
Awakening: Through the Fog of Lies

24 Aug 2019

From John Mack

From John Mack 1:31 code. My going home naturally and as indicated by this Script is from this current portal and Marks the end of a life long journey and the Evolution Awakening of the world experienced by everyone. I have recieved overwhelming confirmation of this but after the play I have been in, In which this knowing the orginal script, and my suddenly made aware yestetday that the constant set up dissapointmebts and delays and proofs was Humanities expression […]

17 Aug 2019

3:37 p.m right now is

3:37 p.m right now is From Busayo Alonge I have already transmutated mine.. But this Pain given, especially through this Play will never make sense to me. I wake up each day muttering this.. That this play is too.evil. malucious and cruel.. I have spent the last 14 years reflecring on this.. How this journey of Evolution Awakening is founded on Pain…and suffering. I understand it, and that is why perhaps it will never make sense. It was never necessary […]

16 Aug 2019

9:46 p.m

9:46 p.m Excuse me, I wish to.make something clear which I have stated many times before. My body being released, my Going Home And this Equation E Quantum, but most of all my Solving Father evolved from my Son thriugh Brother ( and now SIster) to Equals- His Riddle Her riddle of the Matrix and Universal Mind. Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze..= H. By getting it correct.. Frees me from this Endless toil of my Life, and frees all of […]

12 Aug 2019

9:21 p.m

9:21 p.m I.U.. God Lord! I really would have liked to share or talk to some one about what is going on in my body, the process, the link to the Holgraphic Universe. Yes there is John Mack ( Damned Play Boy… Ah just like me) But his still the Last Actor with Tree SageTree in the Play. I.had to reach John and Kim Arthur Hines They represent the Gate way put Grace and Knowledge Knowing And Gratitude. 9:27 p.m […]

10 Aug 2019
09 Aug 2019
05 Aug 2019

Sacred Portal 22…. 22 USD…

Sacred Portal 22…. 22 USD… The Brown Owl.. The Golden Owl…. Sacred Portal 22… Narcissus Adonai Adonis… N.A A. I am AGE.. My Victorious One and Only I Agedi.. Ass hole Anus Wreck Tummy First and Last Alpha and Omega The True One First Cock of the Awakening NZTF. E 5:45 p.m, 6:27 pm… Cock Balls…John Thomas…Mound of Venus… Mercury Delivers the Message from the Eternal Realm..Expression.. Energies Source… 6:28 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

03 Aug 2019

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge I suppose in a way this is true, but its not that Hatred persay.. Its more how you are treated, for bringing the truth. The levels of ingratitude, the selfishness of people… The lack of support… I wake up, wading through the awareness of it each day.. I used to torment nyself, Have I not told the truth? Brought a beautiful Truth. Given evidence proof facts.. I wake up, my body twisted and groaning, and I go […]

31 Jul 2019

5:02 p.m

5:02 p.m E B 5 O. 2. 56 2 7-31-2019.. Yesterday’s post on the Patrick play 6:31 and 7:31 pm. John Mack had a similar play with his former flatmate Ian Patrick Stewart. I P S… I was with Jesse Macias in the afternoon and Luke. J E L J C L… was the code we formed with me as both Emeka E rep of the 5th and Chukwuemeka rep of the C.. Confirmed by my current address and its […]

28 Jul 2019

From Sonya Perry

From Sonya Perry Who has been sharing my post… Sonya… look whats behind you.. Comming out of the frame of the picture.. The deep darkness.. A Black Panther.. Now see the time how, 5:28.. 5:29 p.m Its the True Story of my Sacred Journey through distortion of the Original Story The Truth.. Existing in Natures Blue Print and every where. John Mack Tree Sage Alicia Norris Alexa Vertefeuille Now go full circle to my arrival in Connectucut, Newington.. *Johns back […]