
Brittany Mightbe

Brittany Mightbe

Lamin Adan Jadama…


L.A. J.


The Equation and play of course, was meant to be over once all three of my Machinesshut down at the same time.

i am using Leo, the 17th year old computer because i had to send a message to Lisa Natalie Johnson,

another set up about the code 20… and yes today is the 20th.

And Lisa Natalie Johnson just arrived in a perfection of harmony, but i already knew what the play was about.

That i would have to wait, ( as she had waited earlier), normally it would be in perfect Harmony, where i would have met her without any requirement to find a computer to message her.. Which by the way, she received the message while on the way to see me here- knowing that i would be here after 6.

It it was a test, much to my incredulity, of my own Harmony as being the source of the Twins Harmony.. the twins being the Two plus She….

I am writing right now in a Macbook Air Computer….

yes sacred portal 26…

And yes, the play was about my harmony outside of Death the Stream Computer bought by Jonn Blackwell ( john Delguidce.. JD…) And Donna O Sullivan.. D.O.S…

As well as the L.G tribute 5 phone from Erik Ebright, ( EE) linked to the LG Phone bought by Albert Santana for me, and the Galaxy phone which Nikoma Rios gave me which was mysteriously stolen in Pelham Park…

* i am right now in the area of Pelham Park which is a stones through away and is where I had made the completion of the play 7 years ago with Fritz Venneiq being there-

It was where i stated that I witnessed with Fritz Venneiq the landing of the E. And he witnessed the transformation of nature.

I saw Brenda Booth yesterday, and i told her that i believed that i was being made aware that the Equation solving is over and that i no longer had to appear on Face Book and though, i am aware of how i am meant to go home that after what i have experienced of the testing and challenging of my Truth and my Expression to such a degree, to such a play.. that i no longer cared. That as long as i did not have to come back to the Abyss which Face book was used to illustrate- the Void. in which my Voice was meant to be passed through.. swallowed up by the simulations idea of Existential Death.

Brenda stated that she could see a Joy in me, since the last three weeks. That though we did not converse ( no need) she had been observing me, and what she had observed was a Joy and peace in me, she said she saw the Image of me with a cap on, with my arms flung out in Joy, that my Being had that Joy and Peace- that i now looked like that picture- for the last 3 weeks.

I was amazed her Cee.. See…

That was in Pelham Park 7 years ago..

it was after writing the Covering Letter

C.L… ( Lisa Chukwuemeka… Luke Chukwu-emeka… 3 12…)

i wrote that document in Albert Santana’s home and I had Marina Burini send it to me here months ago if you recall.

I left A.Sanatana’s home 7-30-10…And Fritz Venneiq who is Jamaican brought me to Pelham Bay Park where i stayed with him in nature for a month, then stayed an extra month almost 2 before leaving in October- so deeply stunned and shocked that it was not over.

And that is when John Shaw ( Show.. and Explain William Tell)

introduced me to Marina Burini, and then to Tom Truman and i found myself in the Truman Show, forced for 7 years to prove my truth in the most unfair play.

Which led me full circle to Delta manor and to be admitted here by a person called Marina….

– A Play of I.Q… Karmina Marine.

Orien Laplante..D.O.B… 9-17-62…. ( Marina is 70… lisa 71 ..temp in delta manor- 72…) Orien is French and grew up in Pelham Park…

Marina Burini is italian French… I.F… 9 6….

And thus, full circle is complete is it not?

The Abyss of 7 years Marlina Lisa… M.L….

Lisa Natalie Johnson and her friend Michelle…. M.L.. 13 12.. 25..Y.

The Y as the male chromosome completed at 268 east 4th street.

the Play of Nature.. and it completed to manifestation witnessed by another apart from myself by 8-30-2010 when Fritz retuned to Jamaica.

The last 7 years….

7 O… 7 1… 77 O1…. O1 was my bio sister hotmail address.

Thus the challenge was the last phone LG4….33 Payment Plan.

I was lured here, to L.E.O… To use Leo’s computer- i had no idea that he would be here…

i found that i had to face book requests..

Brittany Mightbe…. MIGHT BE…

Lamin Adan Jadama….. LA…MIN.. ( MINUTE)…



I really have no words…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic i know you will understand what just took place..

be well..


7:32 pm

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