
Awakening: Through the Fog of Lies

24 Oct 2019

5:06 p.m

5:06 p.m 56 E.F. 5:17 p.m E.Q. 5-18 p.m E.R. 10-24-2019. Jay-X- T S. Eternal Family .. Express Facts= Truth. E Quation E Quantum. E Reflections. Express Radiance Balance is Jay Joy Happiness is The Script. Hello.. Yes, I am being used as a Medium. This is what yesterdays play was about. My playing a Medium and Transformer and a Bridge between the 3 D world and the 5 D world. History and the Hi- Story. The merging of two […]

19 Oct 2019
15 Oct 2019

4:52 p.m

4:52 p.m D E B. 10-15-2019. J O. T S A O A E.T S A-F-A T S.. Alien Father @ S. Alien Father Alpha The Script. * Alien Father is the Head of the A-Lien Council Representatives in this world is the Consciousness of Babies. Please link 7 Month old son of Liberty C Liscomb and Thomas Lang. Others call Him/Her The Full Circle’ Big Bang.. Really the First Orgasm. O.H His Feninine aspect is A.H. 158 1- 8. […]

14 Oct 2019

Via Liberty C Liscomb

Via Liberty C Liscomb There is only one reason I have lived through this play of passing through people’s portals. And that is because of the Blue Print of the Evolution and Awakening of Humanity, And providing them the intel to see the evidence. There is no other reason, despite people seeking to make it any other reason but that. I have provided enough evidence of that and I have seen and witnessed the response. Watch my response to the […]

18 Sep 2019

The Great Witch and the Hypnotic War Lock.

The Great Witch and the Hypnotic War Lock. 12:12 p.m L.L. 9-17- 2019. I.Q. T S… Code reflected here by Liberty C Liscomb L.L. As well as I.Q. code of her home portal. I am passing through a Embodied Reflection of what I am and orginally represent. Her own alignment is based on if she is aligned to the meaning of her name in E code. L L. 24. E M F * I met Liberty through Esteban Miguel Filgueira […]

14 Sep 2019

Are you bored?

Are you bored? Well can you imagine being awake your entire life, working unconsciously or consciously to the day of the Evolution Awakening of Everything. Imagine, you had no idea that you would be working on that and bringing into Exisrence and being the Original Species, the first to ever walk the earth, so long before Humanity.. I am speaking of those who walked on it and helped create it Its Holodeck, its Universal Simulation. Its blue print. Beings who […]

05 Sep 2019

Facebook Post..

7:56 p.m H.. G : E.F 9-5-2019. I E.T S. Harmony Grace is E Family. Infinity Eternity The Script Exemplified by The Source. 7:58 p.m … And truly I am not amused. ( Because it means, that I am being told, that which I am already aware.. That I was used as an example, to show and demonstrate how the seemingly most lost lamb has a homing device, G.P S, and built in Secretion which leaves a trail, leading one […]

30 Aug 2019

10:47 p.m

10:47 p.m J D G. 8-29-2019. H B.I. T S. Spencer Thomas Twin I Be Harmony – Freedom. H F. 86. 14. N. 5. E. Liberty C Liscomb Twin Liberty Equality. L E. 12 5. 17. Q. 8 H. E H. E8 Hello, I have moved. From Hartford to Harwington. H H. Linked by Newington N H N H.. First before I start, I wished to clear up a code. Libertys code is 76. And Age code 43.. But I […]

27 Aug 2019
26 Aug 2019

1:58… 1:59 p.m.

1:58… 1:59 p.m. 4:33 p.m 8-25-2019. Hello… A Portal has opened up for me after a play took place with Jesse Macias. Was about me standing up, speaking up for the Eternal Actual Truth, of what is really taking place in the world and in each persons life. I have had to do this for 18.5 yrs, 17 of them consciously. And since I said no to Susan Train in Paris, editing my journals. 26.8 years ago. * Yesterday, after […]