep backwards as Marty Kyle Marty Kyle.. M.K.. To K.M…R K M…. R.M…) As my 11 39th Facebook Friend. 11 is Letter K… ( A-A) 39 3=C. 9=I.. K C I…. 3 33 333….36.. 6 is 9… 36 360…O… 9=I J K H.in Harmony to Infinity was played out here in […]

10 May 2018

2:15 p.m.

2:15 p.m. B O… 5-1O- 20 18..(38 11) U E..21 5 (26 8) E A O… T R U E… C H I ( 38 11 2 11 =1 ) K B K A… C E…. H I… Evolution Awakening Full Circle in Perfect Symmtery of Perfect Timing… is True. Transparent Refletions Understanding Existence Consciousness Harmony is Infinite Beautiful Awareness… C.E.. Cain Eden Harmony.. Billy came after Cain Eden who represents me as C.E, as my second 1133 Face Book […]

08 May 2018

10:56 a.m.

10:56 a.m. 5-8-2018… Coffee number 600…. 10:58 a.m. See sacred portal 56.. 58… 6.. Sixth Senses O O. E.F… E H… F… T R .. U E.. 11 38 Face book Friends… Two Supremes lines.. Silence Sound… S S… 19 19.. 38… K 2… Kirtan Kartana… e… 11= 2.. B… Body represented by Billy Hung Billy Fred…. B B H F.. 11= 1.A… Awareness.. Jace Horsford J= 10.. 1O.. A O… (* Chief A. Olufemi… God Father… Guide Father.. Nnamdi) […]