
Awakening: Through the Fog of Lies

06 Feb 2019

2:23 p.m.

2:23 p.m. 2-6-2019.. Be Aware, that we are evolving… That I no longer act the journalist ( Clark Kent.. C.K) and the Captain of the Star-Ship Enterprise Awakening, detailing in my Captains Log on Face book which has been acting at the same time as The Daily News..as well as playing a sort of hybrid of Professor X and Wolverine… …and reporting every detail of what is going on. I have stated over and over again, I this is not […]

01 Feb 2019

5:34 p.m.

5:34 p.m. 2-1-2019… E C D… B A T S… ( 2 O 19… B F S…J…. 19= 10… O= 15 letter..6..F) E C D…E C B D…Yes see Miracle Heb Mari Juana… * Mari.. Husband in French… Juana means Juan John… A =Alexander… B A T S… 69… Base Ball Diamond… 69…Bats use sixth sense and sound and hang upside down. B F…Best Friend ( H.. Harmony)…J S… rep John Mack and Stephen Popiotek J M..S.P… Jump Man…Micheal Jordan… […]

29 Jan 2019

6:16 p.m.

6:16 p.m. 1-29-2019. F P. A-B I-T.S… A B I B O S… A B I B S… ( A B I @ 219…Being Supreme A Supreme exemplification and representation of Being) A B F S./S F..B A -A Best Friend Supreme .. Harmonious Expression A B.F.. S H E. Free Person – Meaning of the word Franco- France .. A B F S./S F..B A -A Best Friend Supreme .. Harmonious Expression A B.F.. S H E. Hello, The […]

27 Jan 2019

From Nathaniel Thomas Bywater

From Nathaniel Thomas Bywater N T B. Nicholas Tesla By Water. I just shared a comment Post Script In this end play of the Weave of the Script indicating the 5 reps of the E who passed through the Waterfall. Then I saw this share. N T B. Beautiful Truth Naturalness 7:06 p.m 76 Sacred Portal the 123 Cock sure of the First Dawn Awakening But the Awakening has already taken place, but why have we only experienced it visually […]

16 Jan 2019

7:52 p.m.

7:52 p.m. Sacred Portal 37… Rays McKayla did you remember the number 37.. something which you told me came to you… and how I explained it… This is what all this Hoopla is really all about. Evolution Awakening, though begun and completed had one last aspect – it required the Evolution of the Body as well as Consciousness and Expression-Awareness.. A B C… Sacred Portal 37… Sacred Portal 37 Artful Professor…of Love…Beauty… L B.. 8 p.m… *Christopher Filgueira Mother and […]

05 Jan 2019

From Tree Sage

From Tree Sage Courant Cummunity C.C. This is the Totem I had noted when I first went to Chiefy’ s ( Kim) show. A lot is happening… So much is being built and linking, And yet the desire to post and describe the events going on is becoming less, perhaps because ppl are rising… No matter. Still, it’s unfortunate that no one else is documenting the actual facts of the Awakening story for history… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

02 Jan 2019

From Haris Babic H B… Harmonious Being…

From Haris Babic H B… Harmonious Being… I have literally observed this in Haris along with an Intelligence and Humanity which I did not wish to believe any more after such a play. He is one of the most brilliant people I have met and in his articulation of the Script and Play… He did his homework… His brother is the one whose birth year is H A! 9:29 p.m… My heart welled up on our first meeting and all […]

01 Jan 2019

8:35 p.m

8:35 p.m H C E. Christopher Filgueira has gone to dinner at his grandmothers Isabel/Elizabeth, and Cecil with Stephen. Tree Sage, Kim Chiefy is with his lady A. C S .E C… C S.I. C ( Christopher lived in New York ( Staten Island.. where I was during 911 with Donald.. which means Universal Ruler ..S I. S.I with Michea l at the B R C.. bed 005 me 007.. 7 5… 5 7.. E B T card play 2016.) […]

01 Jan 2019

Who is the True Source of Everything.

Who is the True Source of Everything. You as Humans of this Age. Or the Source Creator.. S C. Source of the Source Codes. This is what every person I have been led to by this wave since March 20, 2001 has challenged and acted out. All except Chiefy and Chris.. and 19 yr old McKayla Rays and 21 yr old John Macdonald but who required my expression.. 17.9 years of watching, be set up and already having been through […]

31 Dec 2018

2:34 p.m.

2:34 p.m. 12-31-2018. New Years Eve. N.Y.E. You can not go home, if you do not know how to tell the truth. The codes have proven that before the end of 2018 that the World, the key figures in the World will be fully congnizant that we are literally in Evolution Revelation and Awakening This is the literal truth of this End play, right to the last scenes taking place here with Stephen Filgueira and myself, here at the House […]