
Cast and Crew of the Last Movie…

Cast and Crew of the Last Movie…

John Milton’s Paradise Lost…


A Consciousness Eternal.


A P.A….L.A.C.E… Beyond the Lace Veil…




The Son of God… ( T,S…O.G…O.7…( 39 15 7…51…Ea…6..F

God The Father.. (G.T.F… 7 20 6..7+20+6…33..CC…6..F)

(F.F…66… Francis Frick… FF…12…L… 3..C… Trayshon means 3…)

Raphael… Arch Angel of Music and Song and Healing

Michael.. Arch Angel of Destruction and Vengeance the One who looks like God… Literally.


Code Cypher revealed… S.A E.T…S.O…G.G…T…F.I.R.M

S.A.V.E…Traishon Sumler O.G..( Emmanuel) G.E.T… F.I.R.M…F.O.R.M….O.I… INFORM HI M..E.

S.A..E.T…G.R.M… S.A.Y.. Eternal Truth.. Grace R.M…U.S.I.C..

S A E.. Truth 7 is the Room in Space..


S.A.. 19..1..(Todays Date) K.E…(115) T…Truth, G -Rooms…

Truth Groom Its self…

Self Respect… S.R…

Trayson means Three 111… A.B.C…3

E GA (71) LA (121) XY (2425..49 D.I/I.D.)


Sumler I found to mean A Cake Turner a person who will do anything to get a Laugh…. A Joker…

Which is strangely how Traishon described himself to me today…

In Swedish it means To Collect, to Gather.. Basically the Sum..L..E.R…L-12..23… Sum 35…C.E.

So here we have a Cast of 7 main characters in John Milton’s Paradise Lost…

But there should be 8…

Y is missing… 25…2

S.A.Y….E.T….G…R.M. Delta M…Rm 4B…

Excuse… I was solving a riddle publicly which aligned to the Date and to the play of the Evolution Awakening… E.A

*See the play with Enkil with Nenad M. Djurdjevic…. Water..

Play of 33… Which was played out with Chike Cyprian Nwosu + Ckc Nwakonobi… 3;33 Post..330 USD…and with Traishon 3…

3 is C… Consciousness…Harmony Infinity .. K.E.. 11 5.

Harmony is God….

7 is 8…

O Music Grace… O.M.G..


Harmony Infinity….Eternity

Eternal Grace… E.G…


5 Oceans

7-6 Continents…


Seven See’s Five Expression…5 in 1…6.

7-5…7-56….7 11.. 7 1..


Do Rey Mi Fa Sol-La…

7 in 1…8…


seven continents

By most standards, there are a maximum of seven continents – Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Europe, North America, and South America. Many geographers and scientists now refer to six continents, where Europe and Asia are combined (because they’re one solid landmass).

The Seven Seas (as in the idiom sail the Seven Seas) is an ancient phrase for all the world’s oceans.[1] Since the 19th century, the term has been taken to include seven oceanic bodies of water:[2][3]

the Arctic Ocean

the North Atlantic Ocean

the South Atlantic Ocean

the Indian Ocean

the North Pacific Ocean

the South Pacific Ocean

the Southern (or Antarctic) Ocean

The World Ocean is also collectively known as the sea. The International Hydrographic Organization lists over 70 distinct bodies of water called seas.[4]

7 7… G.G…14…N…5…E….


Boulo GNE.

E N.G… E..14 7… 21…U…3..C..




There was a play which took place today which took place with my Self and Traishons Spirit confirming that he was is activated…

It began with Traishon asking to borrow from me, some cash which he would pay back later…5 USD…

I had only 20 USD left in my Wallet…

Both Chases, I stated yesterday are leaving…one who was transfered and the other who had got a Home through the system..

CC.. i had noted… C.C.. 33.. But the White or Caucasian Chase was Victorious…

He was the link which first connected Traishon and I in the very beginning and then in turned out the same..

Chase had not yet left…

And Tray wished to buy something from him…

In a repeat performance of the play which I had denied him 10 usd…

(Tooth Ache)…

He asked for 5, I had no change and he gave me 5 USD at first in 5 ones… And I noticed that it was Marked with the number 20…

20 is T.. Truth…

The same play which took place with Kerwyn Vincent’s E Spirit

And then Chase came down and gave Tray 2 5’s…

And I said my good byes to a person I knew I would see again…Who lived in room 4A bed 36… The exact same bed and position as Brown Chase in room 3A..

I am in Room 4B with Tray who is in bed 4019….

Todays Date…T.D…

Traishon David….

Donald Trump is being sworn in Tomorrow…

We have very little time to complete this equation…

1 USD…K 00 51 67 58 H…/ H.85 76 15 00 K..!

1 U.S.D…K 005…16…75…8.H.

1 Chase in Room 4A Bed 36… Chase in Room 3A…Bed 36…

Caucasian Chase… C.C…3 3

Afro Chase…. A.C…1 3

E=C.Me 4/3…

It was Caucasian Chase who who we both connected to…

Full Circle…

And the three of us formed a Circle…

And then, I knew of course that Three of of would be leaving, going Home.. Free.. to our Houses…

Frank is sitting besides me..

And I knew that Afro Chess represented the 3rd Dimension.. Which could not be free until they freed their 4th Dimension

Freed their Minds… From Mental Slavery….

And then, as I took the 3 5 as 5 ones, and Two Fives..

