
Awakening: Through the Fog of Lies

15 Jun 2019

Still at 12 67 Facebook Friends

Still at 12 67 Facebook Friends … 8:50 p.m B.K. E. 67. I opened the Book of Nature so you can read… Allah told Mohammad to Read Read the book of Nature. Read the Sign of the Times.. Write it down my Script, truthfully honestly, following carefully, not blindly.. Odera once, it is written, having obeyed my Script to the letter and number, and accurately precisely, and obediently waiting, pausing for for my confirmation, I will promise you, at its […]

14 Jun 2019

From Laura Walsh

From Laura Walsh Sent to me at 8:24 pm E M F = 24. Yes, after 18 years, of moving through a predeterned Scriot of People and places, reaching recently a portal with two code 317. And 5 17. 17 is Q. It equates to Quantum Leap Jump Change And is the thread of using my own equation for Quantum Mechanics, E =C M.e.4/3. Which I have been using to consciously transforming blackness of the idea of a random universe […]

11 Jun 2019

Expression Money

Expression Money Energy Money E M. M.E E = C M.e 4/3.. Energy Conversation Money I work hard for the Money, I work hard with each person I am sent to, linked and connected on a trail of 29 years which, I once again stress, I was forced to tread upon. I heal, clean, show, enter into people’s world’s, and in order to ensure their way of being alien to mine, I remind them, show them fight for them to […]

10 Jun 2019

This is what formed on my Table naturally.

This is what formed on my Table naturally. Can you read it? It’s like a Scale of Justice Using the Universal Sensie Stick of Balance.. On one side is the Golden nugget and the dense volcanic matter used for its nutrients The Fulcrum is the H.U. . Simple it is also chocolate brown On one side is Green : 4th Color ..center of the Rainbow. Hear Chakra O- 8 44. 8 On the other side is the Wolf and trapped […]

09 Jun 2019

E= C M.e 4/3

E= C M.e 4/3 4:53 p.m D E C… December 12 Month 12 4 3 = 12. Delta.. The Heart wants more Expression Clarification * My Equation states that Expression is the source of C Sped of Light, Consciousness, Conversation, Communication Creation- Mass through the expression of the Human Avatar Descendants of the Big E. And thus, my still posting, despite my protest that there is no more Expression requires, that All is in Clarity and Harmony of E, I […]

09 Jun 2019

From Angela Dawn

From Angela Dawn A.D Aora Dawn Dawn Aora. D.A. The First 123 True Cock-sure of the First Dawn Awakening T.C O T F D A Original Facebook Post: Click Here

05 Jun 2019

9:34 p.m

9:34 p.m I C.D This post is a final coding. Please ignore it, it was written for the Future and so, I did not write it with any intention to explain. The future present will understand it. This is the Completion of the West Side, White Side story. And it ends with Sarah Kaizer. S A K. E Names of those actors present embodied and with supporting actors: E M F. E. K.B K. A S H, M R B, […]

03 Jun 2019

McKayla Rays, Mother, Marie Lucid Vision Dream and Intelligence..

McKayla Rays, Mother, Marie Lucid Vision Dream and Intelligence.. Solved. 6:00 p.m This post should be the last of the E.Q and Riddles of this Existence/World. 5:58-9 p.m. 5:47 p.m E 4 7. 11. 28. 39. 12. 3 5 11. 2. 1. E K. B. A 5 2. 51 E.B. E A E A MANU. *see the meaning of the name Manu 6-3-2019 F C. T S. Full Circle, Time Script. ( Time Code) F A..C T S Hello, Yes, […]

02 Jun 2019
12:52 p.m

12:52 p.m

12:52 p.m L.E.B. A B.E B. The Being. Completion of Being E. 6-2-2019. F B. T S. Facts in Being is The Script. @ 1259 Facebook Friends L E I.. Lei! Lei is an O I Nri Igbo Word which means Look Look! At Beauty, and Beautiful Pride in stance movement and posture… It can be described as an quivering Blade of Grass or a reed, an arrow which pushes through all obstacles.. Standing impossibly tall, supple and proud. There […]

29 May 2019

1:01 p.m

1:01 p.m A O A Alpha Omega Alpha. 5-29-2019.. E B.I T. S.. E A-Z ( 26 +3) A B C. T S Quantum Leap Jump.. Victorious From 219 217. South Whitney Esteban Miguel Filgueira McKayla Rays Emeka Kolo E M E.. Kim Arthur Hines K A H. E M E. Tree Sage E.T John Mack to Jesse Macias 1:11 p.m J M J M J J. M.M. 10 10 .. 20. 2. B M M. 13 13. 26. Z […]