
Busayo Alonge – Kim Arthur Hinds

Busayo Alonge – Kim Arthur Hinds

Busayo Alonge
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr

Liberty C

8:59 a.m..


According to intel from Kim today
S U.. Stephen Popiotek U=21. M.13 I found in my wallet and spent yesterday

M.M.is Marylin Munroe.

Which is correct
Link to Rob Barr

M/M = 1 A.

So. We now are at E S ( Pegasus Fuel Gas Station here.

E S U MM A… R is Response Reflection Reaction

I found the purple letter R when Kim travelled to Alabama 22 State same state which Axel Love is from

Y was played out recently too.

As 250. Y O.

E SUM Mary ( Mary Arden… I felt him so intensely the other day though I have not seen or spoken to him going on two years or since 8-6-2020.

Fahad Hassen
/ H.F

Arden Gemino-Gemini
Knows what he will do with the Books E Mannual World Con.- his higher self moved me to me to write…

E S U M. M A R Y O.


E SUMMA R Y O F .. E H. E Harmony.


E S U MM A R Y. OF E H./ E H O.M.E.

I do understand this as being a message from the Family of Ten.10.

Anne McHugh was the go between

It was she in the background when I connected and then moved to 900 South Road

” At the Completion of the mission of the Family of T E N.
The Elegant Nomads

You, Emeka Kolo

E H O M E.

9:17 pm.


Who knows if it’s the Truth
We will just have to wait at see.

10th State.

Aurelia Jeron Azure.

9:18 pm.

I R.
I A.H.

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