5 55…Traishon told me, You know I fucked up the other day…

There was an assumption he had made and argued me to death about that day which caused me to conclude and provide the evidence that his line had brought Evil into Existence by Expressing the Truth, without first investigating….

And,I had challenged him. and he had fought back saying he had the Feeling, and that his truth came from within him.. his Spirit…

Well it turned out that I was correct and he had been terribly wrong..

Feeling is not a Fact until it is investigated…

His Espirit had given me 5 1’s…

The Code Above…

He was saying You are Truth.. Beautiful Truth… because I had given my version to Tray that day of a better version of the Truth of his rendevous with the girl…

And my Truth had been the correct reading….

6:51 p.m.

A 21 year old came and sat besides me..

then Rahul joined my table…

Peter was speaking about Pandoras Book and the riddle of what was left behind in the Box…

I did not wish to speak..

Rahul came in carrying the Wizards First Lesson…

Investigate Feelings.. follow the Trail until the Feeling Reveals its self as a Fact

I waited for Rahul to provide the code.. but he was not able to…

S, I did…

Why would the Hope be the only thing Left…

That the Chaos she saw was an illusion and She had that Hope that it was an illusion she had created and that she could put all the pieces of the puzzle back together…

Pan Door A..H…

Sacred Portal 100.. Rob Barr.. O.R.B.. She was first a H.E.. 85…

And the H.O.P.E…. H.O.P.I…

Was that E. P….O.H.. would help Him figure out how to solve the Mess-Ages… Mess of Ages…

By Proving Harmony Full Circle Perfectly Expressed..


Peter means Rock…

Rahul means Conqueror of All Miseries,Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Rahul. Possibly means able, efficient in Sanskrit. This was the name of a son of Gautama Buddha

P.R…but I was the one who built the bridge….

P.E.R… P.R.E….

Then they moved to the other side and Frank came and sat besides me P.E.R.F.E.C.T… C is Tray…I.O.N..


Perfection….I’m Possible…

Now the 55 year old woman Brenda is sitting besides me…

Donald Trump…?

David Traishon… 3.. Collected the Sum Total of The 5 55…3 5..

C.E .. The Point….

D.T.. Beloved Traishon… The Beloved Truth… The Beautiful Truth…

The Beloved 3…C…Creator’s Expression…

T.D…Todays Date…19th.. S.. 20… Truth…B.. 55…

T D.Beloved…E.R..I.K.E…E-Bright… Born 4-20..2006…

April 20th…2006….A.T…26.. B.F…Harmony….

36 +36= Chase and Chase 2 Full Circles… 72… Afro and Caucasian A.C… 1 3…4 Dimension…

This is insane.. A Riiddle at this point..!!!???

Code Dishaun Milton… Delta Manor…DI.-Shaun

Sean Bono Johnny Camille… My brothers two in one from the past…

Max Tunee….


Okay… I have got to pause…

Let me state that I began my journey to Paris Twice just as I did with New York…

I moved to New York the on the Second Time I was here…

3-20-2001.. But first came in Dec 27th or so… 1999..

And The same with Paris, Sept October 1991…

And I moved January 20th…1992…

Which is When American Presidents are Inaugurated.



Saib means..name Saib | means Right, Appropriate, Correct.’

Holder Master Owner….H.M.O…H.O.M…E…

Just Poignant… Direct Free of Sin… J.P… D.F.OS../ # S.O.L! F.D..

As Well as Forsaken Abandoned….F.A.


Sai means…


(plural sai)

A handheld weapon with three prongs, used in some Oriental martial arts.


From Japanese ? (sai).

3 Prongs… (A Trident)

*It means saint, master, or lord in Sindhi and Marathi, from the Dari Persian sayæ

Originally, ???? (sayeh) was a poetic way to refer to Sufi mystics in Persian. It literally means shade with the connotation of protective and influential. Sayeh in of itself is a name among Iranians. With the Mughal conquest of India, it was loaned into many languages. Sindhi Sufis added the suffix ?? ?? -i(n) to the root word to make it the adjective ????? ???? sai(n) an honorific meaning saint, master, or lord. In fact, Modern South Asian Sufis often refer to God as Allah sai(n)

It also means..

The quote from Swami (above) states in a nutshell why we greet someone with Sai Ram. It is a remembrance of God, the one God that IS the other person and ourselves

The word Sai can be split into two: Sa and Ai. We have been told that Sa means universal father, while Ai stands for universal mother. Sathya Sai Baba, our Sai, is our mother and father.

Ram can be viewed as a shortening of Rama. One interpretation of this word is that Ra is the Fire Principle, which burns all to ash, while ma stands for maya or illusion, so together, they mean the destruction of illusion.

Sai Baba has said also that Rama means He who pleases, fills with bliss, causes delight, that Rama means the joy that comes from love.

In Sanskrit…

Sai Boy Flower

Sai Girl a flower

2. Name(split by word) Word Word Sanskrit Meaning

R – u – thwik sai u 1. an enclitic copula used frequently in the Vedasvedas

2. a particle implying assent

3. on the other hand

4. Name of Siva,

5. Name of Brahman

ru – thwik sai ru 1. to make any noise or sound , sing (as birds) , hum (as bees)

2. cutting , dividing

3. light

Ruthw – i – k sai i 1. to succeed

2. to advance , spread , get about

3. Name of kandarpa , the god of love

Ruth – wik – sai wik 1. cl A to go

2. to move ?,said oa treeonto trip,jump,to explain,make clear

And it means to Paint


8:01 p.m.




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