
Brilliant and Aligned to sacred portal 37.

Brilliant and Aligned to sacred portal 37.

The Feminine aspect embodied in the Female form of the 73 converted to 37..

Gaius Cassius to the true Gaia Caixas line.

Affirmation follows this postsing.

In the posts shared by Nenad is the literal evolution of H.E to S.H E- Supreme H.E. .


From the X to the of the Atom Eve -AE-15=O ..perfect Symmetry…

Of the Two Cees of Consciousness

As Man and Woman

M.W. (23+13) 36.

Represented by Chris Franco and Raz Berry meeting me at 😯 Balthazar.

Then our play at 78 Spring Street StarBucks…(72)

Code gift 3 USD and 2Ousd.

23…add M as Nnamdi being the two….

Twins in One.


Brings the alignment of AhTom the Twins really both EE back to NE….(Nnamdi as God as Nature refracted into two aspects of himself as

Universe Nature Expression now proven O.N.E..

Thus, Man Woman as Milky Way MW are actually the illusion of duality of Man and Woman being seperates.

The journey of course as I explained was for the Truth- as Man to align with the Beautiful Illusion B.I code Bergamo Italy, code B I as 29 as 29O Face book Friends this play has arrived to after aligning 287 Returning the World to its Senses and Sensie’s

*6:O8 pm.

With 287 (was 288 then Yonathan Yohannes 6-22 92 left the play as Death) Facebook friend Orobello Agata O-A. 288 as Gloria Ben-Z G.B (ROYGB) end of the Manifest Universe Naturally Expressed,

289 B H.I! Jamiliah Jamiliahkevava..JJ as in 1O1O or Balance or 2O T.Rue…

Beautiful Beautiful…

And finally Tasha Heavens representing 29O

Tasha Meaning Born on Christmas Heavens..

And who was born on Christmas both in Heaven then on Earth.. ?

A new Star…

A Child..

Who was the child?

What was the star…

The rep of Consciousness..


The Creator God Comming down to Earth as a man to move evolution of Consciousness as an ordinary man to inspire the Truth for all..

And which day was he born..



Represented by Yonathan Yohannes..

YY..E O as the Grace of God full circle…

No, he played his part and was eliminated from the play by his own will…

12-25 is A.B A.E..

Father E…F.E…65 the illusion recorded as my year of Birth which was given to me in order to go beyond my aspect as 66 to recreate Woman as E…

*It was not necessary.



My brother Boom was born 73 May 2O


But I arrived at my former hosts place driven by a force on the 19th of May.

Meaning the E T is actually myself as E S.

Espirit or E Spirit…which links the Expression to Truth through Supremacy.

Now I would Like to bring you back to Nikoma Rios..

The last person who gave me code money..1OO USD which was I knew the line of the N wishing me to stay more on the Streets to prove the E and evolve the N to E by Nature Aligning with the Naturals whose code is represented in my siblings..



Notice the two NN..

N is 14..

14+14= 28.


Being Harmonious which aligns to 28 8Facebook Friend Gloria Benz G B…

Green Blue…(to make Green from blue requires Yellow but when a plant is sickly it turns yellow like the Sun…Thus Green and Blue means something more than just color combination but rather a wavelength of perception..G.B is the 1st and Second or third 4th wave length seeing from right to left- the correct view. And us the 4-5 seen through left to right..


*For me there are only 5 Colors in the Rainbow and they are all 1 as 5 and can not be divided hence ROYG as are beautiful illusion ..

Indigo and Violet are Blue and Red so also beautiful illusions.


But really mean B.I.V…


29-5..since V is the Roman numerical 5…

But converting them to Letters

B.I.V…B of I is Victor

B of I is E..(5=E)


Being Exemplified.

Being the Examples

Time 6:37..

See sacred portal 37 thus is the Universe Naturally Expressed U.N.E..

E.N.U…God of the abyss? NU.

No..Elegant Nomad Universe.

To bring forth the transformation of the Beautiful Illusion to the Beautiful Truth.

By proving that the Twins as Man Woman

M.W…23+13=36…C F.

Female Male

F M.. 6+13= 19..S

Derived from

Man Male..MM..13+13..26..Z..8.H…12..L..ABC

268..12 3/3 21 86 2

Yes, it is a different way of breaking things down, a different language of consciousness which I too had to learn..

But it was easy to learn because it ia logical.. Connecting the dots…

It is good to learn a different language.

Thus, The Esther Uzoma.

Born on Earth..in the world was born






Beautiful Beautiful

Glorious Benz

Orobello Agata (The Golden Beautiful Good)

Read the Facebook play backwards

ROYGBIV/VI..Beautiful Beautiful

Jamilah Jamiliah JJ..T…Glorious Yonathan Yohannes Orien Royal Reign…

Back to from

Because the back is the front and this will give you the full picture of my Odyessy accros the Universe to.transform the Beautiful Illusion of my reflections as not Dream but a Fact..

Lady E Born.

A.E..Adama Eve.

AE..15..letter O.

As for Man I rose Complete and could not be divided Emeka…Nnamdi..






The 1 Complete…


E AhTom

E Twins.

Two in One.

That’s me…

And That is how I could be in two places at the same time..

Moving the Truth and the Beautuful Illusion to the Beautiful Truth in 1.




Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